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Post 21 Jun 2023, 12:58 pm

Everyone gets through the Bus Stop without incident; the two leaders threaten to break away

Turn 14:
Harley sheds two wear on the racing line at 120
Kennard at 120 with the slip uses the 80s for two wear
Harrington grabs the racing line at 120
Schultz gets a slip at 120 and finishes in the middle lane

Bernhardt speeds up to 140 to catch the line behind Harrington
Moratto maintains 120 to finish the Bus Stop line
Collins trades two wear for being first out of the 3-wide at 120 through the 80s
LaMorte also drops 2 wear at 100 through the 60/80

Bauska throws in one wear at 100 through the 80s
Kubala follows through the 80s at speed
Rund uses the Bus Stop line at 80 for free
Welage knocks off two wear on the line at 120 to catch the pair in front of him

Next deadline: Turn 15 due Friday, June 23 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 23 Jun 2023, 12:52 pm

The field splits into 3 with the leaders running away for now

Turn 15:
Harley starts lap 2 on the green racing line at 160
Kennard uses the slip at 160 to grab P1 for now
Schultz sheds two wear around the inside of La Source at 100
Harrington is one wear lighter taking the racing line at 100

Bernhardt also drops one wear on the racing line at 100
Moratto starts the line at 140
Collins at 140 uses the slip and chooses the middle lane
Bauska makes up a car length at 160 opting for the inside lane

LaMorte does a conservative 120 using the bonus to gain a space
Rund pushes his acceleration to 160
Kubala falls in behind the red machine at 140
Welage again opens up his big power plant and gains a spot at 180

Next deadline: Turn 16 due Monday, June 26 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 26 Jun 2023, 11:46 am

Only 3 cars retain their spots as the field jostles for position

Turn 16:
Harley runs the green racing line at 160 for one wear
Kennard swings to the outer racing line at 140 for free
Schultz tops out at 140 starting the green line into Eau Rouge
Harrington plots 160 but with the green line blocked finishes inside (see note)

Bernhardt at 140 starts the green line also
Moratto sheds two wear around the La Source line at 120
Collins drops two wear around the inside of the corner at 100
Bauska does likewise and is also two wear lighter

LaMorte slows to 80 on the line at no cost
Welage starts at 120 then brakes around the inside of the corner knocking off two wear
Rund tosses in two wear to follow around the inside at 100
Kubala clears the corner on the inside at 100 scrubbing off two wear of his own

NOTE: Harrington did not specify what to do if the green line was blocked. The default
is to finish inside. If you think there is any chance your desired path will be blocked
you should specify an alternative.

Next deadline: Turn 17 due Wednesday, June 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 1:32 pm

The trailing pack continues to exchange positions

Turn 17:
Harley tops out at 160 to the inside
Kennard also grabs high gear and maintains sight of the leader
Harrington swings wide through the 140s at speed
Schultz takes the green racing line at 140

Bernhardt tracks the green line through the corner at 140
Moratto uses the green racing line to approach Eau Rouge
Collins goes to the outer racing line to stay side-by-side
Bauska gets a slip at 160 and makes it 3-wide on the inside

Welage pushes to 180 and his engine agrees putting himself on the green line
Rund follows onto the line at 160
Kubala gets a double slip at 160 and hugs the inside
LaMorte comes off La Source at 140 and a slip but loses the draft

Next deadline: Turn 18 due Friday, June 30 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 1:34 pm

The first lap is in the books
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Post 30 Jun 2023, 1:49 pm

The pack strings out some down Kemmel Straight

Turn 18:
Harley hits Les Combes on the line at 140 and his tires hold
Kennard approaches on the line behind the leader
Schultz does 140 mindful of the upcoming corner
Harrington at 160 tucks in behind the black race car

Bernhardt does 160 and tucks in behind Harrington
Moratto goes through the green racing line at 180 shedding two wear
Collins is also at 180 through the outer red line dropping two wear
Bauska lightens his wear load by one through the 120s at 140

