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Post 05 Jan 2025, 10:23 am

Perhaps the most amazing thing about the Ukraine war is what's happened with drones. When this war started, all people talked about were the tanks and the jets that Ukraine needed to win the war. Well, I think we've learned that jets and tanks aren't going to win this war, when a $400 drones are destroying multi-million dollar tanks.

I read one reason Syria collapsed as quickly as it did is that Ukraine sent a squad of drone operators and their drones would just destroy any Syrian armor they saw. Syria had no drones and no defense for drones and when the army saw they were defenseless, they ran away. Completely asymmetrical warfare.

Battlefield tactics have moved so quickly over the past three years, that I'm confident that largely automated armies will be deployed in my lifetime. But I am not confident of what that will mean for the future of armed conflicts. Does this level of playing field, does it make it more asymmetrical? I dunno, but automated armies will happen, soon.
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Post 06 Jan 2025, 7:09 am

This will be just another development of warfare technology. Not to make light of it, but playing Civilization (any version!) by Sid Meier will show that you can push your enemies if you have the technological lead. However, the catch up of your opponents comes.

The other countries will adapt and make up this difference of Drone Technology. In the end, it will be soldiers against soldiers; whether it is Turkish Siege Artillery, English Longbows, German Panzers or whoever has the advanced Drone Tech.
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Post 10 Jan 2025, 5:07 am

I thought ground level drones would look more like people, or maybe dogs, but the beta version is more like a box on wheels, with a big honking machine gun on it.

Developed in Ukraine for Ukrainians. Another example of necessity being the mother of invention.
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Post 11 Jan 2025, 10:17 pm

Yeah, you gotta wonder how long until there are Droid armies. "Ten to fifteen years from now, my guess is a third, maybe 25% to a third of the U.S. military will be robotic."--Gen. Marl Milley

Leaving human ground troops in front lines vulnerable to artillery, drone, aircraft & missile attacks (who also dont carry carry a lot of firepower) is something that I would think armies are going to try and avoid.