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Post 21 Feb 2024, 7:06 am

Builds are in. There are two noticeable outliers :laugh:


Acc: A majority of drivers believe in a strong engine. And then there's the Doom Buggy.
Dec: A majority of drivers are ok with middling brakes. And then there's the Doom Buggy.
Top: A mix of of moderate to heavy engines.
Start: A majority of drivers will start out slow. There should be some fighting at the front with three rabbits. Kevin, of course, finds the sweet spot.
Wear: Tires seem popular. However, the Doom Buggy may have pulled theirs from the Springfield tire yard.
Skill: Nobody wants skill. Well, except Stephen. I'm a bit surprised you went in for such an over-powered car!
Tire yard.jpeg
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 1:17 pm

The race was screenshared on Zoom and loaded onto YouTube:

Grid Position / Driver / Start Bids

1. Chris / 1w+4s = 3.0
2. Jason / 1w+4s = 3.0
3. Kevin / 1w+3s = 2.5
4. Brent / 2w+0s = 2.0
5. Scott / 0w+2s = 1.0
6. Tim / 0w+2s = 1.0
7. Rando / 0w+1s = 0.5
8. Stephen / 0w+1s = 0.5
9. Mike / 0w+0s = 0.0
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 1:25 pm

T1: Everyone pushes except Chris & Brent. Jason goes au naturel!

T2: The four in the corner spend no wear. Rando & Stephen nudge the engines.

T3: Kevin & Tim nick one apiece.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 1:29 pm

T4: Now the wear comes off. Only Jason and Chris escape the Ess curves.

T5: With Tim in the way, Rando spends big to clear.

T6: Three-wide on the long straight!
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 1:39 pm

T7: Stephen damages the engine. The cars in the 3-wide all barrel down the straight at 180 before late-braking. Next turn could get ugly...

T8: The turn gets ugly. Kevin is through at 120. Rando, at 120, attempts a chance and spins. Brent attempts a forced pass on Rando but fails. He has to brake down by 60 at a cost of two wear and a spin (he already rolled on the over-brake). Tim scoots around the spun cars but gets hung.

T9: The recovering cars cause problems. Mike succeeds in a forced pass on Rando. Scott pulls up. Stephen can't clear.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 1:50 pm

T10: Back to the front-runners: Chris extends the lead at 180 in APCOA.

T11: Mike catches Tim. The back-markers clear the small hairpin.

T12: Both Rando and Scott damage their power-plants. Rando opts for an early night.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:19 pm

T13: The dice continue to play a part as Brent red lines his engine.

T14: Jason hauls in Chris and takes the top spot with position.

T15: Tim spends to maintain initiative over Mike.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:25 pm

T16: Chris mis-plots! Stephen spends big.

T17: Stephen clears the winding corner before Coca-Cola with a chance roll!

T18: Jason slows for the corner and Chris comes in hot for the lead. In last place, Brent opts for bed.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:33 pm

Wear at the halfway point

Mike 8
Kevin 6
Stephen 5
Scott 8
Tim 7
Brent 5
Chris 4
Jason 7

T19: Bringing so much speed, Chris has to spend in the Ess curves.

T20: Mike spends two in Dekra.

T21: Tim presses Kevin (which is what Mike should have done).
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:42 pm

T22: Chris damages the power-plant! Tim bottles up Mike.

T23: Jason takes the lead again. Stephen passes a chance with 2s!

T24: Jason spends two pellets with three left. Chris uses his last wear.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:47 pm

T25: Kevin forces Tim off-line.

T26: Stephen continues to successfully use his skill on chance rolls.

T27: Chris spins in the sweeper! Scott's brakes can't take the beating.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 2:54 pm

T28: Kevin will get past Chris as the latter recovers from the spin-out. Mike's engine joins the damaged goods club.

T29: Stephens two skill prevent a crash but he still spins in the big hairpin.

T30: Jason uses a wear, leaving one. The race is his, barring catastrophe.
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 3:00 pm

T31: Stephen nudges the engine.

T32: Jason and Tim toss in their last wear. Stephen's little engine that could.

T33: Jason takes some damage to the engine but it won't matter. Kevin burns his last two wear. Tim damages the brakes and spins! Mike forces his way past Tim's spun car then crashes in the penultimate corner!
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 3:07 pm

T34: Chris is ready for the banked Coca-Cola corner.

T35: Jason takes 1st and Kevin 2nd! Tim stuffs Scott.

T36: Stephen passes a naked chance roll!
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 3:11 pm

T37: Chris finishes out the podium in 3rd. Stephen passes another naked chance as he comes off line to challenge Scott.

T38: Tim is 4th and Stephen wins the shootout over Scott to take 5th.

Order of Finish

1. Jason
2. Kevin
3. Chris
4. Tim
5. Stephen
6. Scott
DNF Mike (crash)
DNF Brent (retired)
DNF Rando (retired)

Order of Finish