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Post 26 Oct 2022, 2:02 pm

The front four break out while the 90 promises some action next turn

Turn 14 summary:
Kennington rounds corner 2 on the line at 160 for one wear
Ales comes off the 90 at 140 and takes the line for free
Swaine finishes the 90 line at 140 wear paid and follows the pink machine
Burnett sheds two wear though the 90 line at 160 and closes up with Swaine

Ingraham clears the 90 on the line at 140 dropping one wear
Brandt is also a wear lighter hitting the line at 140
Kubala is more conservative, starting the line at 120
Kennard takes the inside lane at 160 to approach the 90

Baker takes an RM plot at 160 to fill out a 3-wide at corner entrance
Welage tucks in behind Kennard at 160
Puddifoot pushes to 180 successfully and joins the pack
Beckman takes the corner 11 line at 120 for no cost

Next deadline: turn 15 due Friday, October 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 14.png
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Post 28 Oct 2022, 1:16 pm

Quite a bit of movement around the relegation line as positions swap around

Turn 15 summary:
Kennington flies corner 4 at 140 and has clean air down the back straight
Ales follows the leader at 140
Swaine also at 140 through the line gets the slip to challenge for P2
Burnett clears corner 4 at 140 through both racing lines

Ingraham is free on the racing line at 140
Brandt finishes the 90 line at 140 wear paid
Baker sheds two wear around the 90 120s at 160 and tucks in behind Brandt
Kubala also drops two wear on the 90 line and has to stay outside with no room to move in

Kennard rounds the inner 100s at speed and ends in a slip position
Puddifoot spends one wear on the 90 line and gets the bonus to move into P9
Welage knocks off one wear in the inner 100s at 120
Beckman continues to conserve his tires doing 120 on the 90 line for free

Next deadline: turn 16 due Monday, October 31 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 15.png
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Post 31 Oct 2022, 7:13 am

Kennington handily turns in the fastest sector 3 and the fastest lap
C2 summary.png
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Post 31 Oct 2022, 12:58 pm

The leaders approach the Loop while the bulk of the pack negotiate the Esses

Turn 16 summary:
Kennington keeps to the middle lane approaching the Loop
Ales tops out at 160 down the straight keeping the gap constant
Swaine keeps side-by-side with Ales at 160
Burnett pushes his engine to 180 and closes up on the pair in front of him

Ingraham shoots the corner 4 line at 140 and moves inside
Brandt takes both racing lines at 140 for free
Kubala at 120 runs the corner 2 120s
Baker takes the green line in corner 2 but is forced outside in corner 4

Puddifoot throws one wear at the corner 2 100 at 120 and uses the slip to talke over P8
Welage uses the green racing line for free at 140
Kennard plots 140 but has to use one wear around the 120s to complete the move
Beckman finishes the 90 line and starts the line into corner 2

Next deadline: turn 17 due Wednesday, November 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 16.png
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Post 02 Nov 2022, 1:12 pm

The Loop spreads out the front 4 for now

Turn 17 summary:
Kennington glides around the Loop through the 120s at speed
Swaine starts at 140 then brakes hard into the 100s shedding a wear
Ales at 120 is forced into the middle lane
Burnett at 140 also has no choice but to swing wide into the corner

Ingraham throws his big chip to reach 160, no roll needed
Brandt grabs high gear and catches the blue machine at 180
Baker can accelerate to 160 to finish corner 4
Puddifoot runs the line for free and tucks in behind Baker

Kubala comes through corner 4 on the line at 140 and joins the queue on the inside
Welage uses the racing line and a slip to move past Kubala and challenge Puddifoot
Kennard has the same advatage as the gray car, making it two-wide at the back
Beckman uses the green line at 140 for free and starts the corner 4 line

Just a quick note, ties in the "Points" chart during this race are listed in no particular
order. During race 3 the "Points" chart will take tie-breakers into account so the order
will be as shown in the chart.

