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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 21 Apr 2023, 8:23 am

Rando handily covered the field the final time through sector 2
C3 summary.png
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Post 22 Apr 2023, 7:32 pm

Rando burns his remaining wear, and out speeds Brent through Luffield, taking what will be the final lead change likely for the win. Behind them, Rob has to make evasive manuvers as Curtis out breaks him and slams the door, and the rear pack conga lines.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Luffield.

Curtis attempts to Late Break from 160 to 120 using a wear and 2 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 5.

RM Note: Late Brakes can up to the level of a Hard Brake, so I combined the requested LBs into one move, as there was no reason to need to split them.

Rob attempts to Lake Brake from 140 to 120. He succeeds with a 9.
Rob takes a Chance as he enters the 100 Lane of Brooklands at 120, he succeeds with a 5.

Marshall attempts to push his engine from 100 to 160 using 1 Skill. He fails with a Modified 10. Damaging his engine, he reposts at 140, and reduces his Acc to 20.

Due to a second NPR, Larry incurs a 1 Wear Penalty.
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Post 26 Apr 2023, 3:50 pm

Curtis completes the podium as they cross the line, beating Tony over by a nose. Kelly and Rob finish 5th and 6th respectively behind them. Back at Luffield, Marshall uses from Ace Driving to dodge Kevin and squeeze his way inside, giving him a short lead on Brad as they approach the line. Unfortunately luck is not at good out a Brooklands, as that last ounce of help from his Brakes comes unanswered as they fail and spin him off track and without a finish.

Curtis finishes in 3rd

Tony gets a slip off Curtis
Tony finishes in 4th

Kelly Finishes in 5th

Rob Finishes in 6th

Kevin restarts at 40 (Lower of Acc/Start)

Marshall takes a Chance going 80 through the 60 Lane of Luffield using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 3.

Brad attempts to Hard Break from 120 to 80 using no skill. He succeeds with an 8.

Larry attempt to Hard Break from 100 to 80 using no skill. He fails with an 11, and due to this is the 2nd break failure, is out of the race.

RM Note: Alrighty all, so at this point there is really only 1 thing left to determine, so were going to try to do this quickly and I will post the next graphic once rolls are made based on thoes decisions. Marshall and Brad: Do you push?
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Post 28 Apr 2023, 10:38 pm

Apologies to all for being this late on it. Got distracted especially when I had decisions thursday...anycase

A final sprint for the line ends with trouble as Marshall's attempting push doesn't work, and he fights his car, but it sadly slows and expires feet form the line. Brad had better luck as pulls past him, finishing 7th with Kevin finishing 8th (as of turn 42).

That is it for the race, Thanks for everyone who came along. Rando congrats of winning the championship, and grats to Rando, Curtis, James and Brent for the promotion to C2.

Kevin and Larry unfortunately you will be relegated back to C4, but good luck and hope to see you again in the circuit in the future.

Though as I says this, there will be a change to RMs. Due to Jack being promoted to C1, and because I utter crapped it in C2 this year and being Relegated to C3, the RMs are changing. For S10 and likely the near future, I will be changing RM to C1, and Jim will be running C3 next season. With that said, it was good running with you all, and hey, perhaps I'll see youi in the future.

With that, Season 10 is planned to start around the 15th, and good luck to all!
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Post 01 May 2023, 3:22 am

Rando had a strong final two sectors for the win
C3 summary.png