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Post 03 Jun 2024, 6:30 am

Builds are in...

- Small to medium engines dominate.
- Brakes are 50/50 on 40's and 60's.
- The outliers on start speed include four at 100 and two at 20.
- Tires are popular with nine cars loading up on wear.

Starting Bid Deadline: Wednesday, June 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC).

You may bid wear (1 point each) and/or skill (0.5 points each).
Builds 2.png
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Post 05 Jun 2024, 7:31 am

The grid is set!

Row 1a: Herbert 1w+12s = 7.0
Row 1b: Collins 2w+10s = 7.0
Row 2a: Dent 5w+3s = 6.5
Row 2b: Hoyt 2w+2s = 3.0
Row 3a: Hudson 1w+2s = 2.0
Row 3b: Johnson 0w+4s = 2.0
Row 4a: Blanchett 2w+0s = 2.0
Row 4b: Needham 0w+4s = 2.0
Row 5a: Selbyg 0w+3s = 1.5
Row 5b: Searles 0w+1s = 0.5
Row 6a: Pawlak 0w+0s = 0.0
Row 6b: Koerber (NBR) default = 0.0

Turn 1 Deadline: Friday, June 7th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Jun 2024, 7:21 am

Boogity, boogity, boogity... let's go racing!

As the lights go out, five cars push and five cars succeed. Nine cars end three abreast!

Turn 1 Summary

Herbert (#16), at 100, jumps on the inside red line for two wear. Collins (#22), also at 100, scrubs a wear on the outer red line.

Dent (#45) pushes to 80 with his big chip (modified 4) and sets up the inside line. Hoyt* (#24) pushes to 80 with 2s (modified 5) and grabs the outside racing line.

Johnson (#1), at 100, is left with few options. It's the middle lane for the rookie. Hudson (#99) sets up on the inside line at 60.

Needham (#2) pushes to 80 with 2s (modified 8) and, with no directive, takes the inside lane. Blanchett (#39) eases out at 20 into the middle lane?

Searles (#9) has the initiative at 60. Selbyg (#88) pushes to 40 with 2s (modified 5).

Koerber (#72) pushes to 120 with 2s (modified 4) and quickly moves up the leaderboard. Pawlak (#84) creates a three-wide in the back.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, June 10th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)

*Note: Don't mind the Bondo and red paint on the driver side of the #24 - Mike H. hit some traffic on the way to the track and, well... you know how he drives.

Note: This is Circuit 4, not Circuit 1. You don't want to be up there with those jerks anyway.
T1 copy.png
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Post 10 Jun 2024, 6:40 am

The first corner creates havoc with so many cars trying to navigate through.

Turn 2 Summary

Herbert dives into Opel on the outside at 100 for a wear. He licks his chops at the green line (that's a +40 racing line in there, folks!). Collins sets up the Opel red line at 100.

Hoyt gets the initiative at 120 and scrubs two wear on the outer red line. Dent is next at 100. With no place to exit from the inside red line, he gets sent through the Startkurven 60's for two pellets.

Last out of the three wide, Johnson decides to conserve wear and travels through the 60's for free at 60. And so the problems begin...

Hudson has the initiative at 100. He runs the outer red for a wear and bumps out one lane at the end. Koerber is next, also at 100. With no room at the inn, he tosses two skill in for the late brake (modified 0) and clips two tires at 80 in the Startkurvan 40's.

Rando is last to move out of the three-wide at 80. He has to settle for the middle 60's and burns a wear. Searles, at 100, scrapes off a wear on the outside racing line.

Selbyg has initiative amongst the back-markers and picks up the outside racing line. Pawlak is next at 100 and takes the inside line. Blanchett sets up the inside line at 80.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, June 12th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 12 Jun 2024, 8:07 am

Note: I've updated the track with Doug's newest graphics. The +40 racing line is BLUE and the start/end points for racing lines should be clearer. Because the file is bigger, I was able to make the cars bigger. Bigger is better!

Turn 3 Summary

Herbert accelerates to 140 along the blue racing line. Collins clips a tire on the Opel red line at 100.

Hoyt clears Opel on the red at 80. Dent burns a wear at 100 on the Opel red to clear.

