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Post 19 Feb 2024, 6:50 am

Posted for Jack:

Turn 12 Summary

Tim takes the 80 red line at 120 then the 80s for 21w.

Chris B. also takes the 80 line and 80s at 120 for 2w.

Brent goes outside on the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Curtis takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Jim runs to the corner at 100.

Chris L. pulls behind Jim at 120.

John grabs the start of the line at 140.

Dave I. speeds up to 100 with the blue line (paid) and takes P8.

Franklin stays inside at 80 over the 40 for +1w.

James speeds up with the blue line to 120 and pulls outside of Dave I. and into P9.

Dave B. does 80 over the 60 line then the 60s for 1w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 21 February @ 8 AM ET (US).


Drivers, I misinterpreted Franklin’s post. He should have taken the 60s for no additional wear and be one space back on the inside of Biondetti (just past the end of the blue line).

No change to deadline.
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 12.png
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Post 21 Feb 2024, 6:31 am

Posted for Jack:

Turn 13 Summary

Tim crosses the line at 140 to start us on Lap 2.

Chris B. speeds up to 160 and pulls behind Tim.

Brent does 120 over the 120 blue line for free.

Curtis finishes the red line at 80 for free then takes the 80s for free.

Jim takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Chris L. takes the 80s at 100 for 1w then takes the blue 120 line.

John takes the outside 100s at 80 for 1w then stays outside into the 100s for P6.

Dave I. takes the 80s at 120 for 2w.

James takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w and P8.

Franklin runs to the corner at 120.

Dave I. grabs the start of the red line at 140.

Next plot due Friday, 23 February @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 13.png
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Post 23 Feb 2024, 10:22 am

Posted for Jack:

Turn 14 Summary

Tim runs at 140.

Chris B. also does 140 and gets a slip.

Brent also does 140.

Curtis speeds up to 120.

Jim pulls outside of Curtis at 140.

John speeds up with the corner to 120 (paid).

Chris L. speeds up on the line to 140 (paid) and picks up P6.

James takes the 100s at 140 (paid).

Dave I. takes the blue 120 line at 160 (paid) and pulls into P8.

Dave B. does 120 over the 80 line then the 80s for 2w and P10.

Franklin does 100 over the 80s for 1w.

Next plot due Monday, 26 February @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 14.png
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Post 26 Feb 2024, 7:04 am

Posted for Jack:

NOTE: The points and standings (in the upper-right of each status box) are supposed to reflect the current, in-race standings. However, before this turn, the formulas were missing from the spreadsheet for adding in the current race. They now reflect the up-to-date standings.

Turn 15 Summary

Tim takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Chris B. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Brent runs onto the 60 line at 140.

Curtis and Jim run at 140.

Chris L. runs at 140 ands with a slip makes it 3-wide.

Dave I. does 160 and takes P7.

John does 140 with a slip.

James, Dave B., and Franklin do 160.

Next plot due Wednesday, 28 February @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 15.png
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Post 28 Feb 2024, 7:17 am

Posted for Jack:

Turn 16 Summary

Tim takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Chris B. takes the 60 space at 80 for 1w.

Brent takes the outside 80s at 120 for 2w.

Curtis takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Jim starts at 120 then stands on the brakes to reach 100 (late brake 1sk = 11 FAIL) but they don’t hold and he scrubs off some tire (1w) to slow down, then takes the inner 60 line for 2w.

Chris L. takes the outside 80s at 120 for 2w.

Dave slows to 100 and takes the 80 line for 1w.

John slows to 100 and takes the 60 line for 2w and P7.

James does 100 and starts the inner 60 line.

Dave B. does 140 and grabs the outer line.

Franklin does 160 and pulls behind Dave B.

Next plot due Friday, 1 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 16.png
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Post 29 Feb 2024, 4:12 am

Tim's lead at the line was less than a second
C2 summary.png
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Post 01 Mar 2024, 7:28 am

Tim takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Chris B. starts the line at 100.

Brent takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Curtis takes the 60 space at 80 for 1w.

Jim takes the outside 80s at 80 for free.

Chris L. maintains 120 over the 80 (paid) then force-passes Curtis (unblocked, 2sk = 2 OK) and takes the 60 space for 2w and a Chance (3sk = 4 OK) pulling ahead into P4!

John starts at 100 over the 60 line (paid) then seeing a wall of cars late brakes to 80 (1w) and grabs the next line.

Dave I. maintains 100 over the 60 line (paid) then ends in the middle for P7.

Dave B. gets the jump at 120 around the 80s for 2w and ends in the middle lane (as far inside as possible) blocking the 80 line.

James takes the 60s at 100 for 2w and pulls inside.

Franklin does 100 around the 80 line for 1w and with a slip pulls outside of Dave B.

Next plot due Monday, 4 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 17.png
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Post 04 Mar 2024, 6:59 am

Tim maintains 100 over the second 100 line for free.

Chris B. takes the 100 lines at 100 for free.

Brent also takes both lines at 100 for free.

Chris L. does 120 over the first 100 line for 1w.

Curtis starts the line at 120.

