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Post 10 Mar 2023, 1:59 pm

The leaders string out through Luffield while a 3-wide approaches the corner

Turn 27:
Baker leads a group through Copse on the green racing line
Ales follows at 140
Beckman keeps on his wing at 140
Kubala clears also at 140

Kennington queues up on the green line at 160
Swaine uses the slip to grab the outer racing line at 160
Burnett nurses his damaged engine to 140
Ingraham gets to 180 and finishes outside the purple machine

Kennard at 180 is pushed inside of the 3-wide
Brandt accelerates to 140 wear paid
Puddifoot maintains 100 to finish Luffield for paid wear
Welage swings wide through Luffield at 120 shedding two wear

Next deadline: Turn 87 due Monday, March 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 27.png
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Post 13 Mar 2023, 1:05 pm

The chase pack queues up for the chicane

Turn 28:
Baker clears the chicane on the line at 120 for free
Ales starts the line behind the leader at 160
Beckman gets a slip and stays on the wing of the pink machine
Kubala exits Copse at 160 and tucks in behind Beckman

Kennington sheds one wear on the green racing line through Copse at 160 and chooses a slip position
Swaine also drops one wear around the red line at 160 finishing behind Kennington
Ingraham knocks off one wear on the green line at 160
Ingraham follows the purple machine also clipping on wear

Kennard saves a wear but loses a length at 140 around the red line
Brandt is through Copse on the green line at 140 for free
Puddifoot gets the initiative at 180 starting the line behind Brandt
Welage also at 180 swings wide onto the red line

Next deadline: Turn 29 due Wednesday, March 15 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 28.png
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Post 13 Mar 2023, 1:07 pm

Baker had an almost 3 second lead at the line...can he hold it?
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Post 15 Mar 2023, 2:27 pm

Plenty of slips as expected; Baker stretches his lead slightly

Turn 29:
Baker comes off Becketts at 180 down the Hanger Straight
Ales sheds two wear through the racing line at 160
Beckman uses a slip at 140 to follow dropping one wear
Kubala also at 140 keeps up with a slip and a wear

Kennington at 120 through the line saves rubber but loses the draft
Swaine slows to 120 on the line for free and a bonus
Ingraham burns one wear at 140 on the line
Burnett does 120 and a slip and gets forced into the 120s

Kennard starts the line into Becketts at 160 knocking off one wear
Brandt is out of Copse at 180
Puddifoot rounds the green line at 180 scrubbing off two wear
Welage conserves wear around the red line at 140

Next deadline: Turn 30 due Friday, March 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 29.png
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Post 17 Mar 2023, 1:06 pm

The leader is the first to bald tires; several successful pushes behind him

Turn 30:
Baker drops his final wear on the Stowe line at 140
Ales starts the line behind the leader at 160
Beckman pushes his top speed and gets a slip to take P2 for now
Kubala stays attached to the pair in front of him at 160 and the slip

Kennington pushes his engine to 180 down the Hanger Straight
Swaine also ask his engine for 180 and it barely complies to keep him tucked in behind Kennington
Ingraham grabs high gear and keeps up with the orange machine
Burnett finishes the Becketts 120s at speed

Kennard slows slightly to 140 finishing the Becketts line for wear paid
Brandt sheds one wear on the racing line at 140
Puddifoot at 120 and a slip stays right behind Brandt
Welage leaves two wear on the Becketts line at 160

Next deadline: Turn 31 due Monday, March 20 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 30.png
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Post 20 Mar 2023, 12:52 pm

The challenges start to come at the front

Turn 31:
Baker starts the line into Vale at 120
Beckman drops two wear through the Stowe 100s at 140
Ales spsends one wear to take the Stowe line at 140
Kubala follows on the line at 120 and the slip

Kennington slows to 160 shedding two wear on the Stowe racing line
Swaine uses the slip at 120 to corner for free and keep up with the black machine
Ingraham also keeps in touch at 120 with a slip
Kennard starts the line into the corner at 160

Burnett at 140 and a slip tucks in behind Kennard
Brandt winds up his big engine to 180 and picks up P9 for now
Puddifoot at 180 has no room to use the slip
Welage also runs the Hanger Straight at 180

Note: There will be no turn due on Wednesday. I am having a medical procedure that day.

