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Post 20 Mar 2024, 1:13 pm

Turn 30 notes:

Onto the back section of the track Schultz has the wear advantage over Rund

Rund moves into Luco on the 60 at 80 for one wear
Schultz runs the 80s at 100 for one wear
Bernhardt finishes the 80s at 120 wear paid and starts the Luco line
Harley gets the initiative at 100 shedding one wear on the outer racing line

Moratto swings around the inner racing line at 80 for one wear
LaMorte clears San Donato on the inner line at 100 leaving behind two wear
Harrington slows to 100 starting the inner line
Bauska eases off the gas to 140 tucking in behind Harrington

Kennard asks his power plant for 180 and it responds
Welage does 160 staying on the blue car's wing
Collins benefits from the double slip at 160 to move up a spot

Next deadline: Turn 31 due Friday, March 22 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 30.png
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Post 21 Mar 2024, 2:57 am

The leader only has the 5th fastest speed for lap 2
C3 summary.png
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Post 22 Mar 2024, 12:59 pm

Turn 31 notes:

A change of leader; Moratto is first to bald tires

Rund prepares for the racing line into Materassi
Schultz moves to the inside lane and the lead for now
Bernhardt slows to 80 for the Luco line
Moratto drops his final wear at 100 to pull even with Bernhardt

Harley takes the Luco line at 80 for free
LaMorte clears Luco at 80 also at no cost
Harrington brakes to 60 around the inside line through San Donato
Bauska swings to the outside racing line at 80

Kennard is forced wide in San Donato at 120 shedding two wear
Collins wanted 120 but with no room for that move brakes onto the outer line
Welage brakes hard into the corner behind Collins

Next deadline: Turn 32 due Monday, March 25 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 31.png
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Post 25 Mar 2024, 1:09 pm

Turn 32 notes:

The best battle on the track at the moment is in the rear of the field

Rund takes both lines at 120 dropping one wear
Schultz is one wear lighter after taking the 80s at 100
Bernhardt runs both racing lines at 100
Moratto has to shift after the first line to the 100

Harley starts the Materassi line at 100
LaMorte does 120 off Luco and finishes inside and up a position
Harrington does 80 through the Luco line for free
Bauska finishes his San Donato line and shifts outside at 100 shedding one wear

Kennard slows to 80 to start the Luco line
Collins taps the brakes to 80 finishing his racing line and staying to the inside
Welage maintains 100 out of San Donato and fits in between Collins and Kennard

Next deadline: Turn 33 due Wednesday, March 27 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 32.png
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Post 27 Mar 2024, 1:05 pm

Turn 33 notes:

Only one position change and that at the rear of the field

Rund takes Casanova at 120
Schultz follows using a slip to even up
Bernhardt clears Casanova at 140 for one wear
Moratto hits the corner at 120

LaMorte goes wide to the 100s and picks up the second line at 120 shedding one wear
Harley swings around both lines at 100 to stay side-by-side
Harrington sheds one wear on the first Materassi line at 120
Bauska does 120 getting a slip into Materassi for one wear

Collins tosses in one wear taking the 60 at 80
Welage also at 80 goes through the 80s
Kennard takes the line at 80 and moves up one spot

Next deadline: Turn 34 due Friday, March 29 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 33.png
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Post 29 Mar 2024, 1:06 pm

Turn 34 notes:

A new leader, which was not unexpected

Schultz completes the pass for the lead at 140 dropping one wear
Rund falls in behind at 120
Bernhardt comes into Arrabbiata on the inside at 120
Moratto does the same after finishing the Casanova 120s

LaMorte runs Casanova at 120
Harley does the same staying next to him
Harrington takes the second Materassi line at 120 wear paid
Bauska is also paid to run the second line staying on the wing of the blue car

Collins runs the Materassi lines to clear the corner at 100
Kennard holds steady at 80 into the 80
Welage does 100 to the outside lane of the chicane

Next deadline: Turn 35 due Monday, April 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 34.png
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Post 02 Apr 2024, 2:35 am

Turn 35 notes:

The battle continues up front; only one wear point used this turn as the totals dwindle

Schultz starts the Scarperia racing line at 120
Rund dives to the inside at 140
Bernhardt shifts to the blue racing line at 140
Moratto maintains 120 moving to the blue line as well

LaMorte drops one wear at 140 through the 120s to the blue racing line
Harley starts at 140 then brakes hard before the corner
Harrington holds steady at 120 at no cost
Bauska slides through Casanova at 120

Collins exits Materassi and into Casanova at 120
Kennard runs through the second racing line at 100
Welage also finishes the corner with the secong line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 36 due Wednesday, April 3 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 35.png
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Post 03 Apr 2024, 1:00 pm

Turn 36 notes:

The chase group reforms ahead of Scarperia

Rund drops one wear around the inside of the corner at 80
Schultz takes the racing line at 80 for free
Bernhardt knocks off one wear on the racing line at 100
Moratto starts the line in Scarperia at 120

LaMorte at 140 moves to the inside
Harley starts the Scarperia line behind Moratto
Harrington picks up the blue racing line at 120
Bauska also does 120 to the blue line

Collins maintains 120 staying inside
Kennard runs Casanova at 120
Welage also does 120 using the slip to pull even with Kennard

Next deadline: Turn 37 due Friday, April 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 36.png
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Post 05 Apr 2024, 1:33 pm

Turn 37 notes:

Schultz reclaims the lead

Rund starts at 100 then late brakes into the 60 for one wear
Schultz attacks the corner at 100 shedding two wear on the racing line/60
Bernhardt starts the Correntaio racing line at 100
LaMorte gets the initiative after braking hard to 80 dropping one wear through the 60

