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Post 21 Jan 2024, 11:35 am

Video (YouTube):

A special thanks to Kevin for the assist on RM'ing duties and Jason for both helping out on the table and screensharing for the Zoom recording.


Builds Consolation.png

Grid Position. Driver / Start Bids (2d6 tie-breaker)

1. Will / 1w+5s = 3.5
2. Chris / 0w+6s = 3.0
3. Tim / 0w+5s = 2.5 (7)
4. Doug / 1w+3s = 2.5 (6)
5. Russ / 0w+1s = 0.5 (7)
6. Scott / 0w+1s = 0.5 (5)
7. Mike / 0w+0s = 0.0 (9)
8. Brent / 0w+0s = 0.0 (8)

dp grid.png
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 11:45 am

dp T1.png
T1: Doug mis-shifts on the start push.

dp T2.png
T2: Chris clears the first big sweeper (Double-Droite de Villeroy). Doug's dice go from bad to worse as he damages the engine.

dp T3.png
T3: Wow... Doug's engine fails and he is out of the race. The odds of this are astronomically low.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 11:55 am

dp T4.png
T4: The cars are quickly spread out.

dp T5.png
T5: Chris and Will are through the 'Gauche de la Bretelle'. Tim & Scott continue their side-by-side racing.

dp T6.png
T6: Chris is into the Parabolique with Will hot on his tail. Scott gets away from Tim.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:00 pm

dp T7.png
T7: Russ challenges Tim. The back-markers are through Bretelle.

dp T8.png
T8: Chris spends two in the 'Double-Gauche de la Bretelle'. What? Russ gets past Tim.

dp T9.png
T9: Scott seems to like Chris' line.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:11 pm

dp T10.png
T10: Chris & Will are through the Virage de la Combe. Brent spends two in Double-Bretelle.

dp T11.png
T11: Chris clears the last big sweeper (Courbe de Pouas). All others, except Mike, are clear of Combes.

dp T12.png
T12: Chris drops the hammer to 200! Tim passes Scott in the fast sweeper. Brent has to hit the brakes.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:22 pm

dp T13.png
T13: Chris continues to press at 200 as he crosses into lap 2. Mike hits the fast sweeper at 180.

Wear count at start of Lap 2

Will 11
Chris 8
Tim 11
Russ 9
Scott 15
Mike 17
Brent 10

dp T14.png
T14: Chris over-brakes while everyone on the long straight (Ligne Droite de la Fouine) pushes their engines, including Russ who hits 220!

dp T15.png
T15: Chris clears Villeroy. Scott gets the double-slip, setting up an interesting scenario at the first corner.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:30 pm

dp T16.png
T16: Tim over-brakes and occupies the exit row in Villeroy. The chain reaction brings on brake lights from Russ and Scott. Brent was driving responsibly.

dp T17.png
T17: Tim catches up to Will. Mike spends to clear the Villeroy sweeper.

dp T18.png
T18: The Sabeliers Esses get clogged up.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:39 pm

dp T19.png
T19: I'm thinking that skill on Tim's chart is a late brake to stopper Bretelle.

dp T20a.png
T20: Chris maintains his one turn lead as he clears the Parabolique. Russ takes a strange route through Bretelle.

dp T21.png
T21: Tim spends two and has position on Will. Mike challenges Brent.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:43 pm

dp T22.png
T22: The chase pack is stacked in front of Double-Bretelle. The back-markers have cleared Parabolique.

dp T23.png
T23: Will spends two pellets to get back in front of Tim. Scott challenges.

dp T24.png
T24: Chris is out by himself with two separate races happening behind him.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:51 pm

dp T25.png
T25: Tim takes damage on a late brake. I don't recall why he was braking but the blue dice tell the tale.

dp T26.png
T26: Will pushes to 200 and gives chase to Chris. Mike pushes to 180 for the ideal trip around the fast sweeper.

dp T27.png
T27: The cars are spread out as we enter the final lap.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 12:58 pm

Wear count at start of Lap 3

Will 3
Chris 5
Tim 6
Russ 2
Scott 5
Mike 10
Brent 6

dp T28.png
T28: Will catches Chris' wing. Mike damages his engine. Russ drops a 220 again!

dp T29.png
T29: Will challenges Chris. Scott leads Tim into Villeroy. Brent gets the double bonus from Russ and sets him up to return the favor.

dp T30.png
T30: Will has the lead! A plot of 100 from Russ requires quite a bit of an over-brake.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 1:26 pm

dp T31.png
T31: Will still has the lead but no wear to defend it.

dp T32.png
T32: Chris takes back the lead in Bretelle.

dp T33.png
T33: Brent fails a forced pass attempt on Tim. Ouch, that hurt!
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 1:31 pm

Looks like the turn marker is off by one.

dp T34.png
T34: Stacked and packed in front of Parabolique.

dp T35.png
T35: Mike has to late brake from 120. [Editorial from Mike: Boy, did I play that wrong.]

dp T36.png
T36: Chris spends his last wear. This looks to be his race.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 1:42 pm

dp T37.png
T37: Tim and Scott vie for a podium spot.

dp T38.png
T38: Brent makes a chance roll!

dp T39.png
T39: Mike tests his compromised engine then rounds the fast sweeper with a chance roll. Scott passes his chance roll on the inside but can't get past a blocking Tim. Tim takes damage but with no wear, spins. Scott has no wear for braking and also spins.
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Post 21 Jan 2024, 1:49 pm

dp T40.png
T40: The race to the finish line is anti-climactic after last turn's excitement. Mike has to nudge the engine one more time to hold off Brent.

dp T41.png
T41: Chris almost runs wire-to-wire. Will takes 2nd. I guess I didn't take a picture of T42? Anyway, Mike is third, Brent fourth, Tim, with the bigger engine, takes fifth over Scott who comes in sixth. Russ brings up the rear in seventh.

Order of Finish

1. Chris
2. Will
3. Mike
4. Brent
5. Tim
6. Scott
7. Russ
DNF Doug

dp T42.png