Koerber knocks off two wear at 120 on the red line. Hudson moves next, also at 120. He gets pushed to the outside of Opel and can hit the gas next turn. Last to move out of the three-wide is Johnson at 80. He picks up the red line.

Needham continues at 100 and has inside position on the #1. Searles finishes out Startkurve at 80.

Selbyg gets initiative at 100, shedding a wear on the outer line. Pawlak slows to 40 and stays on the inside rail to clear.

Blanchett runs the inside red line at 60 for free.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, June 14th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 14 Jun 2024, 6:13 am

The race sees it's first bit of damage...

Turn 4 Summary

Herbert scrapes off two tires at 100 through the Hansen line. Collins keeps the pace and also dumps two wear to clear Hansen at 100.

Hoyt uses 1s to push the engine to 140 (modified 4). He slots in on the secondary racing line. Dent, at 120, picks up the primary line.

Koerber tucks in on the #45 at 120. Hudson want to take advantage of the blue line and attempts to push his engine to 160 (natural 11). Ooof... the engine says 'NO' and he settles for 140 and a compromised engine.

Johnson gets the initiative at 80 and runs the red line for free. Needham slows to 60 and grabs the bumper on the #1.

Searles takes his 100 to the outer rail for a wear. Selbyg, also at 100, burns a wear on the red line and gains position.

Blanchett clips two tires in Opel at 120 on the outside and picks up the blue line. Pawlak sets up the Opel red line at 80.

Turn 5 Deadline: Monday, June 17th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 17 Jun 2024, 5:01 am

Turn 5 Summary

Herbert burns a tire at 100 in the Carousel 80's. Collins, at 100, sheds two wear in the Carousel 60's.

Hoyt rockets through Hansen on the secondary line at 100 for two wear before diving into the Carousel for another two. Dent scrubs a wear at 80 on the primary racing line.

Hudson clips a tire at 80 on the secondary line. Koerber takes an RM plot of 80 for a wear on the inside line (NPR #1: Warning).

Johnson pulls up to Hansen on the primary racing line at 100.

Needham takes inside position at 120. Selbyg, also at 120, finds no room at the inn. A late brake to 100 costs him a pellet.

Searles comes out of Opel at 100. Blanchett is out at 120.

Pawlak, at 120, tosses in two wear and runs the red line in Opel.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, June 19th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 19 Jun 2024, 5:18 am

Turn 6 Summary

Herbert clears Gislaved on the line at 80 for one wear. Collins sheds a wear on the outer rail in Gislaved at 100.

Hoyt, at 100, finds an open line in Gislaved and tosses two pellets into the hopper. Dent burns a wear at 80 in the Carousel, inner rail.

Koerber clips a tire as he clears the Carousel at 100 via the middle lane. Hudson, at 100, scrubs a wear along the same path.

Needham spends two wear at 80 on the inside rail of Hansen. Johnson conserves at 60 via the primary racing line.

Selbyg flies through Hansen at 100 via the primary line and coughs up two wear for the privilege.

Blanchett gets the initiative at 100 and shells out two wear on the secondary line. Searles slows to 60 and clears Hansen on the primary line for free.

Pawlak, at 80, is pushed to the secondary racing line.

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, June 21st @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 21 Jun 2024, 11:49 am

Turn 7 Summary

Herbert clears South at 100 via the inside red line and two pellets.

Hoyt is feeling frisky... he slams the gas pedal and careens around South with two wear and a red chip on the chance table (modified 4). Woot! Collins quietly posts 100 on the outside of South for a wear.

Dent hits the outer rail of Gislave at 80 for free before squatting on the line. Koerber, at 80, follows the #45.

Hudson continues at 100 but has to hit the brakes in front of Gislave w/ 1s (modified 4). He burns a wear on the racing line.

Selbyg gets the initiative at 120 and scrapes two wear in the 80's. Needham sheds a wear at 100 in the Carousel via the 80's.

Johnson, at 100, coughs up a wear in the 80's. Blanchett clips two tires at 120, middle lane.

Searles goes outer rail in the Carousel at 100 for free. Pawlak drops two wear in Hansen at 100 then dives into the Carousel 60's for another two.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, June 24th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 22 Jun 2024, 5:29 am

Koerber and Herbert cover the field handily through sector 1
C4 summary.png
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Post 24 Jun 2024, 5:02 am

Turn 8 Summary

Herbert and Hoyt trade paint down the backstretch at 140 apiece.