Moratto takes the Scarperia line at 80 for no cost
Harley follows the purple machine through the corner
Harrington takes up the Scarperia line at 120
Bauska can accelerate to 140 on the blue line moving to the inside

Collins shifts to the blue racing line at 120 to finish the corner
Kennard does 120 into the corner picking up the blue racing line
Welage slows to 100 onto the line behind Kennard

Next deadline: Turn 38 due Monday, April 8 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 37.png
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Post 08 Apr 2024, 1:06 pm

Turn 38 notes:

An aggressive move mid-pack and drivers jockey for the final corners

Schultz finishes the 60s at 100 wear paid
Rund can accelerate on the blue line to 100 to finish Correntaio
Bernhardt does 60 on the red line shifting to the 60s
LaMorte drops his final wear on the racing line at 80

Moratto slows to 60 starting the Correntaio racing line
Harley aggressivly attacks the 60s at 120 and barely survives the dice
Harrington sheds one wear around the Scarperia line at 100
Bauska likewise is a wear lighter after doing 80 through the 60

Collins taps the brakes lightly starting the Scarperia line at 100
Kennard finishes the blue racing line at 140 and picks up P9
Welage comes through the blue line at 140 and starts the line behind Collins

Next deadline: Turn 39 due Wednesday, April 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 38.png
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Post 10 Apr 2024, 1:03 pm

Turn 39 notes:

Still some wear available but is it enough to make a difference?

Schultz drops his final wear on the Bucine red racing line at 100
Rund starts the line behind the leader
Bernhardt comes off Correntaio at 100
Harley can accelerate to 140 with wear/skill paid on the blue line

LaMorte finishes the 60s at 80 wear paid
Moratto takes the outer 60 and blue line at 60
Harrington sheds two wear at 100 through the 60s
Bauska throws in his last wear on the racing line at 80

Collins goes for 100 around the racing line and keeps his car facing the track
Kennard uses a wear to get to 60 around the corner for free
Welage kicks in his final two wear at 120 around the Scarperia racing line

Gentlemen, please let me know if you will be back for next season.
I have heard from Collins, Bauska and Moratto.

Next deadline: Turn 40 due Friday, April 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 39.png
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Post 12 Apr 2024, 1:10 pm

Turn 40 notes:

The dice gods smile and make things a bit more dicey (pun intended)

Schultz finishes the line and 80s at 100 wear paid securing the win
Rund takes the racing line and 80s at 80 clearing the final corner
Harley runs into the 80s at speed
Bernhardt tosses in his last two wear at 120 on the line and 80s

LaMorte grabs the Bucine line at 120
Harrington pushes his engine for 160 and has to go inside of the brown machine
Moratto exits the corner at 120
Bauska can finish the 60s at 80 wear paid

Collins slows to 60 for the racing line
Welage brakes to 80 into the 60 throwing in his 3-skill on the chance roll
Kennard starts the line at 80 behind them

Note: I failed to duduct Bauska's wear last turn. The chart has been corrected.

Next deadline: Turn 41 due Monday, April 15 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 40.png
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Post 15 Apr 2024, 1:25 pm

Turn 41 notes:

The checkered flags fly but there's still positions to be fought for

Schultz glides across the finish line at 140
Rund coaxes a little extra acceleration out of his engine exiting Bucine
Bernhardt finishes the blue racing line at 120
Harley also rounds the blue line at 120

Harrington brakes hard and drops his final wear through the 80s/blue racing line
LaMorte at 80 follows the same route as Harrington
Moratto is into the Bucine 80s at speed
Bauska starts the Bucine racing line at 120

Collins maintains 60 moving to the outside after exiting the corner
Welage plots 100 but with the line blocked and no wear he's off into the kitty litter
Kennard avoids any drama taking the racing line/60s at 60

Next deadline: Turn 42 due Wednesday, April 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 41.png
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Post 17 Apr 2024, 1:08 pm

Turn 42 notes:

The back three all reach for the dice and make it

Rund wraps up P2 crossing at 140
Bernhardt does 160 to finish right behind the red machine
Harley at 160 follows on

Harrington noses across the finish line at 160
LaMorte can accelerate to 120 finishing Bucine on the blue line
Moratto likewise uses the blue line to it's maximum benefit

Bauska runs into Bucine aggressively and somehow manages to keep the race track in front of him
Collins starts the racing line into the final corner at 120
Kennard pops out of the corner at 140 and moves to the inside of Collins

Next deadline: Turn 43 due Friday, April 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Mugello C3 turn 42.png
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Post 19 Apr 2024, 12:55 pm

Turn 43 notes:

No more passes are possible so this finishes the race

LaMorte cruises across the line in 6th
Moratto likewise to wrap up P7
Bauska exits Bucine for the last time at 140
Kennard drops his last wear in the 80s/blue line at 100
Collins runs the racing line but then must shift to the 100s to finish the move

Turn 44 notes:
Bauska maintains 140 for P8
Kennard can accelerate to 120 on the blue line sealing 10th
Collins finishes the 100s at 100

Turn 45 notes:
Kennard at 160 and Collins at 140 wrap up the race

Congratulation to Schultz, Bernhardt, Rund and Kennard for promotions
Bauska, Moratto and Collins I expect to see all three of you back here next season
Harley, LaMorte, Welage and Harrington will be staying in C3

Unfortunately it looks like I'll be racing here too next season so you'll have a
different RM. Let me say it's been fun and good luck to all.
Mugello C3 turn 43.png
Mugello C3 turn 44.png
Mugello C3 turn 45.png