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Post 10 Jan 2024, 8:19 pm

Turn 0 is due Friday at 10:30 Eastern
The crowd got their Moneys worth in qualifying as the fight was pole was tight, with the Top 3 only separated by .2 seconds! In the end Mario edges out Jeff and takes the pole for the race. Chris and Stepehn follow on the second roll, with Stepehn and Don on the third.

As so the day of the race comes and the cars run their formation lap. Completing it and coming to their lines, they set their clutch and prepares. 1 red, 2 red, 3 red, 4 red, 5 red and away we goooo!

Edit: Giuseppe's car was originally underbuilt but that was remedied, thus the difference in wear between Qual and Track Map.
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Post 12 Jan 2024, 11:45 pm

Turn 2 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern.

And the lights go out and they are off, with a launch of the line Jeff leads Stephen and Chris, towards San Donato, as the high speeders push ahead and the pack dropped into two lines.

RM Note: Testing a more simplified format. May or may not keep it.

Start Tests:
Jeff to 120: 6-2=4, Success
Mario to 80: 5-2(Splitting 3 Chip)=3, Success
Stepehn to 120: 6-2=4, Success
Chris to 120: 6-3=3, Success
Jack to 80: 10-3=7, Success
Doug to 80: 3, Success
Tim to 80: 2-2=0, Success
Justin to 120: 8-2=6, Success
Mike to 40: 9-2=7, Success
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Post 15 Jan 2024, 5:45 pm

Turn 3 is due Monday 1/22 at 6pm Eastern. As noted, will not be here Wend-Sunday due to festivals.

Harrington leads the field into San Danato as they bunch on the way up to.

Jeff 100 through 40 RA in San Danato: 2 Wear to 18

Chris Late Brake 120 to 100: 4, Success
Chris 100 through 40 RA in San Danato: 2 Wear to 21

Stephen 120 through 60 RA in San Danato: 2 Wear to 19

Mario: Slip (From Chris)
Mario 100 through the 60 RA in San Danato: 1 Wear to 23

Jack: Slip (From Mario)

Doug: Slip (From Jack)

Tim: Slip (From Justin)

Giuseppe Acc 60 to 120: 8-2=6, Success
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Post 22 Jan 2024, 6:31 pm

Turn 4 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern. Leaderboard now attached with Turn 3.

Jeff leads the pack through Lucio-Poggio Secco keeping up his speed

Jeff 120 -> Lucio - 60 RA: 2W -> 16

Stephen 120 -> Lucio - 80s: 2W -> 19

Chris 100 -> Lucio - 60 RA: 1W -> 18

Don 100 -> San Danato - 60s: 2W -> 20

Doug 100 -> San Danato - 40 RA: 2W - 21

Justin 100 -> San Danato - 40 RA: 2W -> 21

Bruce 100 -> San Danato - 80s: 1W -> 17

Guiseppe -> San Danato - 40 RA: 2W -> 22
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Post 24 Jan 2024, 11:15 pm

Turn 5 is Friday at 6pm Eastern. Deadline is soft cause I derp.

RM Note: If anyone posted force pass defaults you may want to review them. I realize now I copied over declaration preferences when I don't state such in the race, mostly because being fair, in my opinion that is private information, and thus as with F2F block declaration doesn't occur until after a Force Pass has been committed. Thus I've removed all declaration preferences from defaults, which may change your prefences. If this adjusts how you wish to take defaults, let me know and I can adjust them. I will also be updating Pass and Block preferences in the new season to avoid issues coming up agian.

Jeff continues to lead the pack as they work through Materassi with the chase pack following. Back at Lucio, smoke and tire squealing is heard as Giuseppe had to slam the breaks to not rear end to those in front.

Jeff 120 -> Materassi 80 RA: 1W -> 15

Chris 140 -> Materassi 80 RA: 2W -> 16

Stephen -> Outside Poggio Secco

Mario 100 -> Lucio 60: 2W -> 21

Justin 100 -> Lucio 60 RA: 1W -> 20

Don 100 -> Lucia 60 RA: 1W -> 19

Doug 100 -> Lucia 60 RA: 1W -> 20

Jack 100 -> Lucia 60s: 2W -> 19

Giseppe 100 -> Late Brake to 60: 1W+Roll -> 21 and Roll of 8, Success

Mike 80 -> San Donato 40 RA: 1W -> 23
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Post 27 Jan 2024, 12:22 pm

Turn 6 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Jeff 140 -> Casanova 120: 1W -> 14

Mario 140 -> Materassi 80 RA -> 19

Justin 140 -> Materassi 80 RA -> 18

Don -> Slip (From Mario)

Doug 120 -> Materassi 80 RA -> 19

Jack 120 -> Materassi 80 RA -> 18

Giuseppe 100 -> Lucio 60 RA -> 20
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Post 29 Jan 2024, 5:43 pm

Turn 7 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

RM Note: After some discussion, there has been a change made to standard defaults. If a driver does not submit wear expenditures with their move, instead of simply being as close to 0 as possible upon changing path, wear will be use as intended on the path, up to the normal 2. This does not affect driver defaults and this will not mean chance rolls will be attempted unless requested or in defaults, but cars defaulted will not try to use lowest wear path.

