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Post 08 Jul 2024, 1:24 pm

Turn 14 notes:

Two 3-wides should provide some excitement next turn

Welage takes the red line and the 80 at 80 and no cost
Harley runs into the first 80 at 80
Dygert runs the middle lane of Startkurven at 100 shedding two wear
MacDonald at 100 can travel the outer line and 80 dropping one wear

Harrington uses the inner racing line and 80 at 80 to reform the 3-wide
LaMorte is hard into the corner at 120 knocking off two wear
Bauska approaches the corner on the inner line at 120
Moratto starts the outer line at 140

Kay at 140 out of Laktar chooses the outer racing line
Blizzard also at 140 selects the inner racing line
McConchie does 140 as well with the inner lane his only remaining option
Brandt tosses in one wear on the Norra line and two more on the Laktar 60 at 100

Next deadline: Turn 15 due Wednesday, July 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 14.png
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Post 10 Jul 2024, 1:10 pm

Turn 15 notes:

Kay gains 4 spots while Bauska loses 3

Welage starts the Hansen racing line at 120
Harley can accelerate to 120 on the green line
MacDonald gets aggressive taking the Opel inner line and 80 at 120 for one wear and dice
Harrington reaches the green Opel line at 100 sacrificing one wear

Dygert takes the inner line in Opel at 80 (RM plot)
LaMorte finishes Startkurven at 120 wear paid and grabs the next racing line
Moratto drops one wear around the outer line and 80 choosing to finish outside
Bauska plots 60 around the inner racing line for free

Kay throws in two wear to take the outer line and 80 at 120
Blizzard wanted the inner line at 100 but it's blocked so he chooses the 60s dropping two wear
McConchie knocks off one wear around the 60s at 80
Brandt starts the Startkurven outer racing line at 140

Next deadline: Turn 16 due Frday, July 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 15.png
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Post 11 Jul 2024, 3:58 am

A tie for the fastest sector 3
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Post 12 Jul 2024, 1:17 pm

Turn 16 notes:

P2-P4 tighten up at Hansen

Welage rounds the Hansen racing line at 80 dropping one wear
Harley clears the corner on the line behind the leader shedding one wear at 80
MacDonald sets up on the line at 120
Harrington finishes the Opel green line at 140 wear paid

Dygert continues through Opel at 80 and moves to the inside
LaMorte takes the same route at 80 for free
Kay sheds one wear around the inside line at 100
Moratto plots 100 and takes the outside lane for one wear

Bauska knocks off one wear onto the green line at 100
Blizzard follows the green race car into the 80 at speed
McConchie at 100 must take the inside racing line for one wear
Brandt comes through the Startkurven outer line and 80 at 80

Next deadline: Turn 17 due Monday, July 15 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 16.png
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Post 15 Jul 2024, 1:11 pm

Turn 17 notes:

Several side-by-side battles develop

Welage swings around the inside of the Karusell at 60
Harley runs into the 80s at 80 for free
MacDonald sheds one wear on the inner Hansen line at 80
Harrington follows through on the inner line at 80 also dropping one wear

Dygert attacks the inner Hansen line at 100 knocking off two wear
LaMorte at 100 starts the line into the corner
Kay comes out of Opel at 120 and finishes inside the brown race car
Moratto accelerates to 120 on the green line finishing inside

Bauska can get to 140 on the green racing line wear paid
McConchie holds steady at 100 around the inner racing line and 80
Blizzard takes the green line at 120
Brandt uses one wear to take the Opel 80 at 100

Next deadline: Turn 18 due Wendesday, July 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 17.png
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Post 17 Jul 2024, 1:05 pm

Turn 18 notes:

Seven drivers spend a total of 10 wear

Welage is into Gislaved on the racing line at 60
Harley finishes the Karusell 80s at speed
MacDonald also takes the 80s at 80
Harrington drops one wear through the 80s at 100

Dygert hits the 80s at 100 shedding one wear
Kay knocks off two wear around the outer Hansen line at 100
LaMorte tosses in one wear for the inner Hansen line at 80
Bauska sheds two wear around the inner line at 100

Moratto slows to 60 to take the outer racing line for free
Blizzard picks up two spots at 100 around the inside for two wear
McConchie scrubs off one wear to follow the pink machine at 80
Brandt can accelerate to 140 on the Opel green line wear paid

Next deadline: Turn 19 due Friday, July 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 18.png
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Post 19 Jul 2024, 1:31 pm

Turn 19 notes:

Tires take a beating through this section of the track

Welage starts the Sodra outer racing line
Harley sheds one wear on the Gislaved line at 80
Harrington at 100 drops one wear in the Gislaved 80s
MacDonald is through the 80s at speed

Dygert maintains 100 finishing Karusell and uses one wear in the Gislaved 80s
LaMorte gets initiative out of the 3-way at 120 scrubbing off two wear through the 80s
Kay is one wear lighter after the 80s at 100
Bauska also tosses in one wear at 100 through the 80s

Blizzard clears Karusell at 120 through the 80s tossing in two wear
McConchie sacrifices two wear to take the Karusell 60s at 100
Moratto is safely into the Karusell 100s at speed
Blizzard trades one wear for 80 on the Hansen inner racing line

Note 1: I failed to deduct one wear from McConchie last turn. His total is now correct.

Note 2: WBC is starting. During that time we will be in trigger mode. (If/when I get all
moves I will put out a turn) There will be no reminders sent until the 29th, when we
will resume normal turns. All deadlines until then will naturally be "soft".

