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Post 15 Oct 2017, 6:29 am

Results from the Sammarinese Historical Games Association series. Interesting that the Detroit and San Marino group both started with Monza. Note: Chrome prompted for a translation to English - it does a fairly good job.

Race #1 (Sept 28, 2017) @ Monza:
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Post 20 Mar 2018, 1:45 pm

Doug has updated his driver rankings:
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Post 24 Apr 2018, 1:56 pm

Doug's blog post about his recently updated rankings:

The full rankings:
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Post 03 May 2018, 6:28 pm

Rankings updated again after San Marino and DMV groups finish out their seasons.

Doug's blog post:

Complete rankings:

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Post 17 May 2018, 12:22 pm

I am very interested in joining the next available race. I am familiar with CFR. Not sure this is the correct place for the post.
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Post 17 May 2018, 3:10 pm

Great! We are just starting Season 5. I am sure Sloterp will get you in at the next available opening.
- Brad
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Post 18 May 2018, 6:11 am

All the spots for the upcoming season are filled but if there’s an opening or a non-league race that starts up, you’ll be first on the wait list.
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Post 01 Aug 2018, 2:17 pm

Doug's 2017-18 season rankings are in the books.
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Post 18 Aug 2018, 8:57 pm

A short race report from Congress of Gamers Summer 2018 in Tyson's Corner, VA:

A field of 13 cars ran the track at Sochi, Russia. There were many veterans alongside several novice drivers.

Here's the starting grid:

1. Brian D.
2. Ben I.
3. Don T.
4. Will K.
5. Kevin K.
6. Jimmy F.
7. Karl S.
8. Mark M.
9. Henry & Mosidy
10. Paul B.
11. Tim M.
12. Mike P.
13. Sam F.

This was the first time I've run this track and after overspending some wear in lap 1, I learned where some of the critical points were. What I never learned to do was properly navigate that cock-eyed backstretch. It was a fun track, overall.

With some lucky dice (and not so lucky dice for others), I was able to grab the checkered flag and some Mother Russia glory!

Here are a few pics I took:

Starting grid. I chose the moon buggy so it would stand out in such a large field!


Early in lap 1. I learned a lot in my first lap at Sochi (1st time on track). Such as the importance of getting through these 2 corners in 2 turns.


Most of the field is in lap 2 here. While I’m in the back I’m pretty happy not to be in that primary chase pack.


This little complex turns out to be quite critical along with the unusual back straight that brings you in here (in fact, I screwed up that straight all 3 times I traversed it). This picture is of lap 2 where I made the move that perhaps won the race. I rolled a -2 chance in that first corner (100 through the 40). This basically put me in with the lead pack with a significant wear advantage.


We’re into lap 3 now and my buggy just has to get by that running blockade. Don, Kevin, & Brian did NOT make it easy…


The final corner. You can just see Tim’s busted car at the right edge of the picture. Poor Tim!


… and the buggy brings home the trophy! This was a shootout finish. Don, Kevin and myself all did a double push (ACC & TOP) to 180. Don failed ACC, Kevin failed TOP, and I made 'em both. Good racing, fellas!


Here's the finishing order:

1. Mike P.
2. Kevin K.
3. Don T.
4. Brian D.
5. Jimmy F.
6. Paul B.
7. Henry/Mosidy
8. Will K.
9. Sam F.
10. Ben I.
11. Mark M.
DNF Karl S. (crash)
DNF Tim M. (engine)

Please add further comments if you were there (or even if you weren't)!
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Post 13 Oct 2018, 2:57 pm

The race at Congress of Gamers is in the books. Doug has the records and took a few pics so I expect he'll send out some comments later. Eight drivers took part of a two lap race on the 1985 version of Spa-Francorchamps.

I can't recall all the finishing positions but here's the podium:

1. Mike Polcen
2. Don Tatum
3. Doug Schulz

Don & I ran from the front and battled for position throughout. Doug followed a 'from behind' strategy with a huge car but couldn't quite catch us in the end.

Also in attendance were Will Kennard, Paul Bernhardt (who will be joining C4 in January), and three new drivers (Daniel, David, & Jonathan, IIRC).

Thanks to Doug for running a great event!

Doug was also kind enough to present me with a trophy for the Organized Play Championship which concluded with the WBC's this July.
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Post 03 Nov 2018, 6:38 pm

Doug's report from Congress of Gamers:

The DMV group just finished race 2 of their season today. I suspect Chris Brandt will provide a write-up but I'll provide the spoiler: Don Tatum took the checkered flag.
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Post 07 Jan 2019, 9:06 am

Two things today:

1. Chris Brandt's write-up for the most recent DC race:

2. Doug's rankings for the current CFR season (ending July 2019 at the WBC's):
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Post 12 Feb 2019, 6:35 pm

Updated driver ranks from Doug after the Detroit group closed out their season:
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Post 03 Mar 2019, 1:38 pm

I went to Prezcon yesterday. It's a week long gaming convention in Charlottesville, VA that, much like WBC, is really about playing games, either in tourneys or open gaming. It's much smaller than WBC but I highly recommend it. Lots of good games being played and many friendly people. Quite a few of the DMV group / Redscape drivers were in attendance:

Chris B. (DMV & Redscape)
Brian D. (DMV)
Mike G. (DMV)
David I. (DMV & Redscape)
Joe P. (DMV)
Paul B. (Redscape)
Mike L. (Redscape)
Tim M. (DMV & Redscape)
Jimmy F. (DMV)

Tim, Jimmy, and I were just down for the day.

Chris Brandt ran the tourney which included four heats and a final. Here's a preview link of Chris's game info doc: Preview

The fourth heat and final were on Saturday. Up to this point, David, Brian, and Chris had each won a heat.

The morning race for the last heat was run on a custom track of Chris's called Greenbridge. It was a very short track (about 50 spaces) with only four corners so we ran five laps with three laps worth of resources. There were 12 drivers competing with Brian prevailing for his second heat win. I came in a dismal 8th.

After lunch, Tim, Jimmy, Brian and I played a game called Fields of Green. As newbies, Brian and I didn't do well but it was fun with lots of strategies you could use. We then played The Grizzled, a cooperative game with a WWI trench warfare theme. We managed to beat the game but there were plenty of times when things were looking grim.

I waited around for the finals as a potential alternate. Mike L. did not get the message that he was in the finals so I got to race. Brian continued his outstanding week of CFR and took home the checkered flag. I managed to sneak into 2nd place while Chris B. took third.

Even though Prezcon is only a two hour drive for me, this was the first time I attended. The one day registration is a bit pricy ($40) but if you can be there for multiple days, it seems like a great deal. There was also an auction, an auction store, a pretty extensive library, and lots of open gaming areas. Winners earn plaques for up to 3rd place (CFR qualified for 2 plaques, so I got one!).

I'll post again after Chris publishes his tourney recap with pictures and much greater detail.
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Post 01 Aug 2019, 12:57 pm

Final rankings are in for the 2018-2019 season. Don Tatum is this year's champion - congratulations!

The season ended with the WBC tournament, won by Bruce Rae, his third title at that event.

Here is Doug's write-up:

Also, kudos to Redscaper's Stephen Peeples and Chris Brandt on winning 'Most Improved Driver' and 'Steward of the Year'!