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Post 17 Feb 2023, 6:27 pm

They're bunched up at the front...

Turn 12 Summary

Harley slows into Brooklands at 100. Everyone seems prepared for this...

Bernhardt joins Russ at 120. Moratto and Koerber are in lockstep at 100 each.

MacDonald and Schultz trade paint down the Wellington Straight at 160.

Blanchett and McConchie fire up their engines to 160.

Kay and Marshall keep the formation at 140 plus the bonus.

Moore rounds The Loop at 80. Hoyt pulls even on the line at 100.

I feel like I'm watching the dwarves arrive at Beorn's house, 2x2...

Turn 13 Deadline: Monday, February 20th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 21 Feb 2023, 5:55 am

Average speeds so far are very close
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Post 21 Feb 2023, 11:58 am

Turn 13 Summary

Harley hits the outer rail in Luffield at 100 for a wear. Bernhardt shoots to the inside at 100, coughs up two tires, and takes the lead.

Moratto and Koerber take turns through the Luffield 80's at 100 each, both notching a wear.

Schultz gets the initiative at 120. He doesn't like what he sees on the outside so he late brakes (natural 7) and sheds two wear on the inside at 100, leap-frogging several cars into a podium spot. MacDonald rounds Luffield at 100 for a wear.

Blanchett rockets into the Luffield 80's at 120 at a cost of two wear. McConchie plots 120 before late braking (1w) to 100.

Kay, at 100, has the inside lane in Brooklands (no slip requested). Marshall, also at 100, takes the slip, and finds a hole for his car.

Moore pushes the engine to 180 (natural 6). Hoyt follows suit with 1s on the engine check (modified 7)

Turn 14 Deadline: Thursday, February 23rd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 23 Feb 2023, 6:08 am

Sometimes personal defaults can cause trouble...

Turn 14 Summary

Bernhardt cruises into lap 2 at 140. Harley pulls alongside at 160 while maintaining access to the racing lines.

Moratto has the initiative at 160 and tucks in on the black machine. Schultz, at 140 and the bonus, takes the inside lane. Koerber, at 140, falls in behind the #15.

MacDonald at 160 and the bonus, makes it a three-wide going into Copse. Blanchett finishes Luffield at 120.

McConchie careens through Luffield at 100, knocking down two wear and attaches to the #39. Marshall slows to 80 and saves wear on the outer rail.

Kay, at 100, clips a tire on the outside.

Moore plots 120 then late brakes to 100. He sheds two wear on the inside and moves up the leaderboard. Hoyt also plotted 120... hmmm. Personal defaults have him roll chance with 1s (modified 8 = spin), and the car stops there. Yes, there would also have been a forced pass attempt!

Turn 15 Deadline: Saturday, February 25th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 25 Feb 2023, 6:51 am

Turn 15 Summary

Harley gets the initiative at 160 and drops a wear on the green line to regain 1st. Bernhardt, at 140, takes the green before tucking in on the #27.

Moratto gets the initiative out of the three-wide at 180. He careens around the green line for two wear and finds himself in the 2nd position. Schultz is next at 160 and dumps a wear in Copse. Last out of the row is MacDonald at 160. He also burns a wear on the green line and, with the bonus, joins the leaders to create yet another three-wide row.

Koerber runs the green line for free at 140, no slip requested.

Blanchett grabs the green line at 160. McConchie takes the red line at 160 and the bonus.

Moore slams the gas pedal to 200! The engine sputters and spews out black smoke (acc: natural 7 = pass / top: natural 10 = fail). Kay pulls in on the tail of the smoking #3 at 160. Marshall anchors the line of cars at 140.

Hoyt recovers from his spin at 20.

Turn 16 Deadline: Monday, February 27th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 27 Feb 2023, 6:18 am

Turn 16 Summary

Harley escapes the traffic at 160 and gets the line for two wear. Moratto, also at 160, sheds two wear in the 120's. MacDonald late brakes from 160 (1w) and burns a wear on the Becketts line to clear.

Bernhardt, at 140, pulls into Becketts on the line. Schultz takes his 120 and the bonus into Becketts on the outside.

Koerber pulls up on the line at 160.

Blanchett grabs the dice cup and drops the hammer to 180 with 2s on the roll (modified 4). He careens around Copse for two wear. McConchie drives a responsible 140 on the red line.

Moore runs the green line at 140. Kay follows suit at 140 and picks up the bonus.

Marshall takes an RM plot of 140 on the green (NPR #1: Warning). Hoyt, at 80, has all the clean air he wants.

Turn 17 Deadline: Wednesday, March 1st @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 01 Mar 2023, 6:01 am

Turn 17 Summary

Harley fires down the Hanger Straight at 160.

Moratto revs up the engine to 180 for the initiative and pulls alongside the race leader. MacDonald tucks in on the #27 at 160.

Bernhardt sheds a wear on the line at 140. Schultz, at 120, bumps a wear in the short route and picks up the spoiler on the BLM Ford.

Koerber conserves resources at 120 on the Becketts line. Blanchett, also at 120, stays a car length behind the #72.

McConchie burns a wear at 140 to clear Becketts on the line.

Moore is into Becketts at 140 and has the racing line. Kay, also at 140, goes outer rail.

Marshall catches up with traffic at 160. Hoyt is into lap 2 at 140!