Next deadline: Turn 20 due Monday, July 22 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 19.png
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Post 20 Jul 2024, 6:37 am

MacDonald convincingly posts his first top 3 speed this race
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Post 29 Jul 2024, 1:04 pm

Turn 20 notes:

No position chenges or suprises this turn

Welage takes the outer racing line at 80 conserving wear
Harley sheds one wear around the inner racing line at 80
Harrington at 100 drops one wear on the outer line
MacDonald takes up the inner racing line at 80

Dygert exits Gislaved at 100 wear paid and swings wide approaching Sodra
LaMorte runs the 80s at speed and moves to the inside
Kay knocks off one wear around the 80s at 100 and sits on the exit of the line
Bauska at 80 moves through the 80s with the racing line unavailable

Blizzard uses the Gislaved 80s at speed clearing the corner
McConchie can't do his plotted 100 so he late brakes into the 80s for free
Moratto maintains 100 finishing Karusell for one wear and grabs the Gislaved line
Brandt tosses in one wear for 80 in the Karusell 60s

Next deadline: Turn 21 due Wednesday, July 31 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 20.png
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Post 31 Jul 2024, 1:17 pm

Turn 21 notes:

P4-P9 tightens into a chase pack

Welage comes off Sodra at 140 moving inside
Harley follows tucking in behind the leader
Harrington can accelerate to 120 to finish the outer line wear paid
Dygert swings around the outer line at 80 for free

MacDonald is around the inner line at 60
LaMorte sheds one wear for the outer line at 100
Kay at 100 tosses in two wear to take the inner racing line
Bauska at 100 leaves two wear on the inner line

Blizzard runs hard into the 80s at 140 holding the corner for two wear and dice
McConchie finishes the Gislaved 80s and starts the Sodra inner line
Moratto goes wide through Gislaved at speed
Brandt knocks off one wear to clear Gislaved on the line at 80

Next deadline: Turn 22 due Friday, August 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 21.png
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Post 02 Aug 2024, 1:06 pm

Turn 22 notes:

3 distinct packs form through Sodra and the back stretch

Welage slows slightly to 120 approaching Norra
Harley holds steady at 140 and challenges the leader
Harrington pushes his engine for 160 and joins the lead fight
MacDonald runs down the straight at 140

Kay grabs high gear for 160
Dygert at 140 tucks in behind the orange race car
Bauska attaches to the group at 140
LaMorte at 140 uses a slip to gain one position

Blizzard finishes the 80s at 140 wear/skill paid
McConchie clears Sodra on the outer racing line at 80
Moratto wanted the same line but is forced through the 80s at 100 for one wear
Brandt drops two wear on the inner line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 23 due Monday, August 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 22.png
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Post 03 Aug 2024, 5:00 am

Speeds are slightly faster the second time through sector 2
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Post 05 Aug 2024, 1:14 pm

Turn 23 notes:

A new leader and you can throw a blanket over P4-P9

Harley trades one wear for the lead taking the Norra line at 100
Welage follows on the line at 80
Harrington sheds one wear through the 80 at 100
MacDonald starts at 160 for the intiative then brakes onto the Norra line

Kay at 140 takes the inside approach to the corner
Dygert does 140 to start the line behind the orange machine
LaMorte must also make the inside approach at 120 with the slip
Bauska remains with the group at 140

Blizzard makes it 2x3 at 160
McConchie exits Sodra at 140 to the inside
Moratto holds steady at 100 wear paid
Brandt can accelerate to 120 to finish the Sodra inner line

Next deadline: Turn 24 due Wednesday, August 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 23.png
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Post 07 Aug 2024, 1:04 pm

Turn 24 notes:

Quite a bit of jostling of positions through Norra and Laktar

Harley leads a parade through the Laktar racing line at 80
Welage follows the leader also at 80
Harrington does the same clearing the corner
MacDonald does 100 through the Norra line and Laktar 60 trading three wear for three positions

Kay swings out to the Norra 80 at 80 then moves to the inside
LaMorte at 100 runs the Norra 80 for one wear and starts the Laktar racing line
Dygert at 100 chooses the Norra line and runs into the outer Laktar lane for three wear total
Bauska makes it 3-wide after dropping one wear on the Norra line at 100

Blizzard is hard on the bindes to get to 100 spending one wear around the Norra 80
McConchie pushes his engine to 160 and it carries him to the racing line
Brandt does 140 down the straight
Moratto pulls even with a slip at 140

Next deadline: Turn 25 due Friday, August 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 24.png
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Post 09 Aug 2024, 1:49 pm

Turn 25 notes:

The leader starts the final lap in a group

Harley starts lap 3 on the outside Startkurven racing line
MacDonald at 140 grabs the inner racing line
Welage plots 120 and a slip hitting the middle lane
Harrington comes off Laktar at 140 and starts the outer line

Dygert pushes to 160 and starts the inner line
LaMorte sheds two wear around the Laktar line at 120
Bauska also tosses in two wear at 100 though the outer 60
Kay slows to 60 to take the inside through the corner

Blizzard takes the Laktar line at 80 for free
McConchie goes big dropping two wear each in the Norra and Laktar lines
Brandt starts at 140 for the intiative slowing to 120 for the Norra racing line
Moratto is one wear lighter after hitting the Laktar line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 26 due Monday, August 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 25.png