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Post 09 Jan 2023, 2:14 pm

9 drivers push start speed, 8 successfully. Details in the chart. I won't repeat them here.

Turn start grid:
Beckman shoots off the starting line at 80 holding the inside
Ales matches that move to keep even
Swaine also is able to got to 80 choosing to tuck in behind Ales
Kennington does not tax his engine keeping at 60

Kubala catches the black machine at 80
Baker moves inside at 40
Kennard grabs his wing also at 40
Welage is happy to start at 20, not chancing the dice

Ingraham pushes to 80 pulling even with Baker
Burnett at pushes to 40 and hugs the inside
Puddifoot, the last to not try dice, comes out at 20
Brandt misses the shift right at the start

Note: I will not be back in time on Wednesday as previously thought. So the next deadline will be Thursday.

Next deadline: turn 2 due Thursday, January 12 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 1.png
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Post 12 Jan 2023, 4:12 am

A line into Copse on the green racing line forms

Turn 2:
Beckman successfully pushes his engine to 140 taking the green racing line around Copse
Ales follows around the green line at 120
Swaine does 120 and uses the slip through the 120s to line up behind the leaders
Kubala at 140 rounds Copse on the red racing line for free

Kennington has the green line clear for his 120 move maintaining P4
Ingraham gets the initiative at 140 and adds to the line into Copse
Baker gets 120 out of his engine and closes the queue on the green line
Kennard gets a slip at 100 and hugs the inside

Burnett pushes for 100 but a tell-tale puff of smoke from his engine tells the story
Welage keeps pace with Burnett at 80
Puddifoot tucks in behind Burnett at 100
Brandt gets moving at 80 after his initial mis-shift

Next deadline: Turn 3 due Friday, January 13 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 2.png
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Post 13 Jan 2023, 3:09 pm

The pack strings out a bit after Copse, Ales is the new leader

Turn 3:
Beckman start the lint into Becketts at 140
Ales at 140 uses the slip to move inside
Swaine hits his top speed of 160 to keep pace
Kennington finishes the green line at 160

Kubala takes an RM plot of 160 to keep pace with the black machine
Ingraham does 140 through the green line for free
Baker sheds two wear on the line at 180 and picks up P6
Kennard swings out to the red line at 140

Welage gets the initiative at 160 dropping one wear on the green racing line
Burnett pushes his acceleration to 120 and follows on the green line
Puddifoot rounds the red line at 160
Brandt at 160 starts the green racing line

Next deadline: Turn 4 due Monday, January 16 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 3.png
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Post 16 Jan 2023, 2:28 pm

A pack forms at the front after Becketts

Turn 4:
Ales sheds two wear through the 140/120s at 160 to hold the lead
Beckman drops one wear on the line at 140 to keep up with Ales
Swaine runs the line at 120 for free using a slip to pull in behind the leader
Kubala knocks off two wear on the line at 160 and makes it two-wide and two-deep

Kennington leaves one wear on the racing line at 140 to join the lead pack
Baker uses a slip and the line at 120 keeping on the black racecar's wing
Ingraham also has a slip through the line at 120 for free
Kennard runs into the corner on the racing line at 160 for no cost

Welage starts the line behind Kennard at 160
Puddifoot grabs high gear and chooses to follow the gray machine
Burnett pushes his acceleration to 160
Brandt uses the green line through Copse at 140

Next deadline: Turn 5 due Wednesday, January 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 4.png
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Post 18 Jan 2023, 3:26 pm

Big pack looking at the next corner

Turn 5:
Ales approaches Stowe at 160
Beckman grabs high gear at 140 and tucks in behind the leader
Swaine gets a slip at 160 to move into P2
Kubala at 160 keeps pace

Kennington does 160 and latches on to the lead pack
Baker pulls even with the black machine at 160 and a slip
Ingraham opens up his big engine to join the tail of the group
Kennard completes Becketts at 120 on the line for free

Welage also takes the line at 120 for no cost
Puddifoot gets a slip at 120 and challenges the gray race car
Burnett drops two wear through the 140/120s at 160
Brandt clears the chicane at 120 on the racing line

