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Post 30 Mar 2015, 10:33 am

SLOTerp wrote:He's taking me to the prom.

Does the loser wear taffeta?
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Post 01 Apr 2015, 10:02 am

Damn, I hate taffeta! Those dice rolls should qualm concerns that Kal and I have anything but an adversarial relationship.

Turn 36 Summary
Rando drops 2 wear in the Les Combes 80's and grabs the 2nd line at 120. Kal plots 140 then brakes down to 120 with 2 sp (modified 0) to grab the line. Mike follows at 140, rolling on the brake table to 120 (naked 6), taking the inside lane. Fabio drops to 140 as he preps for Les Combes. Cody can't find the brakes as he continues on the Kemmell at 180 with his last sp (modified 8). He passes Fabio and ends on the inside lane. Brad forgot where his gas pedal is at 140. Chris catches Brad at 160. Will makes it three wide, smashing the pedal to go 180. John continues at 180 onto the Kemmell straight. Tim burns 2 wear at 180 in Eau Rouge and tucks in behind John.

Turn 37 Deadline*: Thursday, April 2nd @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)

*Note: I cannot adjudicate this Friday. If I have all the orders by tomorrow at noon (soft deadline only - I will not NPR anyone), I'll adjudicate a day early. If I don't have them, it will have to wait until Monday.
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Post 01 Apr 2015, 10:15 am

Ugh... why did I pick the inside?

It's gonna be the brake table or the chance table. I'm not telling...
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 11:02 am

Things are getting 'clumpy' in the back. Be careful!

Turn 37 Summary
Rando takes the 2nd Les Combes for free at 100. Kal has the initiative at 80, taking the first Les Combes line and the 2nd 80 for free. Mike decelerates to 60 with his last sp on the brake table (modified 7), taking both inside corners in Les Combes for free. At 100, Cody uses the outside 80's for a wear and, denied the 2nd line, moves into the 100's. Fabio takes the outside 80's for a wear and sets up on the 2nd line. All cars in the 3-wide plotted 120: Brad grabs the line, Chris takes the outside, and Will is left on the inside lane. John grabs the Les Combes racing line at 160. Tim moves to the inside lane, also at 160 and the bonus from John.

Turn 38 Deadline: Monday, April 6th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)

Have a great Easter weekend!
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 11:06 am

p.s. My roll was sent to Kal for verification.
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 5:38 pm

SLOTerp wrote:p.s. My roll was sent to Kal for verification.

I was really hoping he would roll an 11. :angel: Alas, it was a 7.
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 6:30 pm

Kal wrote:
SLOTerp wrote:p.s. My roll was sent to Kal for verification.

I was really hoping he would roll an 11. :angel: Alas, it was a 7.

Kal, that was harsh.
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Post 02 Apr 2015, 8:10 pm

Not at all. 11 wins on the come line and as I've already established the point, I'm betting the come line. He is dismayed at the 7 since it is now a loser (point established).

We are playing craps, right?
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Post 06 Apr 2015, 10:06 am

Tim is making a move with the 2nd forced pass of the race. The dice are not so kind to John.

Turn 38 Summary
Rando takes the Rivage 100's for free at 100. Kal speed up to 120 and enters the Rivage 120's for free. Mike follows Kal's lead, also at 120 in the 120's for free. Cody is stuck at 100 and grabs the inside lane. Fabio uses the 2nd racing line in Les Combes for free at 100 and pulls alongside Cody. Brad gets the initiative at 80, and takes the 1st line and the 2nd 80 through Les Combes, both for free. Chris moves next, at 80, and uses the 1st 80's and sits on the 2nd 80, also for free. Will drops to 60, travels through the 60 for free, and is stuck in the 100's with Chris occupying the 80. Tim has the initiative at 120 then brakes down to 100 with 1 sp on the table (modified 7). He drops 2 wear in the Les Combes 60 followed by a forced pass with 2 sp on Chris (modified 2), dropping another wear. John plots 80 to exceed his deceleration and rolls on the brake table (naked 10). The roll fails - be careful on those damaged brakes, John! With no place to go, he uses the outside 80's in Les Combes and takes an inside position between the corners (2nd line not requested).

Turn 39 Deadline: Wednesday, April 8th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 08 Apr 2015, 9:31 am

While Rando cruises along in the clean air, things are tightening up in the chase pack.

Turn 39 Summary
Rando takes the Puohon line for free at 140. Kal finishes Rivage at 120. Mike does the same and starts the conga line. At 120, Cody uses the Rivage 120's for free. Fabio, also at 120, burns some precious wear in the 100's and fills in the conga line. Tim plots 160 to get the initiative then brakes down to 140 with his last sp (modified 4). He drops his last wear in the Rivage 120's. Brad moseys along at 100, taking the Rivage 100's for free. Chris enters the Rivage 120's for free at 120 and stays on Tim's tail with the slip. Will completes Les Combes at 100. John uses the Les Combes 100's for free and tucks in behind Will.

