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Post 03 Jul 2024, 7:07 am

Some excitement as the leaders are in lap 2!

Turn 12 Summary

Herbert crosses into lap 2 at 100 and coughs up two wear on the Start Curve, inside line. Hoyt, at 120, sets up the inside line.

Dent picks up the outside line in Start Curve at 140. Collins sets up inner red at 120.

Koerber runs Lakter for free, on the racing line, at 80.

Needham overbrakes to 100 w/ 1s (modified 7). He scrubs a wear on the North 80 followed by two more in Lakter to clear. Johnson, at 100, burns a wear on the North line then squeezes past the #2 w/ 2s on the forced pass (modified 3)*. He's through and tosses two wear into the basket!

Note: I deducted 2s twice. Correction on next turn.

Selbyg conserves at 80 on the North line and sets up the next one.

Blanchett clears North on the line at 100 for a wear. Pawlak grabs the North line at 100.

Searles, at 160, has to settle for inside position, off-line.

Turn 13 Deadline: Friday, July 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 05 Jul 2024, 7:40 am

Two NPR's - shall I attribute that to July 4 festivities?!

Turn 13 Summary

Herbert continues at 100 and sets up Opel on the line. Hoyt, at 80, coughs up a wear on Startkurvan.

Dent burns a wear at 100 on the outer red line. Collins conserves at 80, also on the outside red.

Johnson sets up Startkurvan on the secondary red line at 140.

Needham takes an RM plot of 140 and follows the red machine (NPR #1: Warning). Koerber takes an RM plot of 120 (NPR #2: 1w penalty).

Selbyg clears Laktar at 60 on the inside rail for free. Blanchett dumps two wear on the Laktar line at 120.

Searles takes the North 80 with an overbrake (modified 6 with 1s) and sets up the Laktar line. Pawlak, at 80, runs the North racing line but is denied the line in Laktar. He has to pony up a wear on the inside but, on the plus side, he clears the corner.

Turn 14 Deadline: Monday, July 8th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 08 Jul 2024, 5:10 am

Turn 14 Summary

Hudson is clear of Opel on the line at 80. Hoyt, at 100, burns a wear on the red line and has the leader's bumper.

Dent goes outer rail for free at 80. Collins finishes Start Curve at 80.

Johnson runs the outside line at 80 for free. Needham plots 100 before late braking to 80 with 1s (modified 6). He follows the #1 machine through Start Curve for free.

Koerber knocks down a wear at 80 on the inside line.

Selbyg, at 120, opts for the outside racing line. Blanchett takes the inside line, also at 120.

Pawlak sets up in the middle lane at 120 with options next turn. Searles clears Laktar at 80 on the line for free.

Turn 15 Deadline: Wednesday, July 10th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 10 Jul 2024, 6:31 am

The dice heat up...

Turn 15 Summary

Herbert sets up the Hansen line at 100. Hoyt, at 120, slides into to inside position and first place... for now.

Dent slams the gas pedal and hits 120 around Opel on the blue line. Collins takes an RM plot of 80 to clear Opel for free (NPR #2: 1w penalty).

Johnson eases his way into Opel on the outer rail at 80 for free. Note: Ed's personal defaults are set to block passers.

Needham gets the initiative at 140. He late brakes to 120 w/ 1s (modified 6) and scrubs two wear on the red line. Koerber, at 120, goes to plan C: He brings out the red chip for a forced pass attempt on the #1 (1+3 = pass). Johnson takes a wear of damage on the block.

Note: Andrew can use the blue line since it began after the pass.

Selbyg gets initiative at 120 and burns two wear in Startkurve via the outside line. Blanchett spends two wear in the 40's at 80.

Pawlak, at 80, clears Startkurve on the inner line for a wear. Searles, at 120, sets up the outside racing line and is the final car to start the 2nd lap.

Turn 16 Deadline: Friday, July 12th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 11 Jul 2024, 4:01 am

Herbert lays down a hot lap and has a nearly 2.5 second lead at the line
C4 summary.png
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Post 12 Jul 2024, 6:57 pm

Turn 16 Summary

Hoyt, at 80, goes outside red for a wear. Herbert runs the inside line at 60 for free and takes back the lead.

Dent pulls up to Hansen on the outside line at 80.

Collins picks up the primary line at 120. Needham, also at 120 stays on his exhaust.

Koerber ramps the engine up to 140 on the blue line and takes inside on the green racer. Johnson uses blue to hit 120.

Selbyg rounds Opel on the red line for free at 80. Blanchett scrubs a wear at 100 on the same line.

Pawlak sets up the red Opel line at 80. Searles clears Startkurven at 80 on the outside red line.

Turn 17 Deadline: Monday, July 15th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 15 Jul 2024, 7:26 am

Turn 17 Summary

Hoyt gets the initiative at 80, scrubs one wear in the Carousel, and re-takes first place. Herbert conserves at 60.

Dent clips a tire at 80 on the outer Hansen line. Collins runs the primary Hansen line at 100 for two wear then dumps one more in the Carousel 80's.

Koerber burns two wear at 100 on the secondary Hansen line. Needham, at 80, sheds a wear on the primary line.

Johnson sets up the secondary line at 80.

