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Post 17 Mar 2023, 7:43 am

Turn 24 Summary

Schultz heads down Wellington at 160. Harley, also at 160, pulls even with the bonus.

MacDonald has the initiative at 160, gets the bonus, and grabs Jason's spoiler. Bernhardt loses pace at 140.

Moratto, at 160 and the bonus, tucks in between two cars.

Blanchett finishes the Village line at 100 before rounding The Loop on the outer rail. Koerber, also at 100, takes The Loop on the line for free.

Marshall, at 80, runs middle Village and the inside Loop for free to clear both. McConchie, also at 80, takes the Village line followed by the outer Loop, blocking up the exit row.

Kay over brakes to 80 with 1s (modified 4) and takes the Village line. With no other place to go, he bumps out on the Loop and gets hung. Moore safely brakes to 120 and burns two wear on the run-off lane in Village

Hoyt plots a leisurely 140 and heads to Abbey on the green line.

Turn 25 Deadline: Monday, March 20th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 20 Mar 2023, 4:47 am

The dice come out. Results are mixed.

Turn 25 Summary

Harley has the initiative at 120. He grabs the dice cup and hits Luffield with his last wear and a chance roll (natural 6). As Napoleon Dynamite would say... lucky. Not so lucky is Schultz who over brakes to 100 (natural 10). The brakes are damaged (1w) and he burns two in Luffield.

MacDonald dives into Luffield at 100 and scrapes two wear on the inside. Moratto, sheds two wear at 120 on the outside. Bernhardt, at 100, keeps the pace with the bonus.

Blanchett fires down the Wellington Straight at 160. Koerber tucks in at 140.

McConchie gives the engine at nudge to 160 with 2s (modified 5). Marshall, at 140, anchors the conga line.

Kay is clear of The Loop at 100. Moore finds his bumper at 80.

Hoyt clears Abbey at 160 and pulls up to Village on the red line.

Turn 26 Deadline: Wednesday, March 22nd @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 22 Mar 2023, 4:56 am

The race has entered it's final lap!

Turn 26 Summary

Harley re-takes the lead at 160 and starts lap 3. Schultz, at 140, tucks in.

MacDonald picks up his speed to 120 and also enters the final lap. Moratto continues at 120 and gets behind the M&M's car.

Bernhardt dumps two wear in Luffield at 120 to keep the pace.

Blanchett thinks he's got awesome brakes (they're good but not awesome) and plots 80. His defaults cost him his last wear. Koerber rolls in next to him at 100.

McConchie has to late brake from 120 with no place to go. Marshall comes alongside the black machine at 100 and the bonus.

Kay hightails it down Wellington at 140. Moore catches him at 140 and the bonus.

Hoyt burns a wear at 100 on the Village line before running outer rail in The Loop.

Turn 27 Deadline: Friday, March 24th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 24 Mar 2023, 7:46 am

Luffield gets crowded...

Turn 27 Summary

Harley clears Copse on the green line at 140. Schultz stays on him, also at 140.

MacDonald burns a wear to clear Copse on the green. Moratto picks up the green line at 160. Bernhardt sets up the red at 160 and the bonus.

Koerber has initiative at 120 and sheds two wear in Luffield. Blanchett, on bald tires, runs the inside lane for free at 60.

Marshall has initiative at 100 and goes outer rail for a wear. McConchie clears Luffield at 60.

Kay clips two tires in the Luffield 80's. He's clear and has plenty of wear (who needs brakes?). Moore is odd man out - he can't clear Luffield at 120. He late brakes (natural 3) to 100 and scrapes off a wear outside.

Hoyt hauls glass down Wellington at 160.

Turn 28 Deadline: Monday, March 27th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 4:59 am

The dice strike again...

Turn 28 Summary

Harley jumps on the red line into Becketts at 160. Schultz stays on the leader at 140 and the bonus.

MacDonald pushes the engine to 180 with 1s (modified 10). The power-plant does not comply and he's dialed back to 160.

Moratto runs Copse on the green at 140. Bernhardt takes red at 140 and tucks in.

Koerber grabs the green line into Copse at 160.

Marshall has the initiative at 160. Blanchett is into lap 3 at 120.

Kay gets the initiative at 180 and pulls alongside the yellow machine. McConchie is out of Luffield at 120 and the bonus.

Moore plots an illegal 180 (still in corner). He is re-plotted to the next highest legal speed of 120. Hoyt drops two wear in Luffield at 120.

Turn 29 Deadline: Wednesday, March 29th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 2:23 pm

Very close with the three fastest separated by less than 1mph
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Post 29 Mar 2023, 4:55 am

Turn 29 Summary

Harley is through Becketts & Chapel at 120. Schultz also clears at 120 and pulls even with the bonus.

MacDonald bumps a wear in Becketts at 140 before pulling into Russ's exhaust.

Moratto clears Becketts on the line at 120. Bernhardt also hits the line at 120 but gets hung up.

Koerber is out of Copse for free at 140.

Marshall burns a wear in Copse at 160 on the green and picks up Andrew's wing. Kay does the same and, seeing Will come up fast, rides the outer rail.