Next deadline: Turn 6 due Friday, January 20 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 5.png
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Post 20 Jan 2023, 2:05 pm

The big engines at the back of the field roar to life exciting the fans

Turn 6:
Ales, Swaine, Beckman and Kubala all drop one wear on the Stowe racing line
Beckman got a slip to make it 3-wide

Kennington takes an RM plot on the line at 120 (no slip allowed)
Baker uses a slip around the outside of the corner for free grabbing P5
Ingraham runs the line at 120 for no cost
Kennard opens up his big engine grabbing the racing line at 180

Welage is able to use one slip space at 180 to finish inside the green race car
Puddifoot keeps up at 180 choosing to tuck in behind Kennard
Burnett is the beneficiary of a double slip at 160 grabbing P10
Brandt is off the chicane at 180 to keep the gap steady

Next deadline: Turn 7 due Monday, January 23 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 6.png
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Post 23 Jan 2023, 1:59 pm

The first 3-wide sorts out through Vale, another one is ready to do the same

Turn 7:
Swaine aggressively comes out of the 3-wide first then some brakes and wear later takes P1
Ales has to use the 80s all the way shedding two wear
Beckman also drops two wear in the 80s at 120
Kubala takes an RM plot at 100 knocking off one wear on the line

Baker grabs the line into Vale at 120
Kennington swings to the outside of Baker
Ingraham at 140 only has the inside available to him
Welage takes the Stowe 100s at 120 throwing in one wear

Kennard runs the Stowe line at 120 for free
Burnett uses the line and a slip at 120 to make it 3-wide
Puddifoot moves through the line at 120 and takes up a position behind the wall
Brandt clears Stowe at 140 surrendering 1w on the racing line

Next deadline: Turn 8 due Wednesday, January 25 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 7.png
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Post 25 Jan 2023, 2:18 pm

The field strings out through the tight section

Turn 8:
Swaine clears Abbey on the green racing line at 160
Ales takes up the line at 160 keeping up with the leader
Beckman falls in behind Ales at 140 also on the line
Kubala finishes the Vale line at 120 wear paid

Baker covers the Vale line at 120 shedding two wear
Kennington drops two wear through the 80s at 120
Ingraham is one wear lighter after running the 60/80 at 80
Kennard gets the jump at 140 then brakes hard onto the line knocking off two wear

Burnett tries the same move but has to switch to the 80s at 120 for two wear
Welage finds the line stacked up so he goes inside at 100 surrendering two wear
Puddifoot has room to go into the corner on the line at 100 throwing in one wear
Brandt starts the line into Vale at 140

Next deadline: Turn 9 due Friday, January 27 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 8.png
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Post 27 Jan 2023, 2:05 pm

Plenty of slips this turn

Turn 9:
Swaine starts the line into Village at 120
Ales is through Abbey at 140 and moves back into P1 for now
Beckman gets a slip to make it 3-wide at 140
Kubala uses the green line at 160 to close up a bit on the leaders

Baker gets a slip at 160 and catches Kubala out of Abbey
Kennington runs the green racing line at 140 also getting a slip
Ingraham follows the black machine keeping pace with a slip also
Kennard keeps up at 160 through the green line

Welage is out of Vale at 160 and starts the green line into Abbey
Burnett counts on the slip at 140 and moves outside to the red line
Puddifoot finishes Vale for paid wear at 120
Brandt sheds one wear on the Vale line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 10 due Monday, January 30 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 9.png
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Post 27 Jan 2023, 2:06 pm

Good average speeds for sector 1
C2 summary.png
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Post 30 Jan 2023, 2:29 pm

3-wide into a tight two corners, who will come out undented?

