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Post 11 Mar 2024, 8:53 am

Lap three starts with brake lights in the chase pack...

Turn 26 Summary

The white flag sees Dygert cross into the final lap at 140. MacDonald gives the engine a nudge to 160 with 1s (modified 4) to put his nose into the last lap.

Herbert sheds a wear at 100 through the Bucine 80's. Hudson, also at 100, bumps a wear on the red line and out into the 100's.

Marshall picks up the Bucine line at 100.

Needham gets the initiative at 140. He late brakes w/ 1s (modified 5) and moves up the leaderboard. McConchie, at 120, has no place to go and must late brake, scrubbing one of his last two tires.

Kay finds a hole at 120. Hoyt, at 140, gets shut out and must also late brake. His defaults put 1s on the roll (modified 3).

Blanchett finishes Correntaio at 100.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, March 13th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 13 Mar 2024, 7:45 am

Hoyt makes an incredible move and puts himself in the conversation for promotion!

Turn 27 Summary

Dygert pulls up to San Donato on the primary racing line at 120. MacDonald eases the car down to 120 in advance of the slow first corner.

Hudson grabs the dice cup as he drops the hammer to 180, 1s on each of the engine checks (modified 9 & 6). Herbert fall behind at 140.

Needham, at 100, sheds a wear in the 80's. Marshall, at 80, goes outside and picks up the blue line.

Kay careens around Bucine at 120 on the outside for two pellets. McConchie, at 80, grabs the blue line at the apex.

Hoyt plots 140 with the move of the race. He hits the red line for two wear and 3s on the chance (modified 5). He then transitions to the outer rail and bulls his way around Kay with the forced pass, using 1s (modified 6). That's four positions on the leaderboard and, at the moment, qualifies for promotion. Wow!

Blanchett picks up the Bucine red line at 100.

Turn 28 Deadline: Friday, March 15th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 15 Mar 2024, 7:08 am

The dice giveth and the dice taketh away...

Turn 28 Summary

Dygert runs San Donato on the inside red at 80 for a wear. MacDonald goes in behind at 80 and also scrubs a wear.

Hudson slows to 140. Herbert maintains 140.

Hoyt pushes the engine to 160 with 1s (modified 11). Oof. Rando now has initiative who is also pushing to 160 with 1s (modified 8).

Kay gets on the bumper of the #24 at 140. Marshall extends the conga line at 120.

McConchie is out on the straight at 100. Blanchett clears Bucine at 80 for free.

Turn 29 Deadline: Monday, March 18th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 18 Mar 2024, 5:10 am

Turn 29 Summary

Dygert clears Luco at 100 and expends one of his remaining tires. MacDonald is through Luco on the line for free at 80.

Hudson runs the outside San Donato line at 100, costing a wear. Herbert overbrakes with 1s (modified 9) to 100. The brakes hold and he scrubs two wear on the inside line to clear.

Needham pulls up to San Donato on the inside at 160. Hoyt, at 120 and the bonus, loses pace.

Kay pulls alongside the #24 at 160. Marshall, at 140 and the bonus, sits behind the Napa blue.

McConchie keeps the pace at 160. Blanchett is out onto the straight at 140.

Turn 30 Deadline: Wednesday, March 20th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 20 Mar 2024, 5:15 am

Handle dice cup with care...

Turn 30 Summary

Dygert is through Materassi at 100 on the racing lines. MacDonald pulls up to Materassi on the line at 120.

Hudson slows to 60 to clear Luco on the inside. Herbert sheds a wear in Luco on the outer rail at 100.

Needham over-brakes to 100 w/ 1s (modified 11) and joins the 20 brakes club. He rounds San Donato on the inner line for two wear.

Hoyt dives into San Donato on the inside line at 120. He scrubs two wear and 2s on the chance roll (modified 7). Spin! Kay rips off two tires on the outer line at 120 to clear.

Marshall takes an RM plot of 80 (NPR #1: Warning) and sets up San Donato on the outside. McConchie takes the inside line at 120.

Blanchett closes the distance at 140.

Turn 31 Deadline: Friday, March 22nd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC))
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 3:02 am

Hudson has the fastest lap 2 after being in the top three all three sectors
C4 summary.png
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Post 22 Mar 2024, 6:46 am

Turn 31 Summary

Dygert scrubs a wear at 140 in Casanova. MacDonald runs Materassi for free at 120 on the lines.

Herbert has initiative at 140. He uses 1s on the late brake (modified 1) and grabs the line. Hudson, at 120, takes the inside.

Rando knocks down a wear in Luco at 100 via the line. Kay, at 100, goes outer rail for a wear.

Hoyt recovers from his spin at 40.

McConchie, at 80 takes the outside of San Donato for free. Marshall runs the secondary racing line at 80 for free.

Blanchett dives into San Donato at 80 and nicks a wear on the inside line.

Turn 32 Deadline: Monday, March 25th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 25 Mar 2024, 5:42 am

Turn 32 Summary

Dygert is into Arrabiata at 120. MacDonald clears Casanova at 120.

Hudson, at 100, runs outside then picks up the 2nd line in Materassi. Herbert, also at 100, takes the first line then outside. He'll end with inside position on the #99.

