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Post 20 Apr 2015, 9:53 am

The fight for third place is going to be legen...

wait for it...

wait for it...

wait for it...


Turn 44 Summary
Rando burns a wear to drop his speed down to 100 and is sitting on the Bus Stop line. Kal runs the Blanchimont at 160. Mike comes out of the Paul Frere at 160. Fabio test his damaged engine to go 160 (naked 8) and grabs Mike's tail. Cody ups his speed to the corner limit at 140 and sits on Fabio's bumper. Chris finishes the P.F. at speed to complete the conga line. Tim tests his acceleration to go 160 (naked 11) but damages his engine and has to re-plot. That gives Brad the initiative at 160 who then takes the Paul Frere 160's for free. After his re-plot, Tim takes the 140's for free and sits outside of the grey car. Will tests his acceleration (naked 2) to go 160 and takes the Paul Frere 160's for free. John, also at 160, uses the outside P.F. lane for free to keep astride of Will.

Turn 45 Deadline: Wednesday, April 22nd @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 22 Apr 2015, 9:59 am

Turn 46 is gonna be a doozy! Three cars coming in hot on the chicane.

Turn 45 Summary
Rando takes the Bus Stop racing line for his final 2 wear and is poised to win the race on Friday. Kal slows to 100 as he prepares for the chicane line and a 2nd place finish on Monday. Mike slows to 140 as he preps for the Bus Stop. Fabio also plots 140 and pulls alongside Mike with the slip. Cody rolls on the top speed table (naked 3) to hit 180 and make it three wide going into the chicane. At 140, Chris gets the double bonus from Cody and tucks in behind Mike. Tim gets the initiative on Brad at 180 on the Blanchimont straight. Brad takes the straight at 160 and grabs Tim's tailpipe. Both Will and John max out their top speed at 180. Will sits on Brad's bumper and John stays to the outside of Will.

Turn 46 Deadline: Friday, April 24th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 24 Apr 2015, 9:48 am

As Cody said... this is going to be a clusterf*^%!

Congrats to Rando on his win!

Turn 46 Summary
Rando crosses the finish line in first place at 120. Kal drops his last wear in the chicane racing line and is poised for a 2nd place finish. Cody gets the initiative at 120, drops his speed to 100 (naked 7) before the Bus Stop, and takes the racing line for his last wear and a roll on the chance table (naked 9). He spins out and is blocking half the chicane. Mike plots 100, drops to 80 (naked 8) and takes the Bus Stop 60's on the chance table (naked 8). He also spins and now the whole corner is blocked. With no place to go, Fabio has to drop his speed from 100 to 60 with a roll on the brake table (naked 9) and his last wear. He is sitting on the line. Also with no place to go, Chris slows down to 80 from 100 and uses his 3 SP chit to guarantee success on his brake test. He takes the outside lane in front of the chicane. At 120, Tim only has one place to go - inside of Fabio. Brad stays on Tim's tail at 120. Will pulls up alongside Brad at 140. John fills in another row on the outside, also at 140.

Turn 47 Deadline: Monday, April 27th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 24 Apr 2015, 10:12 am

That would be a cluster with a capital c. Holy cow. And -- nobody died!
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Post 24 Apr 2015, 10:17 am

This was just a prelude to next turn. That may be even more of a cluster with both a capital C and a capital F.

btw - as usual, my dice rolls were sent to Kal. He can verify.
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Post 24 Apr 2015, 11:31 am

OK, All you knuckleheads that just jammed 5 lbs of crap in a 2 lb sack can bite me...

How do I even begin to remedy this...

[orders removed]

To quote Inigo Montoya... "There will be blood tonight!"
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Post 27 Apr 2015, 10:52 am

An extremely ugly turn for both adjudication & the drivers...

Congrats to Kal on his 2nd place finish!

Turn 47 Summary
Kal plots 140 to finish the race in 2nd place. Cody must plot 20 out of his spin and occupies the 2nd racing line in the chicane. Mike is able to go 60 out of his spin and now blocks the exit row from the Bus Stop. Chris has the initiative at 100 and uses his last wear and a roll on the chance table in the 60's (naked 5). He moves into the 2nd set of 60's and attempts a pass on Mike (naked 10). The pass fails and he is forced to brake down to 60 requiring a dice roll (naked 8) and with no wear to spend, a spin. Fabio moves next at 80 and rolls on the chance table in the first racing line (naked 6). An attempted pass on Chris fails (naked 9) and he is also forced to spin. At 60, Tim attempts a pass on Fabio, also failing (naked 9). He has to drop to zero and spins in place. Will plots 80 then late brakes to 60 before entering the chicane 60's. John rolls on the brake table to drop speed to 80 (naked 10). He fails his test resulting in a brake failure and a DNF for the race. Brad moves last and has to roll on the brake table to get to his plotted 60. He passes the test (naked 9) but with no place to go has to drop to 40. With no wear to spend, Brad must spin as well.

Turn 48 Deadline: Wednesday, April 29th @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 27 Apr 2015, 4:22 pm

SLOTerp wrote:An extremely ugly turn for both adjudication & the drivers...

Cody and I are the only two drivers in the field without some red in our driver records. And most of the red is fro this turn. Gosh, lots of carnage.
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Post 27 Apr 2015, 5:04 pm

Rando wrote:Cody and I are the only two drivers in the field without some red in our driver records. And most of the red is fro this turn. Gosh, lots of carnage.

Not quite. Fabio's red pushes up into my event area and Chris's red pushes down in to Kal's. I rolled 11 dice this past turn! I actually rolled more that I didn't have to use, specifically, the 2nd pass attempts for Fabio & Tim.
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Post 29 Apr 2015, 11:28 am

Aaargh! For some odd reason I thought I would go before Cody. I lost a position by not pushing my engine. Ah well...

Congrats on your podium finish, Cody!

Turn 48 Summary
Cody plots 120 and tests his engine (naked 5) to take 3rd place. Mike plots 120 and rolls into 4th. Chris finishes the chicane at 60 from his spin. Will takes the 2nd racing line at 60 and pulls alongside Chris. Fabio can only go 20 from his spin and occupies the 2nd line. Brad skirts Fabio on the outside 60's at 60. Tim moves forward one space at 20 from his spin to enter the Bus Stop.

Turn 49 Deadline: Friday, May 1st @ 12 noon EDT (4 p.m. GMT)
Note: If I have all the plots, I may adjudicate Friday morning at 8 a.m.
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Post 01 May 2015, 5:22 am

And that's a wrap!

Turn 49 Summary
Chris pushes his engine to go 140 but fails the test - boxcars, ouch. He must re-plot at 120 but nonetheless still gets the initiative over Will and crosses the finish line for 5th place. At 120, Will also crosses the line and takes 6th. Brad comes out of the chicane at 120 to pull into 7th place. Fabio bumps up to 40 on the inside. Tim takes the 2nd Bus Stop racing line at 60, pulling alongside Fabio.

Tim already has his turn 50 plot in at 100 (no testing required) and Fabio's car can't match it so the rest of the race is being called. Tim takes 8th with Fabio coming in at 9th.

Istanbul builds are due Friday, May 8th @ 12 noon EST (4 p.m. GMT)
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Post 05 May 2015, 4:03 pm

It could have been worse in Bus Stop...
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Post 07 May 2015, 10:47 am

Wrecking is so much safer these days.