Turn 10:
Beckman gets the initiative at 120 dropping two wear in the Village 80s and another on The Loop line
Ales sheds one wear in the Village 80s at 100 then runs The Loop racing line for free
Swaine at 80 uses the line followed by The Loop line at 80 all at no cost
Baker starts at 140, uses one wear to late brake, then uses two more in the Village 80s and another on The Loop line

Kubala uses a wear to get down to 100 and another on the Village line finishing outside in The Loop
Kennington at 100 hits the Village racing line for one wear
Ingraham is forced to the outside lane with the black race car blocking the line
Kennard starts at 160 but has to grab the binders hard, too hard, to 120 starting the line

Burnett takes the Abbey red line at 160 and moves to the inside entering the Village
Welage at 140 finishes the green racing line and makes it 3-wide
Puddifoot swings around the green line at 160 and fades inside
Brandt does 160 also around the green line for free

Next deadline: Turn 11 due Wednesday, February 1 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 10.png
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Post 01 Feb 2023, 2:49 pm

Everyone gets through the Village/The Loop combination unscathed

Turn 11:
Beckman pushes his engine to 160 with 3 skill to hold the lead
Swaine does 140 losing a length to the leader
Ales at 140 and a slip moves back into P2 grabbing the red car's wing
Baker comes off The Loop at 160

Kubala maintains 100 to finish The Loop
Kennington takes The Loop 100s at speed with an RM plot
Ingraham at 120 sheds two wear in the Village 80 on the outside then another in The Loop 100s
Burnett attacks the corners at 120 dropping two wear in the Village 80s and one on The Loop line

Kennard does 120 knocking off two wear in the Village 80s and running The Loop line
Welage is 80s all the way through the two corners at 80 for free
Puddifoot slows to 80 through the Village racing line
Brandt uses his full deceleration to 120 hitting the Village 120s

Next deadline: Turn 12 due Friday, February 3 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 11.png
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Post 03 Feb 2023, 2:00 pm

The mid-pack stays intact while the leaders work through the final corner of lap 1

Turn 12:
Beckman sheds two wear at 120 into the Luffield 80s
Ales takes a slip into the inside of the corner also dropping two wear
Swaine lightens his wear by two into the 80s at 120 and a slip
Baker with no slip opportunity stops short of the corner at 120

Kubala runs the straight all the way at 160
Kennington also hits high gear at 160
Burnett pushes his engine and it responds to give him 160 as well
Ingraham does 160 and uses the slip to make it 3-wide

Kennard pulls up behind the wall in front of him at 160
Welage exits The Loop at 140 and the bonus keeps him on the green car's wing
Puddifoot goes wide through The Loop 100s at 100
Brandt slows to 80 to finish the Village outside and ducks inside through The Loop

Next deadline: Turn 13 due Monday, February 6 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 12.png
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Post 06 Feb 2023, 2:00 pm

Luffield collects a lot of rubber as the mid-pack attacks it

Turn 13:
Beckman finishes the Luffield 100 at 140 wear paid and chooses the outside lane
Ales has paid to finish the 80 at 120 and does not specify a finish lane so loses the slip position
Baker drops two wear in the 80s at 120
Swaine is one wear lighter after the 80s at 100

Kubala lightens his wear by two through the outside of Luffield at 120
Kennington gets the initiative at 140 then brakes to 120 into the outside lane shedding two wear
Burnett at 120 depends on his Firestones to hold the inside lane of Luffield
Ingraham follows the purple race car at 100 throwing in two wear in the 60

Kennard fills in the Luffield corner at 120 knocking off two wear
Welage does 120 through Brooklands for free
Puddifoot winds up his big engine to 180 finishing Wellington Straight
Brandt grabs high gear at 160

Next deadline: Turn 14 due Wednesday, February 8 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 13.png
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Post 08 Feb 2023, 3:41 pm

P5 through P10 string out across the start/finish line

Turn 14:
Beckman clears Copse on the inside line at 140
Ales drops one wear on the outside line at 160
Baker moves onto the inside racing line at 180
Swaine gets the double slip and starts the outside line

Kubala grabs high gear around Woodcote
Burnett at 140 uses a slip to stay in the brown car's wake
Kennington is paid to accelerate to 140 out of Luffield
Ingraham likewise can get to 120 for paid wear and keep pace

Kennard continues at 120 for paid wear
Welage sheds two wear around the outside of Luffield at 120
Puddifoot clears Luffield at 100 on the outside for one wear
Brandt knocks off two wear in the Luffield 80s at 120

Next deadline: Turn 15 due Friday, February 8 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 14.png