Continuing at 100, Collins is out of South. Dent clears South at 120 via the outer red line and two pellets.

Hudson, at 120, scrubs two wear on the outer line. Koerber, also at 120, clips two on the outer rail.

Selbyg rounds Gislaved at 80 for free. Needham runs the Gislaved line at 60.

Johnson careens around Gislaved at 120 on the outer rail, costing the #1 car two wear. Blanchett, at 100, burns one on the same route.

Pawlak continues at 100 and sheds two wear on the Gislaved line to clear. Searles, at 100, sets up the racing line.

Turn 9 Deadline: Wednesday, June 26th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 26 Jun 2024, 5:33 am

A new race leader and our first casualty.

Turn 9 Summary

Hoyt tosses two skill onto an engine check (modified 5) to hit 160 and take the lead. Herbert, at 140, tucks in.

Collins is out on the backstretch at 140. Dent, at 160, picks up the bumper on the #22.

Hudson tries to push the engine again (natural 12) but it goes kaput and the #99 glides off the track. Koerber accelerates to 140 onto the outer rail and into the backstretch.

Selbyg clears South at 100 on the outer arrow for a wear. Johnson scrubs two wear at 100 on the inner arrow to move up the leaderboard.

Needham plots 120 but finds his choices unsatisfactory. He late brakes w/ 1s (modified 6) and burns two wear on the inside line to clear South. Blanchett, at 100, goes outer line for a wear.

Pawlak continues his path of tire destruction at 100. He coughs up two via the inside arrow in South. Searles conserves in Gislaved at 80, outer rail.

Turn 10 Deadline: Friday, June 28th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 27 Jun 2024, 3:54 am

Hoyt easily fastest the first time through sector 2
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Post 28 Jun 2024, 5:45 am

The personal defaults come in handy...

Turn 10 Results

Hoyt plots 80 but does not address how to get there - that's way over his braking ability. His personal defaults ask for one wear before 1s on the brake roll (modified 7). He runs the North racing line for free before using those defaults again to pick up the next line. Rookies - do NOT plot like Mike!

That leaves Hudson in a tight spot at 120. His plan was to use both lines and a lot of tires but that won't fly. With neither back-up plans nor a personal defaults submission, the RM goes to the trusty Redscape defaults: Hudson late brakes after moving one space for a wear. He burns another on the North line and ends inside to take the race lead. Rookies - do NOT plot like Scott!

Collins sets up the North racing line at 140. Dent, also at 140, stays attached to Marshal's bumper and opts out of the slip.

Koerber toodles along at 140. Johnson is out on the backstretch at 140.

Needham pushes the engine w/ 1s to 160 (modified 4). Selbyg hits 160 and sets up a three-wide for some high-speed, side-by-side racing!

Both Pawlak and Blanchett maintain their respective 100's w/ the former moving first.

Note #1: I just noticed that Paul's space is on the same row and inside of Bob's.
Note #2: Both drivers missed the opportunity to increase speed given the increased speed limits at the apex of the corner.

Searles hits the outer South line at 100 to clear. That'll cost one wear. We have a Mater sighting as the all-too-happy tow truck removes Hudson's car from the track area.

Turn 11 Deadline: Monday, July 1st @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)

Adjudication times might get a bit odd over the next few weeks as I'll be on the road. I will try to avoid changing deadlines so, for now, they remain firm.
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Post 01 Jul 2024, 5:02 am

Turn 11 Summary

Herbert dumps two wear in Lakter and approaches lap two in clear first position. Hoyt eases his way along the racing line for free at 80.

Collins takes an RM plot of 100 (NPR #1: Warning) and burns a wear on each of the two racing lines. Dent, at 100, clips a tire on the North line before shedding two more to clear Lakter. He moves into third place.

Koerber is through North on the line at 100, costing a wear.

Johnson grabs the North line at 160. Rando pushes the engine to 160 w/ 1s (modified 6) and takes inside position. Selbyg avoids any messes by plotting 140 and slotting onto the line.

Blanchett gets the initiative at 160. Pawlak tucks in at 140.

Searles is out on the back stretch at 160.

Turn 12 Deadline: Wednesday, July 3rd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)