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Post 12 Jan 2024, 2:32 pm

Turn 1 notes:

3 drivers push, 2 successfully, details in the chart

Rund jumps off the line at 120 for the early lead
Moratto does 100 and tucks in behind the red race car
LaMorte also at 100 joins the queue
Bernhardt starts at 100 but is left without a slip opportunity

Welage joins up at 100
Schultz rolls in behind Bernhardt at 100
Kennard uses his 60 start speed to gain an early position
Bauska pushes to 40 and stays right behind Kennard

Collins at 60 pulls along side Bauska
Harley keeps pace with the orange machine at 60
Harrington wanted 120, encountered a mis-shift, then had to brake for the wall in front of him

Next deadline: Turn 2 due Monday, January 15 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 1.png
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Post 15 Jan 2024, 2:03 pm

Turn 2 notes:

San Donato looks like it's going to break up the pack early

Rund drops two wear on the inner racing line at 100
Moratto follows the leader for the same two wear cost
Bernhardt swings to the outer line at 120 shedding two wear
LaMorte takes up the inner line at 100

Welage approaches the corner at 120 on the inside
Schultz uses a slip into the 80s at 120 knocking off two wear
Kennard pushes his acceleration to 140
Bauska also pushes and uses a slip to stay with Kennard

Harley at 120 joins the queue
Collins does 100 and attaches himself to the rear of the group
Harrington gets to 140 and picks up a spot to the outside of the line

Next deadline: Turn 3 due Wednesday, January 17 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 2.png
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Post 17 Jan 2024, 3:23 pm

Turn 3 notes:

We now have two packs as everyone winds through the tight section of the course

Rund is into Luco on the line at 80
Moratto maintains 120 to finish San Donato wear paid
Bernhardt has to late brake to 100 choosing the middle lane
Schultz at 120 takes the inside approach

LaMorte sheds two wear around the inner racing line at 100
Welage takes the inside through the corner at 80 for two wear
Kennard drops one wear on the inner line at 80
Bauska hits the outer racing line at 120 for two wear

Harrington is two wear lighter on the outer line at 120
Harley takes the inside line at 100 throwing in two wear
Collins takes up the outer line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 4 due Friday, January 19 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 3.png
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Post 19 Jan 2024, 2:26 pm

Turn 4 notes:

Thnings tighten back up as the field makes it way throgh the chicanes

Rund approaches the next chicane on the racing line at 120
Moratto finishes the 80s wear paid
LaMorte sheds two wear through the 60 at 100
Bernhardt takes the 80s for one wear at 100

Schultz runs the Luco line at 80 for free
Welage likewise takes the line at 80
Bauska drives into the Luco 60 at 80 shedding one wear
Kennard sails by Bauska at 120 through the 80s for two wear

Harrington maintains 120 into the Luco 80s knocking off two wear
Harley is steady at 100 following Harrington into the 80s for one wear
Collins throws in one wear to the the outer racing line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 5 due Monday, January 22 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 4.png
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Post 22 Jan 2024, 2:36 pm

Turn 5 notes:

A challenge for the lead brings the pack back together

Rund takes the racing lines at 100 for free
Moratto drops two wear though the corner lines at 140
LaMorte ticks off one wear at 120 following the lines as well
Bernhardt uses a slip and the lines at 100 through at no charge

Schultz also gets a slip running the 100s then grabbing the second line
Welage does 100 into the corner on the first racing line
Kennard swings out to the 100s at 120 shedding one wear
Bauska exits Luco at 120 starting the line into Materassi

Harrington moves to the inside approach at 120
Harley maintains 100 finishing the 80s wear paid
Collins tosses in one wear at 80 through the 60

Next deadline: Turn 6 due Wednesday, January 24 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 5.png
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Post 24 Jan 2024, 3:06 pm

Turn 6 notes:

The field breaks into two pack with challenges all through

Rund reclaiims sole possession of the lead shedding one wear through Casanova
Moratto does 120 and tucks in behind the leader
LaMorte gets a slip at 120 to challenge for P2
Bernhardt also gets a slip to keep attached to the lead pack

Schultz drops one wear in Casanova at 140 and chooses a slip position
Welage finishes Materassi and keeps to the inside
Kennard maintains 120 grabbing the second line
Harrington runs the 80/100 through the chicane at 120 for two wear

Bauska tosses in one wear for the 80/100 at 100
Harley takes both Luco lines at 100
Collins is into the corner on the first line at 100 for free

Next deadline: Turn 7 due Friday, January 26 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 6.png
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Post 26 Jan 2024, 2:00 pm

Turn 7 notes:

Varying strategies through Arrabbiata make it interesting

Rund grabs the racing line at 120
Moratto sheds two wear at 140 around the outside
LaMorte at 120 chooses to hug the curb for one wear
Bernhardt disregards the slip at 120 to start the line

Schultz also passes on the slip keeping inside at 120
Welage accelerates to 120 through Casanova
Kennard maintains his speed and position next to Welage
Harrington does 120 through Casanova as well

Bauska keeps the 2x2 intact at 120
Harley keeps the gap steady at 120
Collins finishes Materassi on the line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 8 due Monday, January 29 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 7.png
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Post 30 Jan 2024, 5:00 am

Turn 8 notes:

More slow corners coming up could scramble positions

Rund grabs the line into Scarperia at 140
Moratto is paid to finish the 100s at 140 and takes the lead for now
LaMorte finishes the 100s at 120 wear paid
Bernhardt challenges the brown race car at 140

Schultz accelerates to 140 on the racing line to finish the corner
Kennard sheds two wear at 160
Welage follows at 140 for one wear
Harrington gets a slip at 120 following on the line

Bauska also uses a slip at 120 and is forced into the 100s for one wear
Harley is into the 120s at speed
Collins runs Casanova at 120 for free

Next deadline: Turn 9 due Wednesday, January 31 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 8.png
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Post 31 Jan 2024, 2:00 pm

Turn 9 notes:

Lots of wear surrendered this turn

Rund takes the Scarpario line at 120 shedding two wear
Moratto drops 2 wear through the 60 at 100
Bernhardt is two wear lighter after taking the racing line at 120
LaMorte tosses in one wear through the line at 100

Schultz gets a slip and dumps one wear on the line at 100
Kennard starts the Scarpario line at 100
Welage moves to the inside at 120
Harrington maintains 120 starting the line behind Kennard

Bauska slides to the inside at 120
Harley shifts to the racing line at 140
Collins knockes off one wear at 140 before finishing the corner on the line

Note: I failed to put Welage's wear on the chart last turn but it was deducted.

