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Post 20 Jun 2023, 3:27 pm

William Swiftfoot <>

Attachments6:27 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Michael, Doug, Jeff, Donald, Tim, Bruce, Stephen, Giuseppe, Mario, William, Justin, Jack
Turn 14 is due Thursday by 9pm Eastern (Due to I will likely not be in until late)

Three wide challenge for the lead as Don's car faulters, with Guiseppe just on their tail and Mario not too far off. The rear pack continues to try to catch up as well as they wheel it through the Bus Stop.

Don attempts to push his engine from 100 to 160 using no skill. He fails with an 11, replots to 140 and damages his Accel (Now 20)

Stephen attempts to redline to a top speed of 160 with 1 skill. He succeeds with a modified 7.
Stephen gets a slip off Bruce.

Jeff spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of the Bus Stop.

Tim spend 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s of the Bus Stop.

Jack spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of the Bus Stop.

Chris spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of the Bus Stop.

Mike spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of the Bus Stop.

Doug spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 60 Racing Line of the Bus Stop.

RM Note: Minor wear correction was completed as well. I had forgotten to deduct the wear from Don for the Bus Stop. Also was noted to me I had the positional notes backwards on the sheet for Mario and Guiseppe. My bad there but the track was what mattered for such!
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Post 22 Jun 2023, 9:14 pm

Bruce pulls and undercut and challenges for the lead as the back of the field packs it tight on the run up to La Source.

Don spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 60 Racing Line of La Source.

Stephen Late Brakes from 120 to 100 using 1 Skill as he approaches La Source. He succeeds with a Modified 6.
Stephen spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of La Source.

Bruce spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 60 Lane of La Source.

Guiseppe gets a slip off Don.
Guiseppe spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of La Source.

Tim gets a slip off Jeff

Justin gets a slip off Tim.

Chris gets a slip off Jack.

Mike gets a slip off Chris.

Doug gets a slip off Mike.
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Post 24 Jun 2023, 8:31 pm

Turn 15 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern.

RM Note: Just a reminder, please be clear. A couple moves were a bit Vague on requests and I did my best to process.

Bruce leads them over the line to begin the second lap, and watches as Guiseppe charges up full speed to challenge as they approach Eau Rouge. The pack for the most pack shuffles but keeps itself fairly packed coming out of La Source.

Mario spends 2 Wear running 120 through the 60 Racing Line of La Source.

Tim and Jeff spends 2 Wear running 100 through the 60 Lane of La Source.

Justin spends 2 Wear running 100 through the 60 Lane of La Source.

Chris spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of La Source.

Jack spends 1 Wear running 120 through the 60 Racing Line of La Source.

Doug spends 1 Wear running 100 through the 60 Racing Line of La Source.
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Post 26 Jun 2023, 5:37 pm

Turn 17 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Guiseppe keeps up the pace and blasts ahead of Bruce to take over the leave, as drivers work up and through Eau Rouge and Radillion. Back at the entry, Jeff lays down the rubber and pushes his engine as he passes several calls and wheels it into Eau Rouge.

Guiseppe spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 100 Green Racing Line of Eau Rouge/Radillion.

Jeff attempts to push from 100 to 180 using 1 skill. He succeeds with a modified 5.
Jeff spends 2 Wear going 180 throught the 100 Green Racing Line of Eau Rouge.

Justin gets a slip off Mario.

Jack gets a slip off Tim.

Chris gets a slip off Mike.

Doug gets a slip off Chris.
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 1:34 pm

The first lap is in the books
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 4:20 pm

Turn 18 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

RM Note: remember, post early and often.

Stephen attempts to redline to a top of 160 with 1 skill, breaking his 3 skill chip. He succeeds with a modified 4.

Don gets a slip off Bruce.

Mario spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 100 Green Racing Line of Eau Rouge and Radillion.

Jack spends 2 Wear going 180 through the 100 Green Racing Line of Eau Rouge and Radilion.
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Post 30 Jun 2023, 4:43 pm

Turn 19 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Bruce dives inside of Guiseppe on Les Combes challenging to take back the lead, as the field congas out behind the packed leaders.

Tim attempts to redline to a Top speed off 180 using 1 Skill. He succeeds with a 6.

Justin gets a double slip off Tim.

Dave gets a double slip off Chris.
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Post 05 Jul 2023, 3:59 pm

Turn 20 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Tries squeal and smoke as the leaders escape Les Combes-Malmedy as the field squeezes it's way into the Complex, elbows out!

Bruce spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 60 Lane of Les Combes.

Don attempts to late break from 120 to 100 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a 7.
Don spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Les Combes.

Jeff spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s of Les Combes.

Stephen spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s of Les Combes.

Jack spends 1 Wear late braking from 120 to 100 at the entrance to Les Combes.
Jack spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s of Les Combes.

Mario spends 1 Wear late braking from 120 to 100 at the entrance of Les Combes.
Mario spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Les Combes.

RM Note: Minor tip for later: if you aren't competing with other cars and overuse breaks to slow for the corner, it's probably better to Excessive Decel there, that way you don't give a slip to the driver behind you as it's based on Posted speed.

Tim spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of Les Combes.

Justin spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Les Combes.

Doug spends 2 Wear going 120 into the 80 lane of Les Combes.
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Post 05 Jul 2023, 3:59 pm

Turn 21 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

The field separates into two packs: One traveling through Rivage, the other pilled up on the approach to, with the only change in position at the far back.

Bruce spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 100 Lane of Rivage.

Guiseppe gets a slip off Bruce

Jeff spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 120 Lane of Rivage.

Don gets a slip off Guiseppe.
Don spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 100 Lane of Rivage.

Mario spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Malmedy.
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Post 07 Jul 2023, 10:46 pm

Hey all, sorry for the delay on this.

Turn 22 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Bruce stretches his lead as the field navigates in and out of Rivage.

Mario spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 100 Lane of Rivage.

Justin gets a slip off Mario

Mike gets a slip off Tim
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Post 08 Jul 2023, 5:12 am

Harrington fastest through sector 1 for the second time.
C1 summary.png
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Post 10 Jul 2023, 3:47 pm

Turn 23 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Lots of high power running, but no real changes as the drivers wheel through Pouhon.

No major events!
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Post 12 Jul 2023, 3:52 pm

Turn 24 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Bruce leads the field through Fagnes.

Don spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Fagnes.

Guiseppe spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Fagnes.

Jeff spends 1 Wear going 100 into the 60 Racing Line of Fagnes.

Tim spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 120 Racing Line of Pouhon.

Mike spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 120 Racing Line of Pouhon.

Doug gets a slip off Tim.

Chris gets a slip off Doug.
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Post 15 Jul 2023, 6:54 pm

Big Apologies to everyone. I straight up scatterbrained it, and I have events at my runtime. I will be adjusting the Friday Deadline next week so that I can run with less issue.

Turn 25 is due Monday at 6pm Easterm

Bruce wheels it through Stevelot as the field works through them and Fagnes.

Don gets a slip off Guiseppe

Mario spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Fagnes.

Stephen spend 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Fagnes.

Jack spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Fagnes.

Tim spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Fagnes.

Mike spends 2 Wear going 120 through 80 Lane of Fagnes.

Doug spend 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Fagnes.
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Post 17 Jul 2023, 4:59 pm

Turn 26 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Using the slip, Guiseppe screams out of Stevelot, and challenges Bruce for the lead.

Guiseppe gets a slip off Bruce.

Stephen gets a slip off Mario

Justin gets a slip off Stephen

Mike spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 140 lane of Stevelot.

Chris spends 1 Wear going 100 on the 60 Racing Line of Fagnes.