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Post 28 Nov 2024, 4:47 am

Herbert turns in the fastest lap opening a wide lead at the line
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Post 29 Nov 2024, 7:24 am

Turn 24 Summary

Herbert scrubs a wear at 100 on Border.

Hudson clears the JdW at 140 for half his wear. Selbyg picks up the dice cup to hit 140 (natural 8).

Johnson is out of Hughenholtz at 120. Collins, at 100, is on his bumper.

Hoyt hits the Hughenholtz line at 100 with a wear and 2s on a chance roll (modified 8). Spin!* Needham goes around at 100 to clear at a cost of two wear.

Dent avoids the spun car and is still able to clear for two. Bennett picks up the racing line, though it won't do him any good.*

Searles picks up the Tarzan line at 120.

* Mike's recovery speed is 20.

Turn 25 Deadline: Monday, December 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 02 Dec 2024, 6:00 am

Turn 25 Summary

Herbert sets up the dog leg on the blue line at 100.

Hudson, at 100, drops a wear on the inside rail of Border. Selbyg, at 120, burns a wear in the JdW before running Border on the outside for free.

Johnson sets up on the outside lane in front of Border. Collins hits the JdW at 140 for two wear before scrubbing two more in the Border.

Needham scrapes off two in the JdW at 140. Dent pulls up at 140.

Hoyt recovers at 20. Bennett takes an RM plot of 60 to clear Hughenholtz (NPR #1: Warning).

Searles is through Tarzan on the line at 80.

Turn 26 Deadline: Wednesday, December 4th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 04 Dec 2024, 6:26 am

Turn 26 Summary

Herbert is through the dog leg at 160, going blue to blue. Hudson keeps the pace, also at 160 on the blue line.

Selbyg increases speed to 140, as allowed, and clears the dog leg. Collins slows (?) to 120 and grabs the blue line.

Johnson runs the middle lane in Border at 100 for free and opts for the outer lane.

Needham dumps two wear in the middle lane at 140 and has position on the red machine. Dent burns a wear at 100 on the inner rail of Border.

Bennett approaches the JdW at 120. Hoyt grabs the dice cup with 1s to hit 100 (modified 3) and picks up the tail on the #48.

Searles grabs the Hughenholtz line at 80.

Turn 27 Deadline: Friday, December 6th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 06 Dec 2024, 7:44 am

- Some excitement amongst the back-markers.
- A late plot leads to a fortunate NPR.
- Scott is tasting champagne.

Turn 27 Summary

Herbert flies through Panorama on the line at 180. Hudson grabs the dice cup to hit 180 (natural 9) and keeps pace with the leader.

Selbyg drops the hammer to 180 and is through Panorama. Collins takes an RM plot at 160, going blue to blue. His 7-minute late plot was... interesting.

Needham stands on the gas pedal and burns a wear on the dog leg blue line at 180. He picks up the tail of the #22. Johnson, at 160, runs the dog leg for free.

Dent picks up the blue line at 100.

Bennett continues at 120. He scrubs a wear in the JdW and, without further instruction, goes outside in Border for free. Hoyt plots 140 and picks up the dice cup... He puts one wear and 2s on the JdW (modified 4) then dives to the inside of Border for another two wear and his 3s (modified 3). Woot!

Searles knocks down a wear at 80 on the Hughenholtz line.

Turn 28 Deadline: Monday, December 9th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 09 Dec 2024, 7:13 am

Turn 28 Summary

Herbert sheds his last wear in Pulle's with his eyes on the finish line. Hudson, not far behind, also burns his last wear.

Selbyg dives into Pulle's at 160, costing his last two wear.

Collins drops the hammer to 180 with his last skill chip (modified 6). Needham really drops the hammer and uses 2s to hit 200 (modified 3). He spend one wear on the blue line and challenges the yellow machine.

Not to be left out, Johnson grabs the dice cup so he can go 180 (natural 5). Dent runs the blue lines at 160.

Hoyt picks up the dog-leg blue at 140. Bennett is out of the Border at 120.

Searles pulls up to the JdW at 100.

Turn 29 Deadline: Wednesday, December 11th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 10 Dec 2024, 6:18 am

Rando and Herbert in the top 3 speeds for the 4th time this race.
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Post 11 Dec 2024, 7:38 am

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Turn 29 Summary

Herbert flies across the finish line and takes the checkered flag at 180!

Hudson, at 160, will cross next turn. Selbyg, at 160, will also cross next turn.

Needham gets the initiative at 160 and tosses his last two wear in Pulle's. Collins, at 140, burns off his last two wear in the middle lane.

Johnson plots 140 then late brakes in front of Pulle's with his last skill (modified 4). He runs the outside for free. Dent pulls up to Pulle's at 180 in the middle lane.

Hoyt clears Panorama at 180 on the blue. Bennett, at 160, goes blue to blue.

Searles plots 160 - oh my (a classic mis-plot, something I'm known to do around these parts). He MUST navigate the JdW: That's two wear and the RM will put his 2s on the chance roll (modified 8). He spins!

Turn 30 Deadline: Friday, December 13th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)

After next turn, I will most likely auto-pilot the cars home. You're also welcome to give the remainder of your plots for the race.
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Post 13 Dec 2024, 8:01 am

Turn 30 Summary

Hudson takes 2nd place at 160. Selbyg rounds out the podium at 180.

Needham drops the hammer and roars across the line for 4th at 200 (modified 2). Collins nudges the engine to 180 for 5th (natural 6).

Johnson can see the finish at 160. Dent drops his last two wear at 140, middle lane.

Hoyt burns his last wear at 140 on the outside of Pulle's. Bennett is through Panorama at 160.

Searles recovers from his spin at 20.

Auto-finish coming...
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Post 13 Dec 2024, 8:09 am

Turn 31 Summary

Johnson is across for 6th at 160. Dent pushes with 2s because 200 is fun (modified 5).

Hoyt clears Pulle's at 140. Bennett burns his last wear at 140.

Searles is through Border at 80.
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Post 13 Dec 2024, 8:23 am

Turn 32 Summary

Hoyt pushes across at 200 (modified 8) for 8th. Bennett goes 180 (3s - auto) to get his nose across the line and takes 9th.

Searles hits 140 through the dog-leg.

Turns 33-35

Searles tops out at 200 for a wear. He then hits the final corner at 160 for his last wear. Finally, he uses 2s to cross the finish line at a mind-boggling 220 (modified 6)!
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Post 17 Dec 2024, 5:33 am

Hoyt made a good comeback the final time through sector 2
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