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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 Jul 2014, 6:03 pm

If you have any thoughts on the race here's the place to put them. I'll start.

From the RM's perspective.

1. I think the Dropbox worked fine. There is still some trust required since I could have manipulated the screenshots but believe me when I tell you I neither have the time nor computer skills to pull it off.

2. I tried to get clarifications from the drivers when plots were incomplete, ambiguous, or, in the case of the newbies, just being helpful. You will see less of this in the coming race so please make sure all elements of your plot are covered - missing elements (ending lane, corner, etc...) will be determined by the rules on default plots. Refer to the order template if you're not sure you've covered everything. Descriptive language of what you're doing is helpful in addition to the template info.

3. If there is a chance you'll need an emergency brake, be sure to note that you'd like to brake prior to entering a corner costing wear. Corner wear will be spent first followed by braking unless you specify otherwise. Thanks to Chris for bringing this up.

4. I plan on continuing with order receipts (a Diplomacy s.o.p.) and turn reminders. If you don't wish to get the receipt - no problem, just let me know. If you don't wish to get the turn reminder then don't wait until the last minute to send in your plot.

5. The dice roller worked great - I heard no complaints so I'll continue to use it.

From the driver's perspective.

The starting bid. I wanted to be near the front and I figured that 4.5 points should get me easily in the front two rows. I edged out Chris and Brad by 1 and 1.5 points respectively for the front row - yay! I'm not sure what Fabio was thinking with his huge bid - he's done a lot more of these than I so I defer to his expertise. Maybe he forgot to account for the smaller field?

First lap. Brad laid it all out there starting on turn 1 (pushing his accel on the start) and then the forced pass on turn 4. Dave gets in a forced pass on turn 5 but not without some incidental damage. Great stuff, guys! My trip was uneventful and I was able to stay in the front with the initiative. My car & Fabio's have an identical build and it seemed like I was always one step ahead of him. Brad's early unintended block of Fabio (costing him a wear) not only put me up to a three wear advantage on Fabio but put me back in the lead. Thanks Brad, I think you played a role in my victory. I burned through a LOT of wear on the last two corners (Brooklands & Luffield) and at the time it seemed to be a poor way to navigate them. Now that I look back, I think it gave me a decisive edge on Fabio, one that I never relinquished.

Second & third laps. I discovered the luxury of being able to plot turns without having to worry about other cars. This is recommended. By the time the third lap started, I had the rest of the course completely laid out, turn by turn. The rest, as they say, is history.

I hope to see some more post-race analysis after you cross that finish line!
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Post 30 Jul 2014, 7:12 pm

Congrats on the win, Mike.

I definitely agree with your assessment of you vs. Fabio. Brad played a pretty big spoiler in the beginning of the race which ended up messing up Fabio's race badly. That turn 4 was just crazy, and the major difference there was that you got a slip off of Brad on Turn 5 and Fabio didn't. I think it would have been a very different game for you and Fabio both if Brad had been behind the two of you instead of in front of you at Turn 4. But then again it's your fault for slow playing that corner when Brad put on the gas.

The other thing I was surprised by how much your initial position factored into the ending. I mean, look at where the cars started on the grid, and then the relative ending positions. I'm a little shocked at how much we stayed in place.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 11:22 am

Congrats Mike, well raced.

It was a fun race, and I tried to jump to the early lead, but could not keep Mike off my tail. The remainder of the race, I was trying to maintain position and not wreck like I did in the test lap. I just ran my car too hard and didn't have any wear left.

4th is a pretty good result, and I would like to thank all the sponsors of the Grey Goose Vodka car. Florida Orange Juice Council, Martinis R Us, and the Legal firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe have been great supporters and I expect more out of myself to meet the standards that they deserve.. We look forward to the next race in Spain and perhaps taking the checkers.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 5:42 pm

Congrats Mike! Fun race! This was my first race using these rules, and so I was clueless on the car setup and the starting bid. In hindsight, I think I did decent on both. Unfortunately I drove a little too hard on the first two laps (trying to stay in the top 5), and my car fell apart on the third lap. I was sweating it trying to go fast enough to stay out of last place, but not so fast as to crash out of the race. I hope to make a better show of it in the next race.

Good luck everyone!
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 6:33 pm

Of all the drivers, Todd, I think you were most consistent in using the plot template. Thank you for that as it makes my job a bit easier. Turn 31 really hurt when you forgot that a racing line was coming up and you plotted an incorrect lane setting. I think I posted the results about 30 seconds before your correction came in. You might've gotten a better finish if not for that.

A lesson for everyone: Double check your plots. I will not correct them nor assume anything about your intent, even if it's obvious.
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Post 11 Aug 2014, 7:08 pm

Turn 31 really hurt when you forgot that a racing line was coming up and you plotted an incorrect lane setting

Thanks for reminding me! I was trying to forget that embarrassment! :-( ... :-D