Needham knocks down a wear at 120 on the Materassi lines. Now he has to contend with a rolling roadblock. Kay grabs the Materassi line at 120.

Hoyt is through Luco on the line at 80. Marshall drops to 60 and occupies the inside of Luco.

McConchie dives into Luco at 100 and 2s on the chance roll (modified 7). Spin! Blanchett, at 80, picks up the Luco line per his defaults.

Turn 33 Deadline: Wednesday, March 27th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 27 Mar 2024, 5:13 am

The dice bite again...

Turn 33 Summary

Dygert runs the blue line at 140. MacDonald picks up the blue at 120.

Herbert plots 140 before attempting a late brake (natural 10). Thus ends the race for the #23. Hudson scrubs a wear at 140 through Casanova.

Needham, at 120 and the bonus, stays on the orange machine. Kay burns a wear through Materassi at 120 via the red lines.

Hoyt dives into Materassi at 120 for a wear. Marshall takes an RM plot of 120 (NPR #2: 1w penalty).

McConchie recovers from his spin at 60. Blanchett runs the Luco line at 80 for free and shows off his bumper to the #77.

Turn 34 Deadline: Friday, March 29th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 29 Mar 2024, 5:38 am

Turn 34 Summary

Dygert over-brakes to 80 w/ 1s (modified 8) and clears Scarperia. MacDonald accelerates to 140 on the blue line.

Hudson picks up the blue line at 120. Needham stays right behind him, also at 120.

Kay enjoys his 'me' time at 120, as does Hoyt, also at 120.

Marshall's third NPR within a single lap brings out the black flag. His race and series is over.

Blanchett clears Materassi at 100 on the red lines. McConchie takes the Materassi red for free and gets hung.

Turn 35 Deadline: Monday, April 1st @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 01 Apr 2024, 5:00 am

Turn 35 Summary

Dygert picks up the red line for Correntaio at 120. MacDonald scrubs a wear at 100 in Scarperia.

Hudson grabs the line for Scarperia at 140. Needham is also clear of the big sweeper at 140 and ends inside.

Kay enters Arrabiata at 120 and has the blue line. Hoyt continues at 120 to start the sweeper.

Blanchett gets to the transition in Cassanova at 120. McConchie finishes Materassi at 100.

Mater gets around to picking up the brakeless #23.

Turn 36 Deadline: Wednesday, April 3rd @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 03 Apr 2024, 5:08 am

Turn 36 Summary

Dygert scrubs his last wear at 80 to clear Correntaio (red line to 60's). MacDonald also burns his final wear, hitting the red line at 80.

Hudson takes an RM plot of 100 (NPR #1: Warning), and knocks off a wear. Needham, at 120, scrapes off two tires and challenges the orange machine.

Kay picks up the Scarperia line at 140. Hoyt clears Arrabiata at 120.

Blanchett is in the big sweeper at 120. McConchie is through Casanova at 120.

Turn 37 Deadline: Friday, April 5th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 05 Apr 2024, 5:11 am

Optimal use of skill this turn...

Turn 37 Summary

Dygert cruises towards Bucine at 120. MacDonald clears Correntaio and Biondetti at 80.

Needham gains the initiative at 120. He late brakes with 2s (modified 9) and dumps two wear in the outer 60's to pick up the blue line. Hudson, at 100, takes the red line for his last two wear.

Kay burns two on the Scarperia line at 120. Hoyt picks up the same line at 120.

Blanchett plots 140 but can't legally do that - he is re-plotted to 120 and finishes the sweeper on the blue line. McConchie tosses in his red chip and grabs the dice cup as he hits Arrabbiata at 140 (modified 6).

Turn 38 Deadline: Monday, April 8th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 08 Apr 2024, 5:09 am

Turn 38 Summary

Dygert rounds Bucine on the outside at 80. MacDonald picks up the red line at 120.

Hudson finishes out Correntaio at 100 and sets up outside. Needham hops on the blue line at 120 and refuses the potential slip to the Whataburger car.

Kay knocks off two wear at 100 through Correntaio. Hoyt burns a wear at 100 on the Scarperia line.

Blanchett's engineers are either unaware this is the final lap or are under orders to save the tires for next season. He pulls up in front of Scarperia at 100. McConchie takes inside position at 120.

Turn 39 Deadline: Wednesday, April 10th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
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Post 10 Apr 2024, 4:57 am

The leader eyes the checkered flag...

Turn 39 Summary

Dygert taps the gas pedal on the blue line and, at 120, has a clear shot to the finish. MacDonald runs Bucine at 80, red line to the 80's for free.

Needham dives into Bucine at 120 with his last two wear. He goes outer rail and picks up the blue line. Hudson eases his way towards the final corner at 80. He takes the red line.

Kay pulls to the inside of the orange machine at 140. Hoyt clears Correntaio at 80 on the inner rail.

Blanchett scrubs two wear on the Scarperia line. McConchie burns his last wear at 80.

Turn 40 Deadline: Friday, April 12th @ 8 a.m. EDT (12 noon UTC)
Trigger option in effect