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Post 07 Jun 2024, 1:33 pm

Turn 1 notes:

As expected several drivers push and all pass, details in the chart

Harley starts at 120 then brakes hard to the inner racing line for three wear total
LaMorte starts the inner line at 60
Welage goes into the corner on the outer racing line at 100 shedding one wear
MacDonald pushes to 40 and grabs the start of the inner racing line

Harrington moves onto the outer racing line at 100
Bauska gets to 40 staying inside
Moratto follows Harrington onto the outer line at 100
Blizzard makes it to 80 choosing to fall in behind Moratto

Dygert pushes to 80 pulling even with Bauska
Kay at 20 starts moving towards the inside
McConchie gets to the inside of Kay at 40
Brandt stays with his 20 start speed

Next deadline: Turn 2 due Monday, June 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 1.png
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Post 10 Jun 2024, 1:00 pm

Turn 2 notes:

Startkurven breaks up the pack right at the start

Harley is into the Opel 80 at 100 for one wear
Welage finishes the outside line into the 80 wear paid
LaMorte takes the inner racing line at 80 shedding one wear
Harrington covers the outer racing line and 80 at speed

Moratto uses the outer racing line to the 80 for free
MacDonald drops one wear to take the inner line at 80
Blizzard holds a steady 80 through the outside line
Dygert wants 120 but with no where to land he brakes into the outer lane for two wear

Bauska plots 100 but also finds the corner crowded and must brake taking the outer line
McConchie pushes to 120 and starts the inner racing line
Kay grabs the start of the inner line at 80
Brandt at 80 holds the inside

Next deadline: Turn 3 due Wednesday, June 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 2.png
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Post 12 Jun 2024, 1:04 pm

Turn 3 notes:

A bit of a back-up entering Opel

Harley accelerates to 140 through the green racing line wear paid
Welage at 120 drops two wear through the 80/green line
LaMorte takes the inner racing line at 80 for free
Harrington tosses in one wear to grab the green line after the 80 at 100

Moratto starts at 120 but must brake before grabbing the racing line
MacDonald does 100 into the 80 kicking in one wear
Dygert revs up to 120 but must back down to 100 with a wall in front of him
Blizzard finishes the 80 at speed and holds his machine on the inside

Bauska finishes the line and 80 at speed and moves inside
McConchie covers the inner racing line at 60
Kay lightens his wear load by one around the inner line at 80
Brandt hits the outer line at 80 for no cost

Next deadline: Turn 4 due Friday, June 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 3.png
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Post 14 Jun 2024, 1:09 pm

Turn 4 notes:

An agressive move near the front

Harley takes the inner line through Hansen at 100 shedding two wear
Welage starts the line at 100
LaMorte finishes Opel at 80 and stays inside
Harrington can accelerate to 140 on the green racing line wear paid

Moratto is locked at 100 to finish Opel wear paid
MacDonald jumps up to 140 around the green line and pushes past LaMorte
Dygert does 120 and swings wide in the corner to keep from hitting the wall of cars
Blizzard takes the inner racing line and 80 at 80 for free

Bauska is also forced wide through Opel at 120 dropping two wear
McConchie starts the line at 80
Kay follows McConchie onto the line also at 80
Brandt finishes Startkurven at 80 and moves to the inside

Note: MacDonald bid 11s for the start but his bid was 8 1s and 3 3s. My sheet does the
start bid calculations automatically but it does not account for players using a 3s
chip for the bid. I forgot to correct the sheet but it is correct now.

