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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 26 May 2023, 1:11 pm

The Stand
turn 15 notes:

Segment 0:
Wild Bill Hickok draws 2 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS2: 1 delay, -1 endurance
Wild Shot: his W44 fires harmlessly
(I noticed this part got deleted last turn. He got 1 delay, -1 endurance last turn as well)

Segment 3:
Prospector draws 2 Delay cards for crossing Slope hexside: 1 delay

Segment 4:
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay

Segment 5:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: Lose Aim (no effect)
Little Ernie draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 1 to 0
Little Ernie delay reduced from 1 to 0
Fast Draw delay reduced from 2 to 1
Wild Bill Hickok delay reduced from 2 to 1
Wild Bill Hickok endurance reduced from 6 to 5

NOTE: Monday is a holiday in the U.S. I have plans but if they finish early enough
(which they may) and I have all moves I will put out a turn. There will be no
reminder sent Monday morning.

Next deadline: Turn 16 due Wednesday, May 31 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 31 May 2023, 1:00 pm

The Stand
turn 16 notes:

Segment 0:
Wild Bill Hickok draws 2 Fatigue cards for SERIOUS2: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 1:
Frank Cully aim: 6 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +2 2H skill = 8/Range: 12 Hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 3
BE: Killed

Segment 4:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

Segment 5:
Little Ernie draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay
Frank Cully loses his Head counter: executed foot action other than Turn
Frank Cully gets 2 delay for Advance while Down

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 1 to 0
Little Ernie delay reduced from 2 to 1
Fast Draw delay reduced from 3 to 1
Frank Cully delay reduced from 2 to 1

Next deadline: Turn 17 due Wednesday, June 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 02 Jun 2023, 1:03 pm

The Stand
turn 17 notes:

Segment 4:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay

Segment 5:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

End of turn:
Little Ernie delay reduced from 1 to 0
Innocente delay reduced from 2 to 1
Fast Draw delay reduced from 2 to 1
Frank Cully delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: Turn 18 due Monday, June 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 05 Jun 2023, 1:03 pm

The Stand
turn 18 notes:

Segment 4:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay

Segment 5:
Frank Cully aim: 4 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +2 2H skill = 6/Range: 7 Hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 2
MISS: Prospector has Move Target Status
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay
Little Ernie draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 1 to 0
Little Ernie delay reduced from 2 to 1
Innocente delay reduced from 1 to 0
Fast Draw delay reduced from 1 to 0

NOTE: There are 22 Result Cards remaining, 2 of which are Malfuntion Cards. Remember, when
the last Malfuntion Card is drawn the deck will be immediately reshuffled.

Next deadline: Turn 19 due Wednesday, June 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 07 Jun 2023, 1:15 pm

turn 19 notes:

Segment 4:
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: DROP
DROP: 3 delay
The Result Cards were reshuffled after card 108 was drawn

Segment 5:
Prospector draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 2 to 1
Little Ernie delay reduced from 1 to 0
Innocente delay reduced from 1 to 0
Fast Draw delay reduced from 3 to 1

Next deadline: Turn 20 due Friday, June 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 09 Jun 2023, 1:11 pm

turn 20 notes:

Segment 4:
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 2 delay

Segment 5:
Little Ernie aim: 2 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +1 1H skill = 4
Frank Cully aim: 6 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +2 2H skill = 8/Range: 3 Hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 1
Prospector takes a BODY hit:
STUN4: 10 delay, -10 endurance
His H44 fires harmlessly
STAGGER: Long/Back Right (G-K14 facing BR off board)
DROP: 0 delay
SERIOUS2: Will draw 2 Fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn
Prospector Sprint canceled: delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 11 to 5
Prospector endurance reduced from 25 to 15
Innocente delay reduced from 2 to 1
Fast Draw delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: Turn 21 due Monday, June 12 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 12 Jun 2023, 1:06 pm

turn 21 notes:

Segment 0:
Prospector draws two Fatigue cards for SERIOUS2: 2 delay, -2 endurance
He tries to stem the bleeding as he pulls the good book from his coat

Segment 5:
Little Eraie aim: 2 Aim Markers, +2 card 6, +1 1H skill = 5
Innocente draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 7 to 3
Prospector endurance reduced from 15 to 13
Innocente delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: Turn 22 due Wednesday, June 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 14 Jun 2023, 1:34 pm

turn 22 notes:

Segment 0:
Prospector draws two Fatigue cards for SERIOUS2: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Segment 4:
Innocente aim: 0 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +0 2H skil, +4 Shotgun Bonus = 4
1st barrel: MISS
2nd barrel: MISFIRE (no further effect)
Fast Draw draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 1 delay

Segment 5:
Little Eraie aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 card 6, +1 1H skill = 3
Frank Cully aim: 6 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +2 2H skill = 8/Range: 4 Hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 1
Prospector takes a BODY hit:
STUN4: 7 delay, -7 endurance
STAGGER: no effect (Down)
SERIOUS2: will draw 4 Fatigue cards at the beginning of each turn
Prospector Spin Around canceled: delay

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 11 to 5
Prospector endurance reduced from 13 to 5
Fast Draw delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: Turn 23 due Friday, June 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 16 Jun 2023, 12:59 pm

turn 23 notes:

Segment 0:
Prospector draws four Fatigue cards for SERIOUS4: 3 delay, -3 endurance

End of turn:
Prospector delay reduced from 8 to 4
Prospector endurance reduced from 5 to 2
This is the first turn Prospector finishes with more delay than endurance

Next deadline: Turn 24 due Monday, June 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 19 Jun 2023, 1:30 pm

turn 24 notes:

Segment 0:
Prospector draws two Fatigue cards for SERIOUS4: 3 delay, -3 endurance
He quietly mumbles a prayer

Segment 2:
Little Ernie aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +1 1H skill = 3

Segment 5:
Little Ernie aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +1 1H skill = 3
Innocente aim: 6 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +2 1H skill = 9
BE(VITAL): Prospector killed
Fast Draw aim: 6 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +1 1H skill = 8
BE(VITAL): Prospector killed
Frank Cully aim: 6 Aim Markers, +0 card 7, +2 2H skill = 8/Range: 4 Hexes, +1 Head, /4 W44 = 1
BE(VITAL): Prospector killed

Final Points:

Side A: +8/5 = +1.6
Drifter -8: Killed -8
Little Ernie: +3: Survive +2, Hold Field +2, Ally Killed -1
Innocente +3.67: Killed Prospector (Shared) +0.67, Survive +2, Hold Field +2, Ally Killed -1
Fast Draw +3.67: Killed Prospector (Shared) +0.67, Survive +2, Hold Field +2, Ally Killed -1
Frank Cully +5.67: Killed Drifter +2, Killed Prospector (Shared) +0.67, Survive +2, Hold Field +2, Ally Killed -1

Side B: -16/2 = -8
Prospector -9: Killed -8, Ally Killed -1
Wild Bill Hickok -7: Killed Drifter +2, Killed -8, Ally Killed -1
The Stand turn 24 legend.png
The Stand turn 24 map.png
The Stand turn 24 results.png