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Post 15 May 2022, 3:50 pm

Personally, I do not want Trump. America can do better. My point is that Biden is doing worse than Trump. That is what I would like to hear opinions on.
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Post 16 May 2022, 5:44 am

Personally, I do not want Trump. America can do better. My point is that Biden is doing worse than Trump. That is what I would like to hear opinions on.

I am 100% with Geo on this. How can Biden do worse than being a total threat to our democracy? Trump and his ilk represent an existential threat to our way of life.

Re Biden it is a mixed bag. Just on Ukraine, perhaps a little bluster could have prevented the Russians from invading Ukraine, but perhaps not. But the strategic result of this is has been astoundingly positive:

1. NATO is expanding.
2. European countries are finally contributing their fair share.
3. China is dissuaded from invading Taiwan, at least for a few years.
4. Europe will start buying its gas from the US and elsewhere.
5. Within a year the Donbass and Crimea will be part of Ukraine.
6. Putin will be deposed.

Kudos to the administration (and the Ukrainians) for showing the world Russia's intent and nature. They figured out the line that they shouldn't cross and exposed the horribleness of Russia in particular and autocracies in general. Well played.

I do agree that Biden has made some big mistakes as it relates to Afghanistan, inflation, and illegal immigration. On the plus side, he's not a threat to all of the institutions that are necessary for our country to thrive.
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Post 16 May 2022, 8:17 am

"On the plus side, he's not a threat to all of the institutions that are necessary for our country to thrive."

The beginning and end of the discussion for me.
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Post 16 May 2022, 11:07 am

I don't care about world economics. I care about deficits, budgets and exploding spending. Those things are the major causes of inflation in the US.

I thought this was interesting...

We live in an interconnected world economy. The US is not in any way isolated from what happens elsewhere.
The leading driver of inflation in the USA are; supply chain constraints due to Trumps trade war, followed by the even worse constraints caused by Covid.

The only thing artificial in here is that Trump did a deal with the Saudis to drive up the price of oil by reducing their production levels. And they are sticking with those negotiated levels today out of self interest. So if Trump had left the Saudis alone, its likely the price of oil would not be so high today.

If the initial relief Biden brought in to lessen the effects of the Covid restrictions have contributed to inflation, because they were perhaps to generous to the well off, then he has made a small contribution to inflation.
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Post 17 May 2022, 4:09 am

As to Trump, I did not see him as an existential threat to our existence or form of government. The Dems wanting to change our government with the number of Supreme Court Justices and removing the filibuster from the Senate are existential in my mind. I do not want this forum to debase to a "my side good/your side bad discussion."

I was asking which would you rather have? For me, I care about what gets done, over niceties. Remember, I voted for Evan McMullin over Trump/Clinton, because I did not trust Trump to get the job done as I desired. If you think Biden is getting the job done, tell me what he has done? I don't see much. He has the House and the Senate, and little to show for it.

Trump was a blustering bully who got the job done somewhat.

Biden is a nice blathering fool who is not getting the job done somewhat.

We shall see what the American Public wants come the election.
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Post 18 May 2022, 8:15 am

bbauska wrote:As to Trump, I did not see him as an existential threat to our existence or form of government.

I think you are minimizing the attempt to use Mike Pence to effectively cancel the election so Trump could stay in power. That, and the many related actions since, are an existential threat to democracy as the USA practices it.

Thank goodness Mike Pence could think for himself.
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Post 18 May 2022, 8:40 am

All the more reason to have voter ID and other precautions in place, so the machinations of tyranny cannot be thrust on the people. If an election is won fairly, and has the accurate image of fairness; then the ravings of those who dislike the outcome are discounted and lunatic ravings.

I think the 2020 election was lost by Trump. I am not one of those who continue to rave against the result. However, there are plenty of ways that the election can be better run.

I know as Americans we can all agree on that.
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Post 18 May 2022, 10:11 am

Elections are the responsibility of the state, which (usually) allows the local jurisdiction to run them. They just need to be free and fair. Because we don't have standards there's always going to be places that screw it up, but that's the result of the system. The Feds just need to make sure they're free and fair. Does that sound right?
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Post 18 May 2022, 11:25 am

An election is fair if all who wish to vote, do; and all who do vote, are verified citizens that they say they are. That is not too much to ask, right?


Rhode Island

6 states

Yes, all of these do not total enough to turn an election. Hence, why I speak that Trump lost the election. But saying that an ID check is not necessary shows the public that there is fraud, and nothing is being done about it! If you need ID to board a plane, write a check or enter college; shouldn't you need it for voting?

Think of how this could neuter the argument of those who feel the election was stolen if a picture ID check is in place. The lunatic fringe would not have a leg to stand on. Personally, this is reason enough for me. As to those who say that not all can get ID, if it can be obtained freely from the government, and cared enough to obtain; then people will dang sure get it.

If they don't care..., well, that's on them. Isn't it?
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Post 20 May 2022, 9:10 am

rickyp wrote:bbauska
"Laptop? Looks proven by now."
What looks proven?

I guess NBC is believing it now. I guess the just leaves the Canadian Broadcasting Toronto branch Bureau Chief.
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Post 20 May 2022, 10:04 am

I guess NBC is believing it now.

believing what now? (I've read the NBC piece before... )
is there some conclusion you are drawing?
Did he do something criminal?
Is Joe somehow implicated?
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Post 20 May 2022, 3:03 pm

geojanes wrote:
bbauska wrote:As to Trump, I did not see him as an existential threat to our existence or form of government.

I think you are minimizing the attempt to use Mike Pence to effectively cancel the election so Trump could stay in power. That, and the many related actions since, are an existential threat to democracy as the USA practices it.

Thank goodness Mike Pence could think for himself.

Yeah; credit goes to others too. Trump also tried to steam roll his attorney general, the DOD, state governors, state attorneys general, and the courts. There were many people who deserve credit here for putting their country first.
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Post 20 May 2022, 4:06 pm

The conclusion I am drawing is that the media is NOW saying that the laptop is actually Hunter Biden's and not just a Russian disinformation scheme.

Did Hunter do anything criminal?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation.
Is Joe implicated?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation.

There was little coverage before the election, and that was because it made the Bidens look bad. It is simple to track that.
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Post 22 May 2022, 2:16 pm

There was little coverage before the election, and that was because it made the Bidens look bad. It is simple to track that

Or perhaps the media were being careful to try and verify the information they had before they reported on it.

You know; they way you are being about drawing conclusions here.

Did Hunter do anything criminal?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation.
Is Joe implicated?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation

Of course, if you carefully read the NBC report, you'd see that Joe is in no way implicated.
And that its unlikely that Hunter is guilty of anything (except maybe not declaring income).

But lets try and keep perspective.
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Post 23 May 2022, 5:30 am

bbauska wrote:The conclusion I am drawing is that the media is NOW saying that the laptop is actually Hunter Biden's and not just a Russian disinformation scheme.

Did Hunter do anything criminal?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation.
Is Joe implicated?... I am sure that the truth will come out from the investigation.

There was little coverage before the election, and that was because it made the Bidens look bad. It is simple to track that.

I agree, except the part that the "truth" is sure to come out. Sometimes the truth is elusive, or perhaps there isn't an objective truth. Haven't we learned that one person's truth is another person's propaganda?