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Post 14 Apr 2023, 7:16 am

Weird happenings...

Turn 36 Summary

Schultz cruises down Wellington Straight at 140 with only two more corners to seal the victory.

Bernhardt over-brakes to 100 using the red chip for the automatic pass. He burns a wear in the Village 80's and runs the line in The Loop. Moratto over-brakes to 80 using his last wear. Believing he was on the Village line (understandably so, but he was not), he asked for it. RM defaults puts him through the 80's in both Village and The Loop.

I'm guessing Harley keeps a flask in the car - he plots 100 on the Village line for a naked chance roll (natural 7). Round and round he goes!

Kay knocks down two wear at 120 in the Village 80's. Koerber runs the outer rail at 120 for free. Marshall stays on the bumper of the #47 at 120 and tosses in two pellets.

McConchie pulls up to Village on the line at 140. Blanchett pretends he has extra horses in the barn at 160, requiring an engine check (natural 9). Hoyt pulls up to Abbey on the green line at 160.

Turn 37 Deadline: Monday, April 17th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
T36 copy.png
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Post 17 Apr 2023, 5:31 am

Turn 37 Summary

Schultz is through the penultimate corner at 120.

Bernhardt cruises down Wellington at 140. Moratto picks up his bumper, also at 140.

Kay gets initiative at 100 and runs The Loop for free on the line. Harley recovers from his spin at 60.

Marshall burns a wear on the Loop line at 120. Koerber slows to 100, tosses a wear into the toll basket as he passes through the 80 spot, and goes outside in Loop for free.

McConchie, at 100, splits up his red chip and puts 2s on the chance roll (modified 3). He careens around Village via the 80's (no line option provided) before clearing The Loop on the line for free.

Blanchett pulls up to Village on the line at 100. Hoyt takes inside position at 140.

Turn 38 Deadline: Wednesday, April 19th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 19 Apr 2023, 5:33 am

The checkered flag will be coming out next turn...

Turn 38 Summary

Schultz sheds his last wear at 100 through Luffield.

Bernhardt clears Brooklands at 120. Moratto does the same but does not ask for the bonus. Will this leave an opening?

With initiative, Marshall leaves a few horses in the barn at 160. Kay pulls into his exhaust at 140.

McConchie takes the initiative at 160 and gets in line. Harley maxes out the accel at 120.

Koerber comes out of The Loop at 140 and, with the bonus, becomes the final link in the conga line.

Hoyt burns two wear at 100 in Village before taking the Loop line for free. Blanchett runs the Village line for free and ducks inside at The Loop.

Turn 39 Deadline: Friday, April 21st @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 19 Apr 2023, 8:27 am

Schulz with his 4th fastest sector of the race
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Post 21 Apr 2023, 7:24 am

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

And then some other stuff going on...

Turn 39 Summary

Schultz brings home the checkered flag at 140. Congratulations!

Bernhardt burns his last tire at 100 through Luffield and has 2nd locked up next turn. Moratto clears Luffield at 80 and, due to events behind him, has 3rd locked up.

Marshall overbrakes to 100 (natural 9) and plows into Luffield on the inside for his last wear and 1s on the chance roll (modified 10). Crash! *RM note: If Craig had succeeded he would have overtaken Claudio in the standings for advancement - a good risk.

Kay follows the #22 into Luffield at 120. He drops his last two wear and grabs the dice cup for a naked chance roll (natural 9). Spin! *RM note: I'm not sure if Tim needs the crash avoidance with the spin but if so, he passed that with a 5.

McConchie overbrakes to 100 with his last green chip (modified 5) and watches the carnage ahead. Koerber pulls alongside the black machine at 120.

Harley is through Brooklands at 120.

Hoyt pumps the gas pedal (natural 9) to hit his top speed of 180. Blanchett smashes down on the gas (natural 7) to 160.

Turn 40 Deadline: Monday, April 24th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 24 Apr 2023, 5:44 am

What a mess!

Turn 40 Summary

Bernhardt is across the line for 2nd place at 140. Moratto takes home 3rd, also at 140.

Kay recovers from his spin at 20.

Koerber starts the trouble with a plot of 120. He tosses his last wear then throws the dice for a chance roll (natural 9). Spin!

McConchie has to attempt a forced pass on the #72 at 80 (9 = fail). He can't get by and has to brake down to zero. With no wear, he goes into a spin! The brake check was fine (natural 5).

Harley, also at 80, takes his shot at passing Andrew (natural 12). He must late brake to 20 but also goes into a spin with no wear! The brake check was fine (natural 4).

Hoyt has TWO cars to pass at 120 but has plenty of resources. With two skill on each roll (modified 5/6) and two wear for the corner, he finds himself in 5th place and will end in 4th. What?!

At 100, Blanchett has to burn off some speed in Brooklands.

Turn 41 Deadline: Wednesday, April 26th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
Trigger option in effect: I may adjudicate early when all plots are in.
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Post 26 Apr 2023, 5:02 am

One more turn and we can put this to bed...

Turn 41 Summary

Hoyt roars across the finish line at 180 for 4th place. Kay limps towards the line at 80 and will need one more plot to cross.

Koerber recovers from his spin at 40.

McConchie and Harley take turns at 60 through Luffield. I suspect there will be dice coming out next turn.

Blanchett tosses in the red chip for a chance roll at 100 (modified 7). Oh so close! For what it's worth, he would have successfully passed Andrew.

Turn 42 Deadline: Friday, April 28th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 27 Apr 2023, 4:49 am

That will do it for C4, Season 9!

Congratulations to Jason, Russ, Paul, and Claudio on your promotions to C3. The rest of you are stuck with me.

Turn 42 Summary

Kay knocks down 5th place at 140.

Both McConchie and Harley successfully push to 140 (6 and 8 respectively). We go to the video and find Will edging out Russ by a nose for 6th.

Koerber, at 80, will finish next turn in 8th. Blanchett recovers from his spin at 60 and will cross next turn for 9th. Nothing can change the order so we'll call it a wrap.

Stay tuned for Season 10...
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Post 01 May 2023, 3:32 am

Hoyt with a strong 3rd lap
C4 summary.png