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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 28 Nov 2022, 2:19 pm

Another fun RROC! Congratulations to Justin with the win in his second RROC try.
Mike finishes 2nd for the second time in three runs
Stephen in his third consecutive RROC just pushed his brakes a bit too hard, but that's what it's about
Chris, the highest finishing RROC rookie, ran a nice steady three laps
Giuseppe, another RROC rookie, never recovered from his lap 1 P5 finish
Larry, the third RROC rookie, just ran into some bad luck on lap 2 but did well to come back

I always enjoy running this competition. Thanks again to all drivers!!
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Rally Racer (Pro III)
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Post 28 Nov 2022, 2:55 pm

Thanks for running it!

I think the format on this one is interesting. My belief is that because start speed only helps you in the first lap, and then you get "squished back with the pack" for the other laps, that the point here should be shifted to another stat - either at the start, or between laps.

Where to put that point though? Acceleration is compelling, because that's your new "start speed" for laps 2 and 3. Wear is also compelling because it will always help you out. I think the jury's still out on this, but my approach to put it to wear right off the bat helps because I had that extra wear for all 3 laps. But I think I'd like to try acceleration as well as see how that helps.

Anyways, great competition as usual. Polcen did a great job keeping up the pressure throughout the whole race, and Peeples was a rocket out of the gate.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 28 Nov 2022, 6:54 pm

Congratulations Justin & great job, as usual, at the helm, Jim.

Turn 7 was my demise. What I had in my head was not the same as what I wrote to Jim. I meant to be where Chris was and then off to the races. It was my PBEM version of pulling a Polcen and after that, it felt like I was playing for 2nd. This in no way takes away from Justin's victory.

I really like the rolling starts between laps and I think I finally have a good understanding of resource strategy. Justin taught me a lesson with the point move from SS to wear before the race. Brilliant!

Anyway, I hope to be back next year but Watkins seems to be giving me some fits.

See y'all on the track!