Welage takes the green racing line at 140 for free
Kubala relies on the RM for his move through the inner red line at 120
Rund takes the outer red line at 140 and uses the slip to stay on the gray car's wing
LaMorte runs the inner red racing line at 140 for one wear

Next deadline: Turn 19 due Monday, July 3 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2023, 11:06 am

Two top speed pushes gain ground for their drivers

Turn 19:
Harley slows to 120 dropping one wear in the Malmedy 100s
Kennard takes the Les Combs line and the Malmedy 100s at 100 for one wear
Harrington starts the line into Les Combs at 140
Schultz uses a slip at 140 to grab P3 on the inside

Bernhardt grabs the wing of the black machine on the inside at 140
Moratto does 160 moving to the middle to keep his options open
Collins uses a slip to move to the outside of Moratto at 160
Bauska also grabs high gear at 160 hugging the inside

Welage hits the gas hard and gets to 200mph slotting in front of Bauska
Rund benefits from the double slip at 180 to pull even with the gray race car
Kubala does 160 down the Kemmel Straight
LaMorte gains a space with a slip at 160

Next deadline: Turn 20 due Wednesday, July 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2023, 11:07 am

Les Combes and Malmedy get really busy

Turn 20:
Harley scrubs off one wear around the 100s at 120
Kennard spends one wear in the 120s at 140
Schultz runs the Les Combes 60 at 100 for two wear and the Malmedy line for free
Harrington at 100 drops one wear on the Les Combes line and another in the Malmedy 80

Bernhardt takes an RM plot through the Les Combes 80s and the Malmedy line for 1 wear
Moratto at 120 sheds two wear on the Les Combes line and another in the Malmedy 100s
Collins taxes his tires to get to 80 taking the Les Combes racing line
Welage starts at 140 then hits the binders and the 80s for three wear total

Rund plots 120 then brakes to 100 with dice knocking off one wear on the racing line
Bauska at 120 and the slip pushes past Rund and his tires keep him facing the track
Kubala starts the line at 140
LaMorte plots 120 and stays to the inside

Next deadline: Turn 21 due Friday, July 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 07 Jul 2023, 1:02 pm

The chase pack approaches Rivage in a group

Turn 21:
Harley is into Poulon on the line at 140
Kennard stays two lengths behind also on the racing line
Harrington rounds the Rivage 120s at 140 shedding one wear
Schultz takes the inside route at 120 also tossing in one wear

Bernhardt again is M.I.A. taking another RM plot into the 120s at speed
Moratto at 120 is forced to the inside lane for one wear
Bauska runs the Malmedy racing line at 120 dropping one wear
Collins takes the 100s at speed and loses the draft

Welage is one wear lighter after taking the Malmedy line at 120
Rund takes the 100s at speed
Kubala at 100 knocks off one wear on the Les Combes line and the Malmedy 100s
LaMorte swings wide through Les Combes and grabs the Malmedy line at 100 for one wear

NOTE: I know the track is blurry. I've tried several things to clear it up and I have a few
more things I'll try when I get time. The only real trouble spot seems to be the inside
space through Les Combes. It is 60mph, not 80.

Next deadline: Turn 22 due Monday, July 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 10 Jul 2023, 1:02 pm

Rivage mostly strings out the chase pack

Turn 22:
Harley finishes the Poulon line and starts the line into the chicane
Kennard continues to shadow the leader at 140 through the Poulon racing line
Harrington comes off Rivage at 160 and drops one wear on the Poulon line
Schultz starts the line behind the blue machine at 140

Moratto finishes the 100s at 120 wear paid
Bernhardt finishes the 120s at 120 and grabs the purple car's wing
Bauska sheds one wear around the 100s at 120
Welage gets a slip at 100 through the 100s and keeps attached to the small pack

