- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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11 Sep 2024, 8:50 am
Robert finishes the 80 corner at 80 for free.
Chris, Don, and Jim all do 60 over the 60 line for free.
Franklin maintains 80 over the 80s for free then takes the first 80 in Gislaved for free.
Jason maintains 100 over the 60/80 (paid) but with nowhere to go late brakes (5 OK) to 80.
Will maintains 100 over the 80 (paid) and pulls outside of Jason to start the line.
Paul does 100 over the middle 80s for 1w.
Dave also takes the middle 80s at 100 for 1w.
Justin stands on the GO pedal to hit 120 (test ACC 1sk = 7 OK) and takes the 80s at 2w.
Tim runs into the 80s at 100 for 1w.
John takes the 60s at 100 for 2w and P11.
Next plot due Friday, 13 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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13 Sep 2024, 6:24 am
Robert takes the outer 80 line at 80 for free.
Chris starts at 100 then late brakes to 80 (2 sk = 2 OK) and takes the inner 60 line at 80 for 1w and P1.
Don takes the outer 80 line at 100 for 1w.
Jim runs to the start of the outer line at 80.
Franklin maintains 80 over the 80 for free and grabs the start of the inner line.
Jason does 80 over the 80s for free and dives inside.
Will takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w and heads inside for P5.
Paul takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.
Dave takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.
Justin takes the 80s at 80 for free.
John slows to 80 over the 80 for free then takes the 60 line for 1w and P10.
Tim maintains 100 over the 80 (paid) and takes the first 80 for 1w.
Next plot due Monday, 16 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
- Joined: 03 Dec 2016, 6:30 am
16 Sep 2024, 5:41 am
Robert stands on the GO pedal to hit 160 (test ACC = 8 OK) and take P1.
Chris also mashes the gas to hit 140 (test ACC 1sk = 7 OK).
Don speeds up with the corner to 120 (paid) over the 100 line.
Jim takes the outer 80 line at 100 for 1w and pulls to the middle.
Franklin gets the jump at 100 around the 80 line for 1w.
Will takes the inside 40 at 60 for 1w.
Jason starts at 120 then late brakes to 120 (test brakes = 5 OK) and runs the outer 80 line at 100 for 1w.
Paul gets a furled black pointed at him by the corner worker (NPR1, warning) and takes the outside lane at 120 over the 80 for 2w.
Jon runs at 80 and grabs the inner line.
Justin does 100 to the outer line.
Tim does 100 over the 80 (paid) and goers inside for P10.
Next plot due Wednesday, 18 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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18 Sep 2024, 5:29 am
Robert runs the strait at 140.
Chris follows at 120 with a slip.
Don runs at 160.
Jim does 140.
Franklin runs at 160.
Jason stands on the GO pedal to reach 180 (test ACC = 8 OK, test Top = 9 OK) and makes it 3-wide for P6.
Paul does 160 and pulls behind the wall for P7.
Will speeds up to 120.
Dave speeds up to 120 with the corner for free.
Tim Maintains 100 over the 60s for 2w.
John takes the inside 60 line at 80 for 1w.
Justin does 80 over the 80 line for free.
Next plot due Friday, 20 September, @ 8 AM ET (US).
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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19 Sep 2024, 12:16 pm
Considerably lower speeds the final time through sector 2.
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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20 Sep 2024, 5:53 am
Jim does 140 to the inside for P3.
Franklin starts at 140 but gets to the end and sees nowhere to go so heslams on the brakes, going into a skid (late brake 140->120 = 12 FAIL, SPIN because of 0w). He is (eventually) P6 and will be stuck at 20 next turn.
Paul does 120 and with a slip pulls into P5.
Will gets the furled black flag pointed at him (NPR1, warning) as he does 140 for P7.
Dave does 140 and gets a slip for P8.
Tim does 160 for P9.
John does 140 for P10.
Justin mashes the gas to hit 140 (test ACC, 1sk = 7 OK) and pulls behind John for P11.
Next plot due Monday, 23 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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23 Sep 2024, 5:53 am
Chris takes the 80 line at 80 for free.
Don takes the inside 60 at 100 for 2w and P1.
Jim overbrakes by -60 (test brakes 1sk = 7 OK) then takes the 60 space at 80 for 1w and the inside 60 also for 1w (2w total).
Jason does 80 over the 80 line for free then takes the outside 60 for 1w.
Paul does 80 over the 80 space for free.
Franklin spins back around and does 20 on the line.
Will does starts t 120 then late brakes to 100 (2sk = 5 OK) and takes the 80 space for 1w.
Dave does 100 over the 60 for 2w and pulls into P6.
Tim starts at 120 then late brakes to 100 (1sk = 6 OK) and grabs the end of the line.
John does 120 and with a slip pulls inside for P8.
Justin does 140 to the inside for P10.
Next plot due Wednesday, 25 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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23 Sep 2024, 8:00 am
I mis-interpreted Tim’s plot. He should be inside Franklin for P8, his 1 skill not used, and at 120.
This moves John (now P11) and Justin as well.
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
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25 Sep 2024, 5:51 am
Don crosses the line at 120 for P1!
Chris pushes to 140 (2sk = 8 OK) for P2.
Jim pushes to 140 (7 OK) for P3.
Jason pushes to 160 for P4.
Paul starts at 100 then late brakes to 80 (9 OK) and takes the 80 line for free.
Dave slows to 60 and takes the inside 60 for free and P5.
Will takes the 80 line at 80 for free.
Tim takes the 60 space at 100 for 2w then the inside 60 for 2w and P6.
Franklin takes the 80 line at 80 for free then the inside 60 for a Chance (6 OK) and P8.
John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w then the outside 60 for 1w and a Chance (3sk = 9 FAIl SPIN) but can’t hold it and spins. He is stuck at 20 next turn.
Justin stands on the brakes to reach 80 (test brakes 1sk = 6 OK) and takes the 80 space for free.
Next plot due Friday, 27 September @ 8 AM ET (US).
- jcbeckman
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 939
- Joined: 03 Dec 2016, 6:30 am
27 Sep 2024, 5:38 am
Tim starts at 160 then jams on the brakes (late brake 2sk = 2 OK) for 140 and takes P5.
Dave mashes the gas to hit 140 (test ACC 2sk = 6 OK) and finishes P6.
Paul also stands on the GO pedal for 140 (test ACC = 7 OK) and takes P7.
Franklin and Will run at 140 each for P8 and P9 respectively.
John spins around and takes the 60 space at 20 to block the line.
Justin takes the inside 60 at 60 for free and pulls into P10.
Turn 39:
Justin does 120 for P10.
John does 100 (test ACC 2sk = we’ll assume it works as if it doesn’t it just means a finish on Turn 40) for P11.
That’s it for Race 1. Race 2 details will be out later today.
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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27 Sep 2024, 10:18 am
Don grabs the win with a slim margin of victory