Next deadline: Turn 32 due Friday, March 24 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 31.png
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Post 24 Mar 2023, 1:03 pm

7 cars prepare to form up at the front

Turn 32:
Baker slows to 80 and takes the Vale line for free
Ales, Beckman and Kubala all take 80s in the corner at 100 for one wear

Kennington wants 120 into the corner but has to brake onto the line at 100 shedding one wear
Swaine approaches at 120 on the racing line
Ingraham exits Stowe at 140 and swings wide
Kennard runs the Stowe line at 120

Brandt drops one wear on the Stowe line at 140
Burnett counts on his skill alone to get him around the Stowe racing line
Puddifoot uses a slip at 120 to tuck in behind Kennard
Welage also takes the Stowe line at 120

Next deadline: Turn 33 due Monday, March 27 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 32.png
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 1:58 pm

The expected pack at the front fails to form, everyone getting in line

Turn 33:
Baker pushes his acceleration and clears Abbey on the green racing line
Ales uses the slip at 140 to stay right behind the leader on the line
Beckman at 140 queues up behind Ales also on the green line
Kennington can accelerate to 120 on the Vale line for paid wear

Kubala finishes the 80s at 100 for paid wear
Swaine takes the racing line at 100 shedding one wear
Ingraham runs the 80s at 100 dropping one wear
Kennard gets the initiative at 120 then brakes onto the Vale line for one wear

Brandt attacks the 80s at 120 knocking off two wear
Burnett at 120 has nowhere to go so he brakes to 100 and hits the 80s
Puddifoot does 100 and finds the racing line open for one wear
Welage starts the line into Vale at 140

Next deadline: Turn 34 due Wednesday, March 29 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 33.png
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 2:25 pm

The third time through sector 1 yields slightly slower speeds than last time through
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Post 29 Mar 2023, 1:00 pm

The challenge finally comes for the lead; tires will play a roll

Turn 34:
Baker slows to 120 approaching Village
Ales at 140 moves to the inside and P1 for now
Beckman uses a slip to make it 3-wide at corner entrance
Kennington runs the Abbey green racing line at 160

Kubala also takes the green line at 160 using a slip to pull even with Kennington
Swaine rounds the Abbey green racing line at 160
Ingraham gets a slip at 160 using the red line for free
Brandt starts at 180 then brakes just before Abbey

Kennard does 160 grabbing the red line
Puddifoot can accelerate to 120 to finish the Vale line
Burnett is paid to finish the Vale 80s and tucks in behind Puddifoot
Welage sheds one wear on the Vale line at 100

Next deadline: Turn 35 due Friday, March 31 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 34.png
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Post 31 Mar 2023, 1:06 pm

The battle for the lead heats up with 4 cars in the lead pack

Turn 35:
Ales at 120 drops two wear on the Village 80s and another on The Loop line and into P1
Beckman does 100 through the Village 80s for one wear then The Loop line for free
Baker takes the Village line and The Loop 80 to hold onto P2 for now
Kennington starts at 120 then jumps on the brakes shedding one wear in each the Village line and The Loop 80

Kubala brakes hard into Village dropping one wear on the line
Swaine sheds one wear on the Village line at 100
Ingraham blows into the 120s at 140 knocking off one wear
Brandt uses the green line at 160 then brakes to 140 on the Village racing line

Kennard takes the green racing line for free and finishes on the inside
Puddifoot screams through Abbey at 180 for one wear and starts the line into Village
Burnett gets the double slip at 120 through the inside of Abbey
Welage accelerates to 160 and takes the green racing line at no cost

NOTE: Let me know if you're coming back next season. You can tell me with your turn 36 move. I don't know
if it matters, but in the interest of full disclosure, it appears I will be driving in C2 next season and
therefore will be RM in C3. Will K. will likely be the C2 RM.