Next deadline: Turn 5 due Monday, June 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 4.png
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Post 17 Jun 2024, 1:05 pm

Turn 5 notes:

Harley continues to stretch the lead and wear his tires

Harley tosses in two wear to take the inside of the Karusell at 100
Welage leads a group through the inner racing line at 80 for one wear
Harrington also does 80 through the inner line for a one wear cost
MacDonald chooses to use two wear to challenge for P3 at 100

LaMorte uses the initiative to run the inner line at 100 knocking off two wear
Moratto also at 100 must take the outer racing line also spending two wear
Dygert slows to 80 to start the inner racing line into Hansen
Blizzard exits Opel at 120 and takes position inside the red machine

Bauska tries for 120 but must brake to avoid the pair in front of him
McConchie continues the inner line at 80 at 80
Kay also runs the inner line and 80 at speed to stay on the wing of the light blue race car
Brandt sets up on the green racing line at 80

Next deadline: Turn 6 due Wednesday, June 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 5.png
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Post 19 Jun 2024, 1:04 pm

Turn 6 notes:

LaMorte is the only top 9 driver to not spend wear this turn

Harley burns another wear around the Gislaved racing line at 80
Welage drops two wear on the inside of Karusell at 100
Harrington is one wear lighter after the 80s at 100
MacDonald tosses in one wear to also take the 80s at 100

LaMorte moves into the 80s at speed
Moratto kicks in one wear to hit the 60s at 80
Dygert takes the inner Hansen line and into the Karusell 80s at 100 for a total of three wear
Blizzard jumps to the outer Hansen line at 80 for one wear

Bauska releases one wear in order to take the inner line at 80
McConchie moves to the outside of Hansen at 100
Kay assumes the inner racing line at 100
Blizzard can accelerate to 120 to finish the Opel green line

Next deadline: Turn 7 due Friday, June 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 6.png
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Post 21 Jun 2024, 1:10 pm

Turn 7 notes:

Harley spends one more wear playing "catch me if you can"

Harley drops one wear on the inner line through Sodra at 80
Welage runs the Gislaved line at 80 shedding one wear
MacDonald runs wide in the corner at 80
Harrington slows to 60 for the line in Gislaved

LaMorte finishes the 80s at speed and starts the Gislaved line
Moratto takes the inside at 80 wear paid
Dygert wisely slows to 80 to finish the Karusell
Bauska sheds one wear through the 80s at 100

Blizzard is also one wear lighter after the 80s at 100
McConchie puts in one wear for the outer Hansen line at 80
Kay tosses in one wear to take the inside line at 80
Brandt gets down to 60 around the Hansen inner line for free

Next deadline: Turn 8 due Monday, June 24 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 7.png
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Post 22 Jun 2024, 5:24 am

No surprise Harley easily fastest through sector 1
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Post 24 Jun 2024, 1:13 pm

Turn 8 notes:

A lot of rubber put on the track this turn

Harley runs out of Sodra at 140
Welage sheds one wear on the inner racing line at 80
Harrington knocks off two wear on the inner line at 100
MacDonald starts the line at 80 after exiting Gislaved

LaMorte kicks in two wear for the Gislaved line at 100
Moratto swings wide in the corner then back to the inside at 80 for free
Dygert leaves one wear on the racing line at 80
Bauska has the initiative out of the Karusell at 80 taking the line for one wear

Blizzard uses the Gislaved 80s at 80
McConchie lightens his wear by two taking the inside of the Karusell at 100
Kay surrenders one wear to follow the light blue machine at 80
Brandt hits the Karusell 80s at speed

Next deadline: Turn 9 due Wednesday, June 26 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 8.png
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Post 26 Jun 2024, 1:13 pm

Turn 9 notes:

P4-P8 begin to form a chase pack

Harley tops out at 140 approaching Norra
Welage matches the leader's speed down the straight
Harrington can accelerate to 120 finishing the inner line wear paid
LaMorte leaves two wear on the Sodra outer racing line at 120

MacDonald maintains 80 through the inner line for one wear
Moratto sheds two wear around the inner line at 100 grabbing the orange car's wing
Dygert at 100 must move to the outer line dropping one wear
Bauska sheds two wear on the inner line at 100 picking up a position