Collins takes the long way around Rivage at 120 for free
Rund is one wear lighter after taking the 100s at 120
Kubala attacks the Rivage 100s at 140 knocking off two wear
LaMorte scrubs off one wear in the 100s at 120

Next deadline: Turn 23 due Wednesday, July 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 10 Jul 2023, 1:05 pm

Good speeds the second time through sector 1 with Moratto barely faster than Welage and Bauska
C3 summary.png
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Post 12 Jul 2023, 1:24 pm

Only one position change at the back of the pack

Turn 23:
Harley slows to 80 for the Fagnes racing line
Kennard mirrors the leader's move
Harrington finishes the Poulon line at 140 and starts the Fagnes line
Schultz also takes the Poulon line at 140 and stays tucked in behind the black machine

Moratto takes the line at 140 for free
Bauska gets the initiative at 160 shedding one wear in the 140s
Bernhardt stays to the inside of the green car at 140 on the line
Welage at 140 is into Poulon on the racing line

Rund takes the slip at 120 to stay on the tail of the gray race car
Kubala grabs the racing line at 140
Collins at 140 slides to the inside
LaMorte finishes the 100s at 120 wear paid

Next deadline: Turn 24 due Friday, July 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 14 Jul 2023, 1:05 pm

A little jockeying but no positions change

Turn 24:
Harley hugs the 140s at speed
Kennard patiently mirrors the leader's move
Harrington hits the brakes hard to 80 for the Fagnes line
Schultz sheds one wear on the racing line at 100

Moratto clears Fagnes on the line for two wear at 120
Bernhardt drops two wear on the line at 120 as well
Bauska is two wear lighter in the 80s at 120 and a slip
Welage finishes the Poulon line at starts the next line at 120

Rund is locked at 140 to finish Poulon
Collins uses his inside advantage to run the 120s at 140 for one wear
Kubala at 140 is forced to use the Poulon 140s to burn off speed
Welage covers the racing line at 140

Next deadline: Turn 25 due Monday, July 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 17 Jul 2023, 2:15 pm

The field winds its way through the technical section of the track

Turn 25:
Harley accepts his second RM plot running the straight at 160
Kennard also tops out at 160 to maintain the gap
Harrington rounds the Stavelot 140s at 140 for free
Schultz matches the move of the blue race car to stay side-by-side

Moratto goes wide around Stavelot at 160
Bernhardt can accelerate to 140 finishing the Fagnes line and into the Stavelot 140s
Bauska keeps a steady 120 finishing the chicane and following the pink machine
Welage takes the Fagnes racing line at 100 shedding one wear

Collins jumps through Fagnes at 100 on the line dropping one wear
Rund takes the conservative move at 80 on the line
Kubala at 100 scrubs off one wear through the 80s
LaMorte closes up on the yellow race car at 100 on the line for one wear

Next deadline: turn 26 due Wednesday, July 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 19 Jul 2023, 1:23 pm

Several challenges develop including for the lead

Turn 26:
Harley slows to 120 to start the line into the Bus Stop
Kennard holds at 160 and moves into P1 for now
Harrington does 160 down the straight
Schultz plots 140 but loses the slip position as the "inside" shifts

Moratto winds up his big engine and challenges for the position
Bernhardt finishes the 140s and chooses the middle lane to try to shake Bauska
Bauska also finishes the 140s and is wise to the tactic staying on the wing of the pink car
Welage takes the Stavelot 140s at speed

Collins uses a slip at 140 to finish side-by-side with Welage
Rund gets a slip through the 140s and stays on the gray car's wing
Kubala sheds one wear in the 140s at 160 and joins the line of cars
LaMorte can accelerate to 100 to finish the Fagnes line wear paid

NOTE: After the Friday turn we will go into trigger mode for WBC. This means it's up to
you guys how many turns we get in. No reminders will be sent. I will put out a turn/turns
as soon as I have all moves. The next hard deadline will be Monday, July 31.

Next deadline: turn 27 due Friday, July 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Spa C3 turn 26.png