- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
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27 Nov 2024, 2:06 pm
Turn 26 notes:
Some jostling in the chase pack
Dygert cruises through Hondenvlak on the line at 160
Blizzard clears Scheivlak around the outside at 120
McConchie at 120 drops one wear in de Wyker then goes wide for no additional cost
Harrington gets a slip at 100 shedding one wear in the Scheivlak 80s
MacDonald does 100 through the kink
Bauska pushes his acceleration to 140 knocking off two wear in de Wyker
LaMorte matches that 140 move for the same two wear cost
Moratto puts the short straight behind him at 120
Harley evens up with Moratto at 140
Welage can accelerate to 120 wear paid (see note 2)
Brandt tosses in two wear to take the Hugenholtz racing line at 100
Kay leaves two wear in the 40s at 80 and grabs the wing of the black race car
Note 1: Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Many people make it a "4-day weekend".
Therefore Friday's deadline is soft. No reminder will be sent. If I have all
moves I will put out the turn.
Note 2: I only charged Welage 1 wear last turn, he should have used 2 for 100 into the 60s.
It is correct now.
Next deadline: Turn 27 due Friday, November 29 (soft) at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
02 Dec 2024, 2:07 pm
Turn 27 notes:
Two positions change this turn; plenty more will happen before it's over
Dygert clears the penultimate corner at 160 on the racing line
Blizzard kicks in one wear across the Hondenvlak line at 180
Harrington finishes the 80s at 100 wear paid and chooses the inside lane
McConchie taps the gas to 140 grabbing the line and P3
LaMorte is two wear lighter after swinging around the outside lane at 160
Bauska runs the middle lane at 140 dropping two wear and finishes behind Harrington
MacDonald hugs the inside around the corner at 100 for one wear
Moratto sheds a total for four wear at 140 for the de Wyker 100 and Scheivlak middle lane
Harley does 120 for one through de Wyker and two more through the Scheivlak inner lane
Welage approaches Scheivlak on the inside at 100
Brandt knocks off one wear at 120 to catch the gray race car
Kay uses the slip at 120 and one wear to pull even with Brandt
Next deadline: Turn 28 due Wednesday, December 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
03 Dec 2024, 2:40 pm
No surprise, Dygert covers the field the final time through sector 1
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
04 Dec 2024, 2:15 pm
Turn 28 notes:
LaMorte and Moratto each move up two spots
Dygert flies into the final corner at 140 shedding two wear
Blizzard runs the Panorama racing line at 180
McConchie starts that same line at 160
Harrington rounds the inside of Hondenvlak at 120
LaMorte uses the Hondenvlak line at 160 for free choosing to finish inside
Bauska sheds one wear in the 120 at 140 and swings wide
MacDonald at 140 finishes the Hondenvlak racing line
Harley plots 180 then stands on the brakes a bit too hard
Moratto finds the line backed up so he takes the 120 at 160 for his final two wear
Welage puts a wear on the 80s at 100 to start the Hondenvlak line
Brandt starts at 180, brakes to 160 and goes wide around the corner for three total wear
Kay lightens his wear by one through the 80s at 100 tucking in behind Welage
Next deadline: Turn 29 due Friday, December 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
06 Dec 2024, 2:10 pm
Turn 29 notes:
The top two spots are sealed but the rest have some great battles to the line
Dygert accelerates out of Pulleveld at 160 wear paid and sees the checkers waving
Blizzard uses his final wear through the outer lane of the corner at 140
McConchie sets up on the inside approach to the corner at 160
LaMorte spends one wear through Panorama at 160 and prepares to challenge for P3
Harrington hits 180 through Panorama to join the P3 challenge
Bauska pushes to 180 also through the line and throws his hat into the P3 battle
MacDonald flies around Panorama on the line at 180
Moratto follows the orange machine at 160
Harley can't use the Panorama line so he drops low but his tires just won't hold
Brandt at 160 drops two wear through the Hondenvlak 120 and chooses to finish inside
Welage takes the racing line at 160 and keeps pace with Brandt
Kay uses a slip at 160 to make it 3-wide for the final points position
Next deadline: Turn 30 due Monday, December 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
07 Dec 2024, 8:01 am
Dygert is fastest again but the top 3 speeds are much closer than last sector.
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
09 Dec 2024, 2:37 pm
Turn 30 notes:
The dice continue to roll and frustrate as the race winds down
Dygert takes the checkered flag at 140
Blizzard can exit the final corner at 180 wear paid
McConchie challenges the inside lane of Pulleveld, the corner wins
Harrington plots 180 then brakes hard to 140 through the middle lane for four wear total
LaMorte brakes from 160 to 140 and also takes the middle lane for 3 wear total
Bauska grabs the brakes and uses a slip into the outside lane at 120 for free
MacDonald sheds two wear in the middle lane at 140
Moratto runs the outside lane at 120 and a slip
Harley gets righted and starts back at 20
Welage pushes to 200 but with the line blocked has to brake hard shedding 3 total wear
Kay also pushes his top to 180 spending two wear in Panorama
Brandt is one wear lighter after taking the corner at 160
Next deadline: Turn 31 due Wednesday, December 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
11 Dec 2024, 2:11 pm
Turn 31 notes:
One crippled engine and a fight for the final points positions
Blizzard cruises across the line at 140 waving to the crowd and taking P2
Harrington opens up his big engine to 180 securing P3
LaMorte noses across the line in 4th at 160
Bauska tries to push his engine and hold off MacDonald. His engine says no
MacDonald can run up to 180 finishing the middle lane
Moratto maintains 120 around the outside lane
McConchie recovers from his spin at 60 hugging the curb
Kay drops his final two wear around the outside at 160
Welage spends his final wear through the middle lane at 120
Brandt follows the gray car also at 120
Harley asks his power plant for 120 and it responds
Note 1: Kay actually used his 3-skill chip for his top speed roll last turn.
The chart is correct.
Note 2: It appears Monday will be the final turn. With the holidays approaching the
third race of the season won't start until sometime after January 1st. I'll send
details well before that. Enjoy your brake, um, break.
Next deadline: Turn 32 due Friday, December 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
13 Dec 2024, 2:22 pm
Turn 32 notes:
Four successful dice rolls, the only position change would have happened anyway
MacDonald slides across the finish line at 140 for P5
Bauska at 160 grabs the 6th position
Moratto maxes at 160 and easily finishes 7th
Kay tasks his power plant for 180 to keep hole of the 8th finishing position
Welage goes all out and his engine responds but it's not enough to move up the points ladder
McConchie pushes his accelration to 140 trying to keep hold of the final point
Brandt is paid to finish the corner at 160 and finishes side-by-side with McConchie
Harley cruises the middle lane of the corner at 100
Next deadline: Turn 33 due Monday, December 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
16 Dec 2024, 4:40 am
Turn 33 notes:
Brandt plots 180 to get the initiative then brakes to grab the final points position
McConchie does 160 finishing P11
Harley crosses the line at 180
Race over.
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3270
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
16 Dec 2024, 4:47 am
It's readily apparent that cars have improved since 1971 when Jacky Ickx set the lap record.