Blizzard starts the outer Sodra line at 100 for one wear
McConchie uses one wear to take the Gislaved line at 80
Kay duplicates the teal car's move for the same one wear cost
Brandt finishes the Karusell 80s at 80

Next deadline: Turn 10 due Friday, June 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 9.png
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Post 28 Jun 2024, 1:16 pm

Turn 10 notes:

P2-P8 all do 140 maxing acceleration, top speed or both

Harley slows to 100 and sheds one wear on the Norra racing line
Welage at 140 starts the line into Norra
Harrington maxes at 140 down the straight
LaMorte maintains the gap at 140

MacDonald tucks in behind LaMorte at 140
Moratto gets a slip at 140 to pull even with MacDonald
Bauska exits Sodra at 140
Dygert gets the bonus from MacDonald at 140 to challenge Bauska

Blizzard finishes the line at 100 wear paid
McConchie tosses in two wear for the inner racing line at 100
Kay prefers the outer line to clear the corner at 100 for one wear
Brandt kicks in one wear for the Gislaved line at 80

Next deadline: Turn 11 due Monday, July 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 10.png
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Post 01 Jul 2024, 1:17 pm

Turn 11 notes:

The mid-field regroups at the entrance to Norra

Harley takes the Laktar racing line at 60 for free
Welage at 100 sheds one wear on the Norra line and two more inside Laktar
Harrington spends one wear for 100 on the Norra line
LaMorte starts the line behind the blue race car at 120

MacDonald uses the slip to pick up two spots on the inner approach to the corner
Moratto at 120 finihes inside of MacDonald
Dygert takes up the line behind LaMorte at 140
Bauska attches to the pack at 140

Blizzard leads a group down the straight at 160
McConchie pushes to 160 and his engine barely holds
Kay maintains the gap with a 160 move
Brandt knocks off one wear on the Sodra inner line at 80

Next deadline: Turn 12 due Wednesday, July 3 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 11.png
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Post 02 Jul 2024, 4:11 am

No surprise Harley and Welage are again first and second fastest through the sector
C3 summary.png
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Post 03 Jul 2024, 1:03 pm

Turn 12 notes:

Several position changes including a new leader

Harley finishes lap 1 and starts the outer lane into Startkurvan
Welage pushes his top speed to 160 taking the inner racing line and the lead
Harrington is through Laktar on the line at 80
MacDonald drops one wear each in the Norra and Laktar 60s and grabs P3

LaMorte at 80 takes the Norra and Laktar lines at no cost
Dygert gets the initiative at 100 shedding one wear in Norra and two more in Laktar
Moratto swings wide at 80 for free
Bauska takes the line for 80 and pulls even with Moratto

Blizzard runs into Norra on the line at 120 knocking off two wear
McConchie starts the line behind Blizzard at 120
Kay slides to the inside at 160 into P10
Brandt exits Sodra at his top speed

Next deadline: Turn 13 due Friday, July 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 12.png
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Post 05 Jul 2024, 1:26 pm

Turn 13 notes:

A lot of jostling in the pack; several low dice rolls keep everyone safe

Welage brakes hard around the inside racing line at 100 dropping two wear
Harley also has to stand on the binders taking the outer line and 80 at speed
MacDonald exits Laktar at 140 and grabs the outer line into Startkurven
Harrington sets up on the inner line at 140

Dygert pushes for 160 to end inside of a 3-wide
LaMorte finishes the Laktar line at 80
Moratto takes the racing line at 80 for no cost
Bauska rounds the inside of the corner at 80 trading one wear for one position

Blizzard slows to 80 for the Laktar racing line
Kay at 100 sheds one wear through the Norra 80 and two more in the Laktar inner 60
McConchie takes the Norra 80 and the Laktar outer 60 at 100 for 3 wear total
Brandt pushes his engine to 160 and starts the Norra line

Next deadline: Turn 14 due Monday, July 8 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Anderstorp C3 turn 13.png