Jeff leads the field into Arrabbiata as they work through Cassanova behind them.

Mario 140 -> Cassanova 120: 1W -> 18

Doug 140 -> Cassanova 120: 1W -> 18

Giuseppe 120 -> Materassi 80 RA-80 RA: 1W -> 19

Tim 120 -> Materassi 80 RA-80 RA: 1W -> 22
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Post 31 Jan 2024, 7:34 pm

Turn 8 is due Friday at 10:30pm Eastern

Jeff leads the field through Arrabbiata as they roll through.

Justin LB 160 -> 140, 7-1=6, Success
Justin 140 -> Arrabbiata 100: 2W -> 16

Bruce 140 -> Casanova 120: 1W -> 16

Tim -> Slip (From Giuseppe)
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Post 03 Feb 2024, 1:07 am

Turn 9 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Jeff 120 -> Scarpeira 60 RA: 2W -> 12

Doug 160 -> Arrabbiata 100 BA: 1W -> 17

Guiseppe 140 -> Arrabbiata 120s: 1W -> 18

Tim LB 140 -> 120: 6-1=5, Success
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Post 05 Feb 2024, 6:23 pm

Turn 10 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Jeff 100 -> Correntaio Out 60: 2W -> 10

Chris 100 -> Scarperia 60 RA: 1W -> 15

Mario 120 -> Scarperia 60 RA: 2W -> 16

Justin 120 -> Scarperia Ins 60: 1W -> 15

Doug LB 100 -> 80: 3-2=1, Success

Don LB 100 -> 80: 11-1=10, Failure, -20 Dec, -1W -> 18
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Post 07 Feb 2024, 5:01 pm

Turn 11 is due Friday at 10:30pm Eastern

Chris 100 -> Correntaio Out 60: 2W -> 13

Mario 100 -> Correntaio 40 RA: 2W -> 14

Justin 100 -> Correntaio Out 60: 2W -> 13

Jack 120 -> Scarperio 60 RA: 2W -> 16

Bruce 100 -> Scarperio Ins 60: 2W -> 14

Guiseppe Slip (From Jack)
Guiseppe 100 -> Scarperio 60 RA: 1W -> 17
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Post 10 Feb 2024, 12:10 am

Turn 12 is due Monday 6pm Eastern

Jeff 120 -> Bucine 60 RA: 2W -> 8

Stephen -> Correntaio Out 60: 2W -> 16

Don -> Correntaio 40 RA: 1W -> 17

Jack Late Brake 60 -> 80: 11-2=9, Success

Bruce Late Brake 100 -> 80: 9-2=7, Success
Bruce -> Correntaio 40 RA: 1W -> 13

Guiseppe Late Brake 1W -> 16
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Post 12 Feb 2024, 5:19 pm

Turn 13 is due Wednesday 6pm Eastern

Chris 120 -> Bucine 80s: 2W -> 11

Mario 120 -> Bucine 60 RA: 2W -> 12

Justin 120 -> Bucine 80s: 2W -> 11

Guiseppe 60 -> Correntaio 40: 1W -> 15

Tim 80 -> Correntaio 60: 1W -> 21

Mike 100 -> Correntaio 60: 2W -> 21
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Post 16 Feb 2024, 12:45 am

Turn 14 is due Saturday at 10pm Eastern

Apologies for the delays, just a lot of scatterbraining.

Justin Top Push 160 -> 6-2=4, Success

Stephen 100 -> Bucine 60 RA: 1W -> 15

Don Late Brake 120 -> 100: 9-1=8, Success
Don 100 -> Bucine 60 RA: 1W -> 16

Doug 120 -> Bucine 80s: 2W -> 15

Bruce 120 -> Bucine 60 RA: 2W -> 11
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Post 17 Feb 2024, 10:56 pm

Sorry for the lateness, Turn 15 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Mario Push Top 160: 2-0=2, Success

Chris Push Top 160: 5-0=5, Success

Don slip (From Stephen)

Guiseppe 120 -> Bucine 80s: 2W -> 13

Tim Late Brake 120 -> 100: 1W -> 20
Tim 100 -> Bucine 80s: 1W -> 19

Mike 120 -> Bucine 80s: 2W -> 19