Selbyg, at 140, late brakes for a wear and takes the primary line. Blanchett, at 120, gets under the #88.

Pawlak completes Opel on the red line at 80 for free. Searles starts the Opel red for free at 80.

Turn 18 Deadline: Wednesday, July 17th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 17 Jul 2024, 9:45 am

Turn 18 Summary

Hoyt clears Gislaved on the line at 60. Herbert increases speed to 80 and goes outer rail.

Collins picks up the Gislaved line at 100. Dent is through the Carousel at 80 for free.

Needham burns a wear at 100 in the Carousel 80's. Koerber plots 100 before late braking to 80 w/ 1s (modified 5). He takes the 80's for free.

Johnson takes the outside line for free at 60.

Selbyg gets the initiative at 100. He sheds two wear in Hansen and one more in the Carousel 80's. Blanchett knocks off two wear at 80 on the inside.

Pawlak picks up the primary Hansen line at 100. Searles plots 120 under the impression he can access the blue line from his position.* I'm afraid not - he gets replotted to the highest legal speed of 80.

* You may only switch lanes when the rows are aligned at the front of the spaces.

Turn 19 Deadline: Friday, July 19th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
Expect a late adjudication on Friday. We are dark next week for the WBC's.
T18 copy.png
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Post 30 Jul 2024, 6:40 am

Time to wrench ourselves back into the race!

Turn 19 Summary

Hoyt, at 100, drops a wear in South. Herbert picks up the inner line at 80.

Collins burns two wears at 120 on the outer rail and dives inside for 2nd place.

Dent runs the Gislaved line at 80 for a wear. Needham plots 80 but we go to the contingencies: He late brakes to 60 (natural 6) and takes the line for free.

Koerber is pushed to the outer rail at 80. Selbyg, at 100, opts for the inside lane.

Blanchett dumps a wear in the Carousel at 100 via the 80's. Johnson goes outer rail at 100 for free.

Pawlak, at 100, clips two tires in Hansen and one more in the Carousel. There are three laps, Paul, three laps! Searles pulls up to Hansen at 80 with choices.

Turn 20 Deadline: Friday, August 2nd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 01 Aug 2024, 5:19 am

Koerber again has the fastest sector 1
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Post 02 Aug 2024, 7:16 am

Turn 20 Summary

Continuing at 100, Hoyt pops to the outside to avoid a tail. Collins burns two at 80 on the inner rail and calls for inside position.

Herbert clears South at 80 for free on the secondary line. Dent dives into South at 80 on the same racing line.

Needham knocks down two wear at 120 as he whips around the Jordan machine on the outside. Koerber is out of Gislaved at 80.

Selbyg goes outer rail for free at 80. Blanchett scrubs one at 80 on the red line.

Johnson pulls into Gislaved at 80 on the outside. Pawlak finishes out the Carousel at 100.

Searles continues to conserve and runs Hansen at 60 for free on the primary line.

Turn 21 Deadline: Monday, August 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 05 Aug 2024, 6:05 am

Turn 21 Summary

Hoyt heads down the backstretch at 140. Collins loses pace at 120.

Herbert catches the bumper on the yellow machine with a push and a sputter to 140 (natural 9). Needham taps the gas pedal to 140 and is out on the straight.

Dent finishes his racing line at 80. Koerber, at 100, finds his preferred inside line blocked. He takes the outside line for a wear.

Selbyg burns a wear on the secondary red line at 100. Blanchett, also at 100, clips two tires on the primary line.

Johnson, at 80, has choices for South. Pawlak runs the Gislaved line for free at 60.

Searles sheds a wear at 80 in the Carousel.

Turn 22 Deadline: Wednesday, August 7th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Aug 2024, 7:58 am

Turn 22 Summary

Hoyt pulls up to North on the line at 120. Collins continues at 120.

Herbert challenges the yellow machine at 140. Needham stays a few lengths back at 140.

Dent pushes the engine to 140 w/ 2s (modified 3). Blanchett pulls up next the grey racer at 160.

Koerber tucks in on the #15 at 140. Selbyg, at 160 and the bonus, sets up a three-wide on the backstretch.

Johnson clears South at 80 on the secondary racing line. Pawlak, also at 80, enters South on the same line.

Searles drops a wear in Gislaved at 100 on the outer rail.

Turn 23 Deadline: Friday, August 9th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 09 Aug 2024, 7:59 am

Turn 23 Summary

Hoyt, at 100, scrubs two wear and clears both corners via racing lines. Collins opts to clean out most of his tires at 120. He dumps two on the North line before burning two more on the Lakter line.

Herbert clips a tire at 100 on the North line. Needham also sheds a wear, keeping pace with the leaders at 100.

Dent, at 140, picks up the North line. Blanchett dives inside, also at 140.

Selbyg eases up to 120 and settles in behind the #45 on the line. Koerber, at 120 and the bonus, takes inside position.

Johnson is out on the backstretch at 120. Pawlak clears South at 80. Searles takes the outside red line at 120 for two wear.

Turn 24 Deadline: Monday, August 12th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 10 Aug 2024, 4:41 am

Selbyg and Blanchett crack the top 3 for the first time this race
C4 summary.png