Next deadline: Turn 36 due Monday, April 3 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 35.png
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Post 03 Apr 2023, 1:04 pm

With two corners left for most cars the battles get heated

Turn 36:
Ales heads down the Wellington Straight at 140
Baker follows the leader also at 140
Beckman gets a slip with his 140 to move into P2
Kennington comes off The Loop at 160 to make it 2x2

Kubala finishes The Loop 100s at speed
Swaine sheds two wear in the 100s at 140 to even up with Kubala
Ingraham slows to 100 taking The Loop 80 for one wear
Kennard gets the initiative at 100 shedding one wear in the Village 80s then taking The Loop line

Brandt takes the Village line and The Loop 100s at 100 trading one wear for 8th spot
Puddifoot is one wear lighter after following Brandt through the corners at 100
Burnett slows on the Village racing line at 80
Welage hits the Village 80s hard at 120 knocking off two wear

Next deadline: Turn 37 due Wednesday, April 5 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 36.png
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 1:51 pm

Five passes involving ten cars including the leader

Turn 37:
Beckman gets the jump at 120 then brakes down to 100 grabbing P1
Ales at 100 stays with the new leader
Kennington also starts at 120 before braking into the corners and hearing the dreaded grinding
Baker does 100 into the middle lane

Kubala and Swaine drag race down Wellington Straight at 160
Ingraham pushes his engine to 180 and it stays intact
Brandt at 180 uses the double slip to make it three wide at corner approach

Kennard does 160 mindful of his damaged brakes and the upcoming corners
Puddifoot hits the gas hard getting up to 200mph!
Welage sheds one wear on The Loop line at 120 to move up a position
Burnett rounds The Loop 100s at speed

Next deadline: Turn 38 due Friday, April 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 37.png
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 1:53 pm

Puddifoot with the fastest sector again
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 1:48 pm

Nine dice rolls and three casualties

Turn 38:
Beckman sheds his last wear around the outside of Luffield at 100
Ales follows the leader around the corner keeping side-by-side-by-s
Kennington slows to 80 around the outside for free
Baker at 60 takes the inside route and back into P3 for now

Kubala hits the Luffield 80s at 120 for two wear then attempts a one skill blocked
forced pass vs. Kennington and fails. He loses one wear for a "4" in the dice roll
He has no wear to pay for the late brake and spins.

Swaine hits the outside of Luffield at 120 looking to force his way past Kubala
and Kennington. He gets through Kubala but not Kennington as he is blocking.
Since he has no remaining wear to brake he spins in the same lane as the forced pass attempt.

Brandt uses dice and one wear to get to 100mph as well taking the outside of
Brooklands but he's forced into the Luffield 80 with bald tires and a naked chance
roll which he fails and ends up in the kitty litter and out of the race

Ingraham moves into the outside 120 in Brooklands then late brakes to 100 using
two skill then hits the 60 in Luffield for two wear and barely passes
his crash avoidance roll (5+3-2 = 6/pass)

Puddifoot uses a naked roll to get to 100 and takes the outside around Brooklands
at no cost, avoiding the chaos in Luffield

Kennard tries to get down to 100 using dice after entering the outside 120 in Luffield
but his brakes grind and crunch. This is his second brake failure and he makes the
dreaded off-track excursion

Welage puts Wellington Straight behind him at 160
Burnett nurses his damaged engine to 120

DRIVERS: Please check your moves. This one was probably the most complex turn I've
ever adjudicated. Obviously I think I got it right, but you never know.

Next deadline: Turn 39 due Monday, April 10 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Silverstone C2 turn 38.png