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Post 14 Jan 2023, 3:17 pm

This race took us a LONG time to run, even only at 2 laps. We did get a late start but it still took us over 3.5 hours! We were happy to have Michael with us who couldn't make his Sunday morning race.

1. Mike
2. Rob
3. Kevin
4. Brent
5. Doug
6. Stephen
7. Tim
8. Michael (guest from Sunday group)
DNF Rando


Builds Thur copy.png

1. Kevin 3w+4s = 5.0
2. Mike 2w+4s = 4.0
3. Rob 1w+4s = 3.0
4. Doug 0w+6s = 3.0
5. Stephen 2w+1s = 2.5
6. Rando 2w+0s = 2.0
7. Tim 0w+3s = 1.5
8. Brent 0w+0s = 0.0
9. Michael 0w+0s = 0.0

S Grid.png
Doh... I cleared my bid cards before I took the picture.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 3:36 pm

S T1.png
T1: Seven of nine push. Tim mis-shifts!

S T2.png
T2: Doug pulls a Polcen and mis-plots! Good thing he's already punched his ticket to the finals. Rob looks to break-away from the peleton.

S T3.png
T3: Stephen late brakes to get the line over Kevin.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 3:45 pm

S T4.png
T4: The pace car pulls away from the string of cars behind.

S T5.png
T5: With Kevin and Mike clogging the Esses, Rando has to late brake. Michael gets put off his line and spends 2 to move up.

S T6.png
T6: Will the big engines let loose next turn on the Big Bend?
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 3:55 pm

S T7.png
T7: Nope, not a single 180 to be found.

S T8.png
T8: Rando was coming into the hairpin a little hot and had to use some resources on the brakes. Doug drops the hammer (180 - yay!) to catch the field.

S T9.png
T9: The chase pack battles through the chicane. Doug puts his red chip down on a chance roll in the hairpin!
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:05 pm

T10: The primary chase pack maintains formation in the two-wide section of track. Certainly we will see some flexing of horsepower next turn from the back-markers.

T11; And there it is! Michael left some in the barn but Tim & Doug oblige. The only way Doug can use the double slip is with a forced pass. He makes it!

T12: Michael posts 180 for initiative then late brakes. He gains position. Brent is enjoying the airport scenery and clean air in the back.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:12 pm

S T13.png
T13: Rando unleashes the power-plant! Stephen gains a slip from Mike to make it three-wide.

S T14.png
T14: Gotta love the 200's from the back-markers!

S T15.png
T15: Michael late brakes before the corner. Essentially there are two contests plus Rob doing what Rob wants.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:20 pm

Speaking of Rob, I think this is where he points out that I put the distance markers in reverse on the backstretch :rolleyes:

S T16.png
T16: With the double slip from Rando, Kevin is almost able to make contact with Rob.

S T17.png
T17: The first (and definitely not the last) damage in the race when Michael over-stresses the engine. Mike and Stephen spend big in Sunset. It's a speed demon's dream on the backstretch. Brent gets a double slip at 200 from Doug, also pushing to 200.

S T18.png
T18: The chase pack is back in formation. After clearing Sunset, will Brent get away from the trailing pack?
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:39 pm

Wear count at start of Lap 2

Doug 7
Mike 11
Kevin 9
Stephen 10
Michael 7
Rando 8
Rob 8
Tim 6
Brent 7

S T19.png
T19: Brent joins the primary chase pack. Hello, Brent!

S T20.png
T20: Mike spends wear to get away from that chase pack.

S T21 real.png
T21: Mike has contact with Rob. Stephen late brakes to catch the line.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:46 pm

S T22.png
T22: Tim spends to clear the Tower Turn.

S T23.png
T23: With Brent and Rando blocking the Esses, Tim fractures the brakes in his attempt to avoid the collision.

S T24.png
T24: Mike gets initiative and passes a late brake test for the line.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 4:54 pm

S T25.png
T25: The chasers are stacked and packed at the hairpin.

S T26.png
T26: Hmmm... I can't remember why there is a skill chip for Rando on the table. With only one visible wear, that must have been a chance? Doug fails a brake test. My notes are pretty non-existent at this point; my focus was on Rob.

S T27.png
T27: Rob red lines the engine. This is Mike's race to lose.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 5:01 pm

S T28.png
T28: Brent's engine does not comply. Car parts are accumulating on the track.

S T29.png
T29: Rando needs a push to 180. Doug doesn't.

S T30.png
T30: Rando blows up the brakes. Stephen has plenty of wear left (4) for the podium fight.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 5:08 pm

S T31.png
T31: Kevin in third with a three-wide right behind him.

S T32.png
T33: Unforced error from Mike - he should've used a wear here (3 in hand).

S T33.png
T33: The marauding horde is on the backstretch.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 5:16 pm

S T34.png
T34: Brent attempts the forced pass on a blocking Kevin. No go, plus damage! To add insult to injury, he must now late brake. Ouch.

Looks like turn numbers fell behind. No complaining from me - Stephen did an outstanding job on the assist all race.

S T35.png
T35: Rob spins in Sunset on the chance as he tries to clear. Stephen spins on the chance as he enters Sunset. Rando's brakes have had enough and he must pull over. The seas part for Kevin.

S T36.png
T36: Mike wins and punches his ticket to the finals! Nothing else egregiously silly after this.
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Post 14 Jan 2023, 5:19 pm

S T37.png
T37: No more drama...

1. Mike
2. Rob
3. Kevin
4. Brent
5. Doug
6. Stephen
7. Tim
8. Michael
DNF Rando

S Finish.png
Order of finish.