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Post 25 Mar 2024, 10:52 pm

Turn 30 due 6pm Wednesday. Soft Deadline.

Mario 100 -> San Donato 60 RA: 1W -> 5

Doug 100 -> San Donato 40 RA: 2W -> 5

Jack -> Slip (From Tim)

Bruce Top -> 180: 8-2=6, Success

Mike -> Double Slip (From Bruce)
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Post 26 Mar 2024, 3:41 am

The lap 2 numbers overall slightly slower than lap 1
C1 summary.png
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Post 27 Mar 2024, 4:00 pm

Turn 31 is due Friday at 10:30pm Eastern.

Mario 80 -> Luco 60: 1W -> 4

Stephen 100 -> San Donato 40 RA: 2W -> 6

Tim 100 -> San Donato 40 RA: 2W -> 3

Jack Late Brake 120->100: 4-2=2, Success
Jack 100 -> San Donato 40 RA: 2W -> 4

Bruce 120 -> San Donato 60 RA: 2W -> 4

Mike 120 -> San Donato 80s: 2W -> 9
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Post 29 Mar 2024, 8:33 pm

Turn 32 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern.

Justin Late Brake 140 -> 120: 10-1=9: Success

Doug 100 -> Luco 60 RA: 1W -> 4

Stephen 80 -> Luco 60s: 1W -> 5

Jack 100 -> Luco 60 RA: 1W -> 3

Mike 100 -> Luco 60 RA: 1W -> 8

Guiseppe 100 -> San Donato 40 RA: 2W -> 3
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Post 01 Apr 2024, 9:30 pm

Turn 33 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern, soft deadline due to delays.

Mario 120 -> Materassi 80 RA: 1W -> 3

Jack 120 -> Materassi 80 RA: 1W -> 2

Mike 140 -> Materassi 100: 2W -> 6
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Post 03 Apr 2024, 4:01 pm

urn 34 is due Friday at 10:30 Est

Mario Slip (From Jeff)

Stephen 140 => Casanova 120: 1W => 4

Mike 140 => Casanova 120: 1W => 5
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Post 05 Apr 2024, 8:05 pm

Turn 35 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Mario 120 => Arrabbiata 100: 1W => 2

Mike Late Brake 140 => 120: 9-2=7

Bruce Slip (From Tim)
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Post 08 Apr 2024, 4:26 pm

Turn 36 is due Wednesday at 6pm Eastern

Chris Hard Brake 120 => 80: 4-0=4, Success

Stephen Top Test 160: 5-1=4, Success
Stephen Late Brake 160 => 140: 9-1=8 Success

Doug 140 => Arriabbiata 100: 2W => 2
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Post 10 Apr 2024, 9:05 pm

Turn 37 is due Friday at 10:30pm Eastern

Jeff 100 => Scarperia 60 RA: 1W => 0

Justin 80 => Scarperia 60s: 1W => 1

Stephen Late Brake 120 => 100: 5-0=5, Success
Stephen 100 => Scarperia 60 RA: 1W => 3
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Post 12 Apr 2024, 10:51 pm

Turn 38 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern. Apologies for the delayed submittal.

As Kevin Keller says "Stack em and Pack Em"

Stephen Late Brake 120 => 100: 7-0=7, Success

Mike 120 => Scarperia 60 RA: 2W => 3

Tim Hard Brake 140 => 60 (-20 Max): 6-0=6, Success

Jack slip (From Mike)
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Post 15 Apr 2024, 10:05 pm

Turn 39 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern. Again apologies for delays.

Mario 100 => Correntaio 40 RA: 2W => 0

Stephen => Correntaio 40 RA: 2W => 1

Mike 80 => Correntaio 60s: 1W => 2

Tim 100 => Correntaio 60: 2W => 1

Bruce 120 => Correntaio 60s: 2W => 2 and Chance: 6-2=4, Success
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Post 16 Apr 2024, 3:28 pm

Corrections incoming!

First apologize for the misread that lead to the correction. Will try to be more clear in reading it.

With that said, I unfortunately did misread Doug's 2nd choice more. If he couldn't clear the corner he wanted outside 60s (To of course have the Blue Line) not 60s in the second area.

Due to this I had to push back everyone else so instead of what happened, this was the result:

Doug finishes on the tip of the Blue line.

Mike with the corner short attempts to late brake from 80 to 60 with 1 skill. He fails with an 11 and thus looses 20 Dec and a Wear and then safely enters the 60 space.

Tim dives inside and takes the line for 2.

Jack's move doesn't change, ending at the inside of the corner.

and Bruce the lanes no blocked, runs outside of Palagio and ends on the line.

Updated graphic is attached. Deadline for Wendesday is soft and I will likely look for changes from effected.


I was told by Mario that he will not be joining us for RRL for next season, and thus have now updated the relegation marks on the standings based on this. As we are almost finished with the season, I figured I'd ask. If you guys can, let me know if you will be returning for Season 11.
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Post 17 Apr 2024, 4:04 pm

Turn 40 is due Friday at 10:30pm Eastern.

Justin Acc Push 60 => 120: 11-0=11, FAIL, -20 Post Speed, -20 Acc

Bruce 100 => Correntaio 40 RA: 2W => 2

Jack 80 => Correntaio 60: 1W => 1

Guiseppe 80 => Correntaio 60: 1W => 1
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Post 20 Apr 2024, 12:28 pm

Turn 41 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern.

Last Race Choas and a new leader not only race but for the Championship!

RM Note: Not that it mattered too much this turn, but I wanted to state this again:
Block Declarations are Private Knowledge and are not stated until after a force pass has been committed. I will never publicly state defaults, so do not use that in your force pass decisions. I will make sure to state this agian at the start of Season 11 and I will be fixing my defaults so that cannot be taken into account for Force Passing.

Stephen 100 => Bucine 60 RA: 1W => 0
Stephen Force Pass on Chris (Unblocked): 6-0=6, Success

Justin 120 => 60 RA : 1W => 0 + Chance: 10-0=10, Fail, CRASH, DNF

Doug Crash Avoidance (From Justin, -1 Skill, -2 Mod): 6-3=3, Success

Mike 140 => Bucine 80s: 2W => 0 + Chance: 6-3=3, Success

Bruce Late Brake 140 => 120: 5-0=5, Success
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Post 23 Apr 2024, 8:25 pm

I want to apologize sincerely. That was my error that I didn't catch and what cause the delay. I will try to better from there.

Turn 42 is due Thursday at 6pm Eastern.

Bruce 120 => Bucine 60 RA: 1W => 0 + Chance: 9-2=7, FAIL, SPIN. Will post next turn at 60.

Tim 100 => Bucine 80s: 1W => 0

Jack 100 => Bucine 80s: 1W => 0