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Post 21 Oct 2022, 6:27 am

The second lap is coming up soon. Mater makes an appearance.

Turn 12 Summary

Harley drops a wear on the Corner 11 line at 140. Hoyt, at 120 and the bonus, stays attached.

Bernhardt clears Corner 11 on the line at 120. Schultz, also at 120, uses the bonus to go outer rail and tuck back in on the bumper.

Moratto keeps the engine in check at 120. Marshall's burn rate won't be sustainable but watching him shed 2 more wear at 160 is a sight to see.

McConchie clips a tire at 100 on the Corner 9 line. Schipper deposits 2 wear in the corner at 120.

Koerber eases his way around Corner 9 at 80 via the racing line. MacDonald shoots through the 60's at 100 and picks up a position at a cost of 2 wear.

Moore runs the line in the Heel at 100 for free. Mater retrieves the smoking #39 machine and takes it back to the paddock.

Turn 13 Deadline: Monday, October 24th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
T12 copy.png
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Post 24 Oct 2022, 5:11 am

Lap 2 has commenced!

Turn 13 Summary

Harley burns a wear to clear The 90˚ at 120. Hoyt runs the line at 120 and the bonus only to get hung up in the corner.

Bernhardt sets up The 90˚ on the line at 160. Schultz stays attached to his bumper at 140 and the bonus.

Marshall uses the over-sized powerplant to hit 180 and pulls inside of the #15. Moratto drops a wear at 140 in Corner 11.

Schipper gets the initiative at 160. He burns 2 wear on the line and picks up a bumper. McConchie runs the Corner 11 line at 140 for a wear.

MacDonald carries the Corner 11 line at 140 with a wear. Koerber, also at 140, clips a tire on the outer rail.

Moore sheds a wear in Corner 9 at 80 on the inside.

Turn 14 Deadline: Wednesday, October 26th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 26 Oct 2022, 4:47 am

Turn 14 Summary

Harley is into the Esses at 140 on the green line. Hoyt finishes out The 90˚ at 120 and, with no further instructions, ends on the inside lane (default).

Bernhardt runs the racing line at 140 for a wear and picks up the green line.

Marshall clears The 90˚ on the line at 120 for free. Schultz dives to the inside at 100 and, with the bonus, picks up Paul's tailpipe again.

Moratto drops a wear as he dives into The 90˚ on the line at 140. Schipper also burns a wear at 140 on the same path.

McConchie pulls up to The 90˚ on the line at 140. MacDonald surges into lap 2 at 160.

Koerber picks up a bumper, also at 160. Moore clears Corner 11 at 120 on the line for free.

Turn 15 Deadline: Friday, October 28th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 28 Oct 2022, 7:43 am

Turn 15 Summary

Harley clears Corner 4 at 140 for free. Hoyt conserves wear at 100 and sets up outside.

Bernhardt rockets through the Esses at 160 on both lines for 2 wear. Schultz, at 140 and the bonus, parks himself on the Corner 4 line.

Marshall is into the Esses at 140 and finds a bumper.

Moratto clears Corner 2 at 140. Schipper stays right behind him at 140.

McConchie clips a tire in the The 90˚ at 140.

MacDonald burns a wear on the inner rail at 120. Koerber sheds a wear as he rounds The 90˚ on the line at 140.

Moore propels himself into lap 2 at 180.

Turn 16 Deadline: Monday, October 31st @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 28 Oct 2022, 7:54 am

Marshall made a serious move through sector 3
C4 summary.png
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Post 31 Oct 2022, 5:03 am

The track officials installed indicator lights over the weekend to aid those drivers who have no clue where racing lines begin and end :yes:

Turn 16 Summary

Harley hoofs it down the back straight at 160. Bernhardt maintains the one-car length distance from the leader, also at 160.

Schultz runs Corner 4 at 140 for free. Hoyt under-speeds the racing line and stays on Jason's bumper at 120 plus the bonus. Marshall keeps the mini-conga line intact at 140.

Moratto tosses a wear at Corner 4, speeding through the line at 160. Schipper is down to a single black wear chip after burning 2 at 160; one at the start of the Esses and another to clear them.

McConchie is able to clear the Esses at 140 for free via the bonus from the red machine.

MacDonald runs the Corner 2 line at 140 for free. Koerber does the same before settling in on Donald's bumper.

Moore takes the line for The 90˚ at 120.

Turn 17 Deadline: Wednesday, November 2nd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 02 Nov 2022, 4:50 am

Turn 17 Summary

Entering the Loop in the middle lane, Harley clips a tire at 140. Bernhardt maintains his distance from the leader as he also burns a wear at 140.

Schultz keeps his engine in check at 140. Hoyt comes alongside at 160. At 180, Marshall makes it three-wide heading into the Loop.

Moratto scurries down the back-stretch at 160. Schipper's third NPR pretty much finishes his race (NPR #3: 2w penalty)*. The RM plot is 180 and, unable to pay the full 2w penalty, he spins at the end of his movement.

McConchie grabs the dice cup with 2s to hit 180 (modified 9). The engine sputters a bit but decides to comply.

MacDonald clears the Esses at 140 on the line. Koerber does the same and pulls up on the side-panel of the M&M's car with the bonus.

Moore is into the Esses at 140 for free via the green line.

* A 4th NPR would DQ the car, take it off the track, and have no impact on other drivers.

Turn 18 Deadline: Friday, November 4th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 04 Nov 2022, 7:46 am

The black flag comes out...