Turn 40 Deadline: Friday, April 10th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 10 Apr 2015, 8:58 am

Three more corners and an anticipated turn 46 win for Rando. If you're getting bored, Rando, feel free to roll some dice :razz: .

Turn 40 Summary
Rando comes out of Pouhon at 140 and is prepped for the Fagnes line. Kal takes the Pouhon line for free at 140. Mike stays a space behind him at 120 plus the slip. Fabio takes the line at 140 to stay behind Mike. Cody jumps out to the Pouhon 140's for free with the slip on Fabio. Tim comes out of Rivage at 140 and grabs the Pouhon line. Chris finishes the Rivage 120's at speed. Brad does the same in the 100's, tucking in behind Chris. Will uses the Rivage 100's for free at 100. John brings up the rear at 120, takes the Rivage 120's for free, and stays in Will's exhaust.

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, April 13th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 11 Apr 2015, 9:06 am

SLOTerp wrote:Three more corners and an anticipated turn 46 win for Rando. If you're getting bored, Rando, feel free to roll some dice :razz: .

Hmmm... Let me think about that.
OK, I will roll some dice! I'm not bored yet! :wink:
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Post 13 Apr 2015, 9:29 am

While Rando is running away with the race, some interesting battles are taking shape behind him: Will Kal hang onto second or will Cody's powerful car make a push? Who will take the inaugural Grand Prix title between Fabio and Mike? Will the cars in back take some chances to move up in the standings? All will be known in just a few short weeks!

Turn 41 Summary
Rando takes the Fagnes line at 100 for a wear and still has plenty of tire left. Kal jumps into Fagnes on the line at 100 for a wear. Mike pulls up to the Fagnes line at 100. At 120, Fabio grabs the lane inside of Mike though off the line. Cody finishes the Pouhon line at 120 and tucks in behind Fabio. At 140, Tim uses the Pouhon line for free and grabs Cody's tail. Chris also takes the Pouhon line for free at 140. Brad does the same and refuses the slip to stay on the line. Will and John both plot 140 to take the Pouhon line in order.

Turn 42 Deadline: Wednesday, April 15th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 15 Apr 2015, 10:05 am

Fabio!!!!!!! :mad:

Turn 42 Summary
Rando tosses out one of his hoarded wear points to go 160 in the Paul Frere 140's. Kal ups his speed to 120 (by virtue of the increasing corner speed) and enters the PF 140's, breaking away from the chase pack. Fabio drops to 80 through the Fagnes outer 80's for free and occupies the last space on the line. Denied the line, Mike moves 80 on the outer 80's for free and takes the lane inside of Fabio. Fabio causes more back-ups as Cody is forced to the outside 80's as well. He tucks in behind Mike, also blocking the line. Denied the line, Tim uses the outside Fagnes 80's for free and is now stuck in the middle of the corner. Chris hits the Fagnes line at 100 for his next to last wear. Brad pulls up to Fagnes on the line at 100. At 140, Will completes Pouhon and is forced off the line in front of Fagnes. John also finishes the Pouhon corner at 140 and stays on Will's exhaust.

Turn 43 Deadline: Friday, April 17th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 17 Apr 2015, 10:11 am

In a twist of fate, Mike gets rewarded for being an @#$! while Fabio gets burned by the dice gods on his first roll. Third place will come down to the Bus Stop and at this point it's anybody's guess.

Turn 43 Summary
Rando rolls the dice to make the RM happy on the top speed table (naked 6) and zooms down the Blanchimont straight at 180. Kal accelerates to the corner limit at 140 and now has a clear path to 2nd place. Fabio rolls the dice to exceed his acceleration and go 140 but damages his engine (naked 11) and has to re-plot at 120. This gives Mike the initiative, who plotted 120 (what a jerk, right?), and he takes the inside Paul Frere for free. Fabio, denied the inside lane, is pushed to the outside PF. Cody gets caught up in all the shenanigans in front of him - he plots 140 but with no place to go in either lane and has to emergency brake down to 120, costing him a precious wear. Chris finishes the Fagnes line at 120 and enters the inside Paul Frere for free. Tim is stuck at 80 as he finishes Fagnes and is in front of the PF. Brad drops his last wear on the Fagnes line at 100 and pulls alongside Tim. Will drops his speed to 80, taking the outside 80's in Fagnes and ending on the inside lane (what a gentleman!). John exceeds his deceleration with a dice roll (naked 7) to go 80 and uses the Fagnes line for free.

Turn 44 Deadline: Monday, April 20th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)