Jim finishes the 80s at 80 for free.

Dave I. takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.

John takes the 80s at 80 for free.

James speeds up to 120, takes the 80 line for 2w, the force passes between Dave I. and Jim (unblocked so it doesn’t matter which car) with 2sk (4 OK) and pulls into P7.

Dave B. does 80 on the 80 line for free.

Franklin takes the 80s at 80 for free.

I will be out of town for the next two weeks, so the next plot is not due until WEDNESDAY, 20 MARCH @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 18.png
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Post 20 Mar 2024, 7:23 am

Tim B. does 120 over the 120s for free.

Chris B. also does 120 o0ver the 120s for free and with a slip pulls outside of Tim B.

Brent takes the 120s at 120 for free.

Chris L. finishes the 100 line at 120 (paid) and takes the next 120s for free.

Curtis M. takes the 100 lines at 100 for free.

James and Jim also take the 100 line at 100 for free.

Dave I. takes the first 100 line then the 100 space at 100 for free.

John takes the first 100 line at 100 for free.

Dave B. takes the 100 space at 100 for free.

Franklin starts the line at 100.

Next plot due Friday, 22 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 19.png
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Post 22 Mar 2024, 6:05 am

Tim takes the 120s and the 140 line at 120 for free.

Chris B. takes the 120s/140 line at 100 for free.

Brent and Chris L. finish the 120s and take the next 120s at 120 for free.

James and Jim tak the 120s for free at 120.

Dave I takes the 120s at 140 for 1w and pulls outside of Jim.

John takes the second 100 line at 100 for free.

Dave B. (NPR2, 1w) also takes the second 100 line art 100 for free.

Franklin takes both 100 lines at 120 for 1w and pulls outside of John and into P10.

Next plot due Monday, 25 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 20.png
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Post 25 Mar 2024, 6:09 am

The entire field does 120 for free over 120s/140 line except for Tim, who does 140 over the 140 line for free and starts the 80 line.

That’s it. This is the single dullest section of track I can remember…it’s just like a real modern F1 race!

Next plot due Wednesday, 27 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 21.png
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Post 27 Mar 2024, 6:12 am

Tim does 100 on the 80 line for 1w.

Chris B. also does 100 over the 80 line for 1w.

Brent does 120 on thr 80 line for 2w.

Chris L. stays at 120 and runs onto the line.

Curtis speeds up with the blue line to 140 for free and starts the 80 line.

James also speeds up to 140 on the 140 line for free.

Jim does 120 over the 120s and the 140 line for free.

Dave I. does 100 over the inside 100s for free.

John takes the 120s/140 line at 120 for free.

Franklin hits the 120s at 120 then late brakes to 100 (1sk = 11 FAIL 1w) but instead locks up the tires and overheats the binders scrubbing off the speed; he does take the line.

Dave B. takes the 120s then the outside 100s at 120 for 1w and with a slip pulls into P10.

Next plot due Friday, 29 March @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 22.png
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Post 29 Mar 2024, 5:50 am

Tim takes the outside 60 then the blue line at 100 for 2w.

Chris B. runs to the corner at 80.

Brent does 120 onto the line.

Chris L. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Curtis also takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

James stands on the brakes (overbrake -60, 1 sk = 2 OK) to hit 80 and take the 80 line for free.

Jim slows to 100 and grabs the line.

Dave I. does 120 and pulls inside for P7.

John does 140 over the 140 line for free then hits the brakes (late brake 1w) to 120 and grabs the start of the line.

Dave B. does 120 and pulls inside for P9.

Franklin starts at 140 on the 140 line for free then slams on the brakes (1w) to slow to 120.

Next plot due Monday, 1 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 23.png
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Post 01 Apr 2024, 5:46 am

Tim runs at 140 onto the red line.

Brent takes the red 60 line at 100 for 2w then the outside 60s.

Chris B. (NPR1 warning) takes the outside 60 then the blue 80 line at 60 for free.

Chris L. (NPR1 warning) takes the red 60 line at 60 for free.

Curtis does 100 over the 60 for 2w and then starts the blue line.

James runs at 120 onto the line.

Dave I. takes the 60 at 80 for 1w.

Jim takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

John gets the jump at 120 over the 80 line for 2w, then he force passes between Jim and Dave I. (unblocked, 2sk = 4 OK) for three positions to P7!

Dave B does 80 over the 60 for 1w.

Franklin takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 3 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 24.png
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Post 03 Apr 2024, 6:17 am

Tim runs the 80 line and then the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Brent starts the 80 line at 120.

Chris B. speeds up to 100.

Curtis takes the blue 80 line at 120 (paid) and pulls outside of Chris B. for P4.

Chris L. finishes the 60s at 60 for free.

James takes the 60 line and then the outside 60s at 80 for 1w.

John takes the 60 then the blue 100/80 line at 100 for 2w.

Jim runs into the outside 60 at 80 for 1w and takes P8.

Dave I. runs at 60 to the corner.

Dave B. does 80 onto the red line.

Franklin speeds up to 100 and takes the long way around the corner.

Next plot due Friday, 5 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 25.png