Turn 18 Deadline: Friday, March 3rd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 02 Mar 2023, 7:05 am

Schultz crosses with the fastest lap 1
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Post 03 Mar 2023, 10:19 am

Turn 18 Summary

Harley plots 160 then hits the brakes hard (1w) and knocks down another wear on the line at 140. Moratto, at 160, clears Stowe on the outside at a cost of two wear.

Bernhardt, at 160, says 'no thanks' to the racing line. Schultz, at 160 and the bonus, is happy to see the open line. Koerber grabs the bumper on the black machine at 160 plus the slipstream.

Blanchett is down the Hanger Straight at 160. McConchie drops the hammer to 180 and tucks in on the #39.

Moore sheds a wear as he continues on the line at 140. Kay drops a wear at 120, via the 100 space, and picks up the tailpipe on the Bass Toyota.

Marshall burns a wear in Becketts at 140 on the line. Hoyt clips a tire in Copse at 160 via the green line.

Turn 19 Deadline: Monday, March 6th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 06 Mar 2023, 5:14 am

Turn 19 Summary

Harley heads towards Vale at 160 then late brakes on the line (natural 4). Moratto, at 140, takes the outside lane.

MacDonald finishes Stowe at 140 and sets up Vale on the racing line.

Schultz gets the initiative at 140 and burns a wear on the Stowe line, inside requested. Bernhardt sheds a wear at 120 on the inside and picks up the spoiler on the #15.

Koerber, at 120 and the bonus, pulls alongside the black machine.

Blanchett clears Stowe on the line at 120. McConchie clips a tire on the outer rail at 140.

Moore sets up the Stowe line at 160.

Kay runs to the inside at 160 and the bonus. Marshall tucks in on the #47 at 160.

Hoyt clears Becketts on the line at 120.

Turn 20 Deadline: Wednesday, March 8th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 08 Mar 2023, 7:11 am

Must have some squirrel activity near the track...

Turn 20 Summary

Harley knocks down a wear at 100 on the line. Moratto burns a wear at 100 via the 80's.

MacDonald slows to 80 and runs the Vale/Club line for free. Schultz, at 100, takes the Vale 80s for a wear.

Both Bernhardt and Koerber are distracted by the squirrels and take RM plots at 100 each. That only allows the former to clear Club, costing two wear (NPR #1: Warning). Koerber sheds a wear and gets hung in Vale (NPR #1: Warning).

At 140, Blanchett picks up the line for Vale. McConchie does the same, also at 140.

Kay drops a tire at 120 via the inside lane in Stowe. Moore runs the Stowe line for free at 120. Marshall makes it a three-wide at 120 and the bonus.

Hoyt makes up a little bit of ground as he drops the hammer to 180.

Turn 21 Deadline: Friday, March 10th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 10 Mar 2023, 9:11 am

Turn 21 Summary

Harley runs the green line for free at 160. Moratto takes the red and the bonus for free.

MacDonald, at 140 and the bonus, clears Abbey on the green line.

Schultz keeps the pace at 140 plus the slipstream. Bernhardt tucks in on the #15 at 140 with both on the green line.

Koerber finishes out Club at 100.

Blanchett roars through the esses at 120 on the line for two wear. McConchie clips a tire at 100 on the Vale/Club line.

Marshall gets the initiative at 140. He late brakes before the corner (1w) and burns two more on the racing line. Kay is next at 120. He puts 2s on a brake roll (modified 10) but that won't cut it when boxcars show on the dice. He takes one wear of damage, uses another for the corner, and will be challenged to finish with compromised brakes.

Moore enters Vale on the line at 80. Hoyt brings up the rear at 120.

Turn 22 Deadline: Monday, March 13th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
Note: the U.S. moves to daylight savings this weekend.
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Post 13 Mar 2023, 7:09 am

Turn 22 Summary

Harley dives into Village on the line at 100. That costs a wear, leaving one on the car. Moratto goes outer rail at 120 for free. MacDonald, at 120, opts for position and takes the inside lane.

Schultz grabs the Village line at 140. Bernhardt slots to the outside at 140 plus the bonus.

Blanchett. gets the initiative at 160 and runs the green line for free. Koerber follows at 140.

McConchie, at 160, hits the Abbey green for free. Marshall also clears Abbey at 160.

Kay keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus. Moore picks up his speed to 100 and is clear of Club.

Hoyt is out of Stowe at 120.

Turn 23 Deadline: Wednesday, March 15th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 13 Mar 2023, 10:44 am

Moratto and MacDonald classed the field the second time through sector 1
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Post 15 Mar 2023, 8:16 am

Well this turn really shook things up in the standings, and, we have a new race leader!

Turn 23 Summary

Harley runs the outer rail in The Loop for free and squats on the line. Moratto plots 100, finishes Village for a wear and goes outer rail in The Loop for free.

Schultz gets the initiative at 120. He burns two wear in the Village 80's and two more in The Loop 80, specifically requesting to end in front of Russ. MacDonald is next at 100. He clips a tire in the Village 80's before taking the next line for free. Bernhardt is last out of the row at 100 and shreds two tires, one each in Village and Loop.

Blanchett over brakes down to 80 (personal defaults) and runs into Village on the line for free.

Koerber slides into Village at 100 for a wear. McConchie sets up the Village line at 100, using 2s on the over brake (modified 3).

Marshall takes the inside lane in front of Village at 120. Kay grabs the Village line at 120.

Moore drops the hammer with 2s on an engine check to hit 180 (modified 0). He tosses a wear in Abbey and picks up Tim's tail. Hoyt is through Vale at 80 on the line.

Turn 24 Deadline: Friday, March 17th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)