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Post 12 Mar 2024, 12:06 pm

Builds are in!

Engines are all over the place: Acc has two 20's, a 40, and three 60's. Top speed includes two 140's, three 160's, and a 180.

Brakes are also erratic: Two 20's, two 40's, and two 60's.

It's going to be quite a race out front with two 120 starts speeds. That's followed by a 100, two 60's, and a 20.

Everyone bought tires with four drivers going all in.

Skill was pretty much all or nothing. Four drivers with no red chips and the other two with two of the big reds.

Based on builds, there appear to be a lot of ways to attack this track.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:12 pm

The Grid

1. Scott 0w+14s = 7.0
2. Brent 1w+3s = 2.5
3. Kevin 0w+3s = 1.5
4. Don 0w+3s = 1.5
5. Chris 0w+0s = 0.0
6. Mike 0w+0s = 0.0
Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.02.22 PM.png
The starting grid.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:19 pm

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.07.08 PM.png
T1: Everyone pushes but Brent. Scott takes off like a rabbit and scrubs two on the inside.

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.14.06 PM.png
T2: Brent's loses a hamster! Chris and Don burn wear.

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.20.33 PM.png
T3: Chris damages his engine. The dice have been rough in the early going.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:38 pm

T4: Chris mis-plots at 20 and retires the car. I guess you could say I don't run 'friendly' races.

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.33.47 PM.png
T5: Scott pushes the top end.

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 8.35.35 PM.png
T6: Don & Kevin with some side-by-side racing.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:41 pm

T7: The field runs through the esses.

T8: Scott leads Brent through the big sweeper.

T9: Mike spends three in the back. He said it's in the plan.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:48 pm

T10: Don and Kevin at it again.

T11: Don gets the initiative then late brakes. Three wear total.

T12: Scott's nose is across and we enter lap 2 in a tight race.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:53 pm

Wear count at start of lap 2

Scott 16
Don 16
Brent 16
Kevin 19
Mike 13

T13: Brent keeps the hamster going. The leaders spend big wear.

T14: That's hamster abuse, Brent! Don's engine takes a hit and he parks the car.

T15: Scott late brakes.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:56 pm

T16: Kevin spends two.

T17: Mike's big engine almost has him in contact.

T18: Scott & Brent dive into the Esses.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 4:59 pm

T19: Brent spends four and has the lead!

T20: Brent continues the assault on his tires. Mike catches Kevin's bumper.

T21: Brent creates space on Scott.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:03 pm

T22: Brent's tires are wearing thin.

T23: All the chasers drop wear in the Carousel.

T24: Brent's engine keeps on going into the final lap.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:08 pm

Wear count at start of lap 3

Scott 7
Brent 3
Kevin 11
Mike 8

T25: Conga line at the front.

T26: Stacked & packed in front of the Keyhole.

T27: Brent uses a red chip in lieu of a wear.
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:11 pm

T28: Brent is abusing that hamster again!

T29: The little critter refuses to give up.

T30: Both Scott and Brent roll dice on the brakes. Scott has position!
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:14 pm

T31: Mike pulls off the forced pass on Kevin!

T32: Brent successfully uses a red chip again! Kevin late brakes.

T33: This is going to be some finish!
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:22 pm

T34: Scott passes a brake test but then crashes in the Carousel on a chance! Brent passes both his brake test, a chance roll, AND a crash avoidance test!! Kevin, with a bunch of wear left, uses it to get past the carnage while also making his crash avoidance!!! Mike spins on his chance roll!!!!

1st: Kevin; 2nd: Brent; 3rd: Mike
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 5:30 pm

Racing from my camper at Shenandoah River State park:
Mike Camping SRSP-4.jpg