Turn 18 Summary

Harley and Bernhardt finish out the Loop at 140 each.

Schultz sheds 2 wear at 140 on the inside rail and picks up a bumper. Hoyt takes an RM plot of 140 for a wear through the middle (NPR #1: Warning). Marshall runs the Loop on the outer rail at 140 for free.

Moratto burns a wear at 140 in the middle lane. Schipper's 4th NPR brings out the black flag from the race officials. The car is pulled from the track and takes a DQ for the race.*

McConchie dives into the Loop at 160 and goes outer rail for a wear.

MacDonald and Koerber trade paint down the back-straight at 160 each.

Moore shows off his engine and clips 2 tires as he exits the Esses.

* Two consecutive DQ's, by rule, results in league suspension. You'll be sitting out, at minimum, the rest of the series, Skip.

Turn 19 Deadline: Monday, November 7th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
Note the time change in the U.S. over the weekend.
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Post 07 Nov 2022, 5:52 am

Turn 19 Summary

Harley spends a wear in the Chute as he travels through the exit row at 100. Bernhardt hits the Chute at 100 on the inner rail for a wear.

Schultz scoots to the outside at 120 for free. Hoyt takes another RM plot at 120 (NPR #2: 1w penalty).*

Marshall eases down to 120 to finish the Loop. Moratto maintains 140 and comes astride the yellow machine.

McConchie finishes out the Loop at 160.

Koerber has the initiative at 160. He burns off 2 wear in the middle lane. MacDonald clips a tire at 140 through the middle.

Moore pulls up to the Loop at 140.

Note: A third NPR in this lap will DQ the #24.

Turn 20 Deadline: Wednesday, November 9th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Nov 2022, 7:03 am

Speeds were relatively close the second time through sector 1
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Post 09 Nov 2022, 5:49 am

Turn 20 Summary

Harley burns a precious wear through the Toe at 120. Bernhardt dives into the Toe at 120 on the inner rail at a cost of 2 wear.

Schultz slows to 100 and pays the toll-keeper a wear as he hits the exit row. Hoyt maintains 120 and drops 2 wear into the bucket as he exits the Chute.

Moratto has the initiative at 100 and clips a tire on the inside lane. Marshall conserves wear at 80 and picks up a bumper.

McConchie, at 120, goes outer rail (?) for 2 wear.

Koerber runs into the Chute at 120 for free. MacDonald plots 140 but things aren't to his liking. He late brakes to 120 for a wear and drops another in the Chute on the inner rail.

Moore runs the Loop for free at 100.

Turn 21 Deadline: Friday, November 11th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 11 Nov 2022, 7:37 am

Turn 21 Summary

Harley shoots out of the Toe at 160. Bernhardt increases his speed to 140 and sits two lengths back.

Shultz scrubs 2 wear in the Toe at 120. Hoyt conserves wear at 100.

Moratto clears the Toe at 120 for a wear.

Marshall takes an RM plot of 120 and burns a wear on the outer rail (NPR #1: Warning). McConchie, also at 120, sheds 2 wear on the inside to clear.

Koerber slows to 80, avoiding any wear in the exit row. MacDonald slows to 100, also avoiding further wear expenditures.

Moore is into the Chute at 100 for free.

Turn 22 Deadline: Monday, November 14th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 14 Nov 2022, 5:52 am

Turn 22 Summary

Harley rounds the Heel on the outside at 120 for a wear before picking up the C9 line. Bernhardt slows to 100 and clears the Heel on the racing line.

Schultz pulls up to the Heel on the line at 140. Hoyt keeps the engine in check at 140.

Moratto comes alongside the #24 at 160. McConchie, also at 160, finds no room at the inn. He has to late brake to 140 for a wear.

Marshall picks up his speed to 140 with wear already paid.

MacDonald and Koerber both clear the Toe at 80 each. Moore nicks a tire as he hits the exit row in the Chute at 100.

Turn 23 Deadline: Wednesday, November 16th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 16 Nov 2022, 5:34 am

Wear comes off in bunches...

Turn 23 Summary

Harley dumps a wear on the line in C9 at 100.

Bernhardt finishes his line before sliding outside in C9 at 100 for a wear. Schultz clips a tire via the same path, line + outside.

Moratto gets the initiative at 120. He sheds 2 tires in the Heel on the 80 before dumping 2 more on the C9 line. Hoyt, at 100, takes the line in the Heel for free.

McConchie and Marshall both follow the blue machine into the Heel on the line.

MacDonald takes an RM plot of 140 (NPR #1: Warning). Koerber gets the bonus at 140.

Moore conserves wear at 80 through the Toe.

Turn 24 Deadline: Friday, November 18th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 18 Nov 2022, 8:59 am

Bad moon rising last night?

Turn 24 Summary

Harley clears the final corner at 120 and will start the field on lap 3 next turn. Bernhardt, at 140, sheds a tire and also clears the corner.

Shultz readies the C11 line at 120 and the bonus. Moratto pulls up on his tailpipe at 120.

Hoyt takes his 3rd NPR of the lap. By rule, three NPR's in a single lap disqualifies the driver. The black flag come out.

McConchie burns a wear on the outer rail in C9 at 100. Marshall saves the chips at 80 on the same route.

MacDonald runs the Heel on the line at 100 and stays to the inside. Koerber also takes the line at 100 and gets the outside lane.

Moore plots 180, requiring an ACC test (natural 11). Instead, he goes 160 and leaves some car parts on the track.

Turn 25 Deadline: Monday, November 21st @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)