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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 4:14 pm

T43: Mike pushes the engine. Kevin and Jason trade paint through the tunnel. It may be dark but they have each other. An engine check for Jason.

T44: Jason tests his engine again then late brakes to get the line.

T45: Kevin burns a precious wear in the chicane. It looks like the turn indicator has been corrected.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 4:20 pm

T46: With this plot, turn 47 Mike will be forced to roll dice. He just doesn't know which chart yet. Jason spends a wear and is in front of Kevin.

T47: Mike opts for the riskiest roll but with the biggest reward. He's through on the naked chance.

T48: Mike takes the checkers. Jason and Kevin spend their last wear. Somehow the turn marker is one ahead again.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 4:23 pm

T49: Jason in 2nd. Kevin damages the engine but it won't matter.

T50: Chris succeeds on both the over-brake and the chance roll. He'll take 4th with Michael 5th.

Order of Finish
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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 08 Apr 2023, 2:26 am

Nice Job Driving Podium WINNERS, and nice Racing to the ones that didn't get there,
Old Monaco is a Wear eating Track. I think I might of had a chance to be on the Podium
or maybe even a chance to win it, but I didn't grab the opportunity's when they came to me
and using wear on the outside just to many time and not gaining anything from it, is not a winning Formula. Playing Stupid and/or Mr Nice Guy will not make me or anybody a Winner, All I can do
is look to the next Race and Play it Better and Smarter then I did this One. Good Racing Guy's
Until next time.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
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Post 08 Apr 2023, 8:13 pm

This one was a wear burner and long, in terms of turns. Good thing we were pretty efficient - we were able to keep it under three hours.

Build: I went to my tried & true build for running from the back. The only difference was dropping top speed to 140 and putting the point into skill. I would need it all.

Lap 1: Losing the dice-off to Michael for the grid is what I was hoping for. I wanted to save wear in the first lap without traffic. Success - I did not have to divert from the race plan.

Lap 2: There was no Mr. Nice Guy when it came time to pass Chris. He did not protect against the aggressive move (Turn 30) and got hung up. I did not expect Jason to lock me out on Turn 32 but I plotted for the possibility. The extra skill came in handy with the chance and forced pass rolls.

Lap 3: I used my wear advantage to get past Kevin and then kept burning to get a turn ahead. I don't know if it was the best strategy as it required too many dice rolls at the end. Anyway, those rolls turned out ok, including the naked chance.

Thanks for a great race and a fun evening. It's never easy to win against drivers like Kevin, Jason, & Chris and it was a battle to the end. Michael, keep at it and keep learning - you'll get there. It was a pleasure racing with all of you!