Dropping the hammer to 180, McConchie has the initiative and sheds two wear on the green line. Blanchett takes the green line for free at 140.

Moore, at 140, specifically asks for the outside lane which puts him on the red line. Hoyt is clear of Luffield at 120.

Turn 30 Deadline: Friday, March 31st @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 31 Mar 2023, 7:32 am

Wow, within three turns MacDonald blows his engine on two really bad dice rolls. Sometimes this game sucks...

Turn 30 Summary

Harley drops the hammer and pushes the engine to 180 (natural 8). Schultz lays up behind him at 160.

MacDonald takes his last 2s on an engine check to go 160 (modified 10). Arghhhhh! He rolls boxcars and has to pull the racer over. To add insult to injury, he would've received a double bonus from Russ.

Moratto cruises down the Hanger Straight at 180. Bernhardt finishes out Becketts for free at 120.

Koerber knocks down a wear on the Becketts line at 140.

Kay gets the initiative at 180 and slams into Becketts for two wear. When he hits the 120's, he uses his last 2s on the chance roll (modified 4). He's got wear... can he catch some cars? Marshall gets hung on the Becketts line at 140.

McConchie burns a wear at 160 when he dives into Becketts, off-line. Blanchett cruises through Maggots at 160.

Moore takes an RM plot of 140 on the red line for free. Hoyt clears Copse at 180 for two tires on the green line.

Turn 31 Deadline: Monday, April 3rd @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 03 Apr 2023, 4:53 am

Turn 31 Summary

Harley runs the Stowe line at 120. Schultz burns a wear on the line at 140.

Moratto clears Stowe at 140 via a one wear deposit for the line. Bernhardt approaches Stowe at 160.

Kay gets the initiative at 180. Koerber tucks in at 160.

Marshall slows to 120 to finish the Becketts line. McConchie also slows to 120 to avoid further wear expenditure.

Blanchett runs Becketts on the line for free at 120. Hoyt is through Maggots at 180.

Given that Moore is not returning next season and not in a position that impacts the race outcome, David has chosen to retire the car.

Mater makes his first appearance of the race to give MacDonald a ride to the paddock.

Turn 32 Deadline: Wednesday, April 5th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 5:09 am

The race for 2nd place still looks interesting...

Turn 32 Summary

Schultz gets the initiative and the lead at 120. He clears Vale for two wear and looks unstoppable. Harley pulls up on the line at 80.

Moratto slows to 120 and hops on the red line. Bernhardt rounds Stowe at 140 for a wear.

Kay clears Stowe at 140. He bumps two wear: one for the over-brake and one for the corner. Koerber burns a wear at 140 on the racing line.

Marshall and McConchie trade paint and position, each hitting the gas hard to 180.

Blanchett keeps the pace as he drops the hammer to 180 with 1s (modified 3). Hoyt clears Becketts at 120 on the line.

Turn 33 Deadline: Friday, April 7th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 9:09 am

The three fastest for lap 2 were less than 1mph apart
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 6:05 am

Turn 33 Summary

Schultz is a cloud of dust at 160.

Harley clears Vale on the line at 80. Moratto, at 80, does the same.

Bernhardt can't use all of the line at 120 so he clears Vale via the 80's and knocks down half his remaining wear.

Kay readies Vale on the line at 140. Koerber also picks up the racing line at 140.

McConchie goes outer rail at 140 for a wear. Marshall burns a wear at 140 on the line and picks up the tailpipe on the #72.

Blanchett rounds Stowe on the line at 120. Hoyt lights the rocket at 180.

Turn 34 Deadline: Monday, April 10th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 10 Apr 2023, 4:52 am

Turn 34 Summary

Schultz approaches Village at 140.

Harley clears Abbey at 140 on the green line. Moratto keeps the pace at 140 and sets up the green line. Bernhardt, at 140 and the bonus, goes outside for red.

Kay sheds two wear at 120 on the line. Koerber, also at 120, burns two.

Marshall clips a tire on the line at 100 and stays with the #72 via the bonus. McConchie runs the Vale line at 100 for his last wear.

Blanchett pulls up to Vale on the line at 100. Hoyt careens around Stowe at 160 at a cost of two wear.

Turn 35 Deadline: Wednesday, April 12th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 12 Apr 2023, 5:13 am

Turn 35 Summary

Schultz over-brakes to 100 with a wear before clearing Village and The Loop for another token (line/100's). Harley grabs the line at 100?!

Bernhardt has initiative at 160 and takes the inside lane, and 2nd place, on the approach to Village. Moratto, at 140 settles in on the middle lane.

Kay takes it easy through Abbey at 140 and occupies the green line. Koerber gets distracted and takes an RM plot of 160 via the red line (NPR #2: 1 wear penalty).

Marshall runs the Abbey green at 160. McConchie pulls up to Abbey on the green at 160.

Blanchett slows to 80 and runs the Vale line for free. Hoyt burns a wear at 100 on the racing line.

Turn 36 Deadline: Friday, April 14th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 12 Apr 2023, 9:20 am

The top 3 easily dominating the speeds the final time through sector 1
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