Next deadline: Turn 10 due Friday, February 2 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 9.png
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Post 02 Feb 2024, 2:06 pm

Turn 10 notes:

Only 3 drivers don't spend wear this turn

Rund takes the 60 to the blue racing line at 80 for one wear
Moratto follows the leader also shedding one wear
Bernhardt is into the 60 at 80 knocking off one wear
LaMorte attacks the red line at 100 dropping two wear

Schultz approaches the corner on the inside at 100
Welage takes the inside route through Scarperia at 100 throwing in two wear
Kennard takes the racing line at 80 for free
Harrington uses one wear on the line at 100

Bauska surrenders one wear through the 60 at 80
Harley leaves one wear on the Scarperia racing line at 100
Collins finishes the blue line and starts the red one

Next deadline: Turn 11 due Monday, February 5 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 10.png
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Post 05 Feb 2024, 2:29 pm

Turn 11 notes:

The wear drain continues with two drivers in the single digits

Rund pushes his acceleration for 140 down the straight
Moratto is paid to accelerate to 100 on the blue racing iine
LaMorte takes the 40 at 80 wear paid
Bernhardt finishes the blue line at 120 for one additional wear (see note)

Schultz sheds one wear around the outside to the blue racing line
Welage follows the same route through the corner at 100 for two wear
Kennard drops one wear at 80 on the red line
Harrington is one wear lighter for hitting the 60 space at 80

Bauska grabs the line at 80
Harley moves to the inside at 100
Collins is one wear lighter after the Scarperia line at 100

Note: The rule is you can accelerate in a corner as long as you don't spend any additional
wear in the next space. Since the next space for Bernhardt is 100 (60 + 40) and he spent
one wear to enter the 60 space, he can do 120 even though it costs him one more wear
later in the corner.

Next deadline: Turn 12 due Wedmesday, February 7 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 11.png
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Post 07 Feb 2024, 2:45 pm

Turn 12 notes:

The leaders are starting to stretch out a bit

Rund clears Bucine at 120 through the 80s/blue line shedding two wear
Moratto hits the 80s at 120 for two wear
Bernhardt grabs the red line at 120 dropping two wear and picks up a spot
LaMorte starts the red line at 100

Schultz chooses the inside lane at 120
Welage at 140 starts the line behind LaMorte
Kennard finishes through the 60s at 80 wear paid
Harrington can accelerate on the blue line to 100 and into P7

Harley tracks the outside of the corner all the way at 100 knocking off two wear
Bauska at 80 is one wear lighter after the red line and 60s
Collins is into the 60 at speed

Next deadline: Turn 13 due Friday, February 9 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 12.png
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Post 09 Feb 2024, 2:08 pm

Turn 13 notes:

A little excitement in Bucine turns out to be nothing

Rund pushes his top speed to 160 and starts the second lap
Bernhardt finishes through the 80s at 120 wear paid
Moratto can speed up to 140 hitting the blue racing line also paid
LaMorte sheds one wear round the red line and 80s at 100

Schultz runs the 80s to the blue line at 120 dropping two wear
Welage tosses in one wear to follow the black machine at 100
Harrington uses two wear to take the racing line at 120
Kennard wheels into the 80s at 140 and after spending two wear keeps stuck to the track

Harley grabs the racing line at 140
Bauska takes a slip at 120 and finishes on the inside
Collins takes the blue line at 80 to finish the corner

Next deadline: Turn 14 due Monday, February 12 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 13.png
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Post 12 Feb 2024, 2:10 pm

Turn 14 notes:

A few 1- and 2-car battles keep the crowd entertained

Rund dials back the speed to 140 approaching San Donato
Bernhardt catches high gear at 160
Moratto falls in behind at 140
LaMorte hits the start/finish line at 140

Schultz comes of Bucine at 140 and a slip to also reach the line
Welage can accelerate to 140 on the blue line for wear paid
Harrington finishes the 80s at 120 also paid
Kennard comes through the blue line maintaing 140

Harley runs the red line and the 80s at 120 shedding two wear
Bauska hugs the inside of the corner all the way dropping two wear at 100
Collins starts the Bucine racing line at 120

Next deadline: Turn 15 due Wednesday, February 14 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 14.png
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Post 14 Feb 2024, 3:03 pm

Turn 15 notes:

The mid-pack tightens up approaching San Donato

Rund swings around the inner racing line at 80 for one wear
Bernhardt hits the 80 at 120 shedding two wear
Moratto starts the inner line at 120
LaMorte holds steady at 140

Schultz matches the 140 of LaMorte
Welage lifts off the gas doing 120
Harrington pushes to 160 and catches the gray race car
Kennard keeps pace at 160

Harley uses a slip at 160 to make it 3-wide
Bauska asks his engine for 160 but without a slip opportuntiy loses touch
Collins drops two wear around the Bucine racing line at 80s

Next deadline: Turn 16 due Friday, February 16 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 15.png