Next deadline: turn 18 due Friday, November 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 17.png
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Post 04 Nov 2022, 1:21 pm

No position changes this turn but a big group approaching the Loop may jostle a bit next turn

Turn 18 summary:
Kennington moves into the Chute 100s at 120 surrendering one wear
Swaine is paid to accelerate to 140 to finish the Loop 120s
Ales loses a length to finish the 120s at 120
Burnett rides the rest of the 140s and latches on to the pink race car's wing

Ingraham takes the inside around the Loop at 140 leaving two wear behind
Brandt uses a wear to get to 120 and a wear and a slip in the 100s to stay right behind Ingraham
Baker drops two wear in the Loop 120s at 160
Puddifoot at 160 maintains the inside position

Welage matches the light green car all the way to corner entrance
Kubala gets distracted as he grabs high gear and at 180 gets away with it to make it 3-wide
Kennard follows on at 160 holding to the inside
Beckman attacks corner 4 at 180 for two wear and picks up a length on the group in front

Next deadline: turn 19 due Monday, November 7 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 18.png
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Post 07 Nov 2022, 2:06 pm

Everyone gets down to 2-wide out of the Loop safely

Turn 19 summary:
Kennington slows to 100 to finish the Chute with wear paid
Swaine drops one wear to follow the leader around the inside
Ales also surrenders one wear on the inside of the corner at 100
Burnett at 120 runs the outside lane for free

Ingraham finishes the Loop 120s wear paid and hits the Chute 120s for one wear at 140
Brandt can accelerate to 120 out of the Loop for already paid wear
Baker likewise is good to maintain 160 and tuck in behind the yellow machine
Puddifoot is first into the Loop at 140 shedding one wear through the 120s

Welage chooses the 100s at 140 knocking off two wear and slotting in behind Baker
Kubala opts to leave a wear in the 120s at 140
Kennard attacks the 100s at 140 for two wear and uses the slip to squeeze by the two-wide at corner exit
Beckman keeps the pedal down at 180 and throws two wear at the 140s

Next deadline: turn 20 due Wedmesday, November 9 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 19.png
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Post 09 Nov 2022, 2:04 pm

Another two-digit wear turn with 12 being spent

Turn 20 summary:
Kennington burns two wear through the outside of the Toe at 140
Swaine clears the Toe at 120 shedding one wear on the outside
Ales challenges for P2 at 140 dropping two wear in the 100s
Burnett slows slightly to 100 to finish through the 80 for one wear

Ingraham is paid to finish the Chute at 100
Brandt stays inside all the way around the corner for one wear
Baker is forced through the outside lane to complete his 120 move knocking off two wear
Kennard gets the intiative at 120 and is two wear lighter after running the 100s/80

Welage takes the inside route at 100 putting one wear on the 80
Puddifoot has to run outside at 120
Kubala at 100 is able to fit into the inside lane
Beckman shifts to the 120s at 160 wear paid to finish the Loop

Next deadline: turn 21 due Friday, November 11 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 20.png
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Post 11 Nov 2022, 2:27 pm

It's a 3-car breakaway at the front. The rest of the pack tightens up through the Chute/Toe.

Turn 21 summary:
Kennington stays to the outside on the approach to the Heel at 140
Swaine makes up a length at 160 off the Toe
Ales is paid to accelerate to 160 and stay right behind the orange machine
Burnett slows slightly to 80 hugging the inside of the Toe

Ingraham sheds one wear around the outside of the corner at 120
Brandt uses a wear to run the outside of the corner at 120
Baker follows the yellow machine also at 120 for a wear
Kennard fills the outside of the Toe at 100 for free

Welage exits the Chute at 100 and keeps inside
Puddifoot slows to 80 to complete the Chute for free
Kubala does the same on the inside and finish beside the lime green race car
Beckman knocks off one wear around the inside at 100 and catches the pair in front of him

Next deadline: turn 22 due Monday, November 14 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 21.png
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Post 14 Nov 2022, 9:44 am

Burnett in the top three fastest every sector so far
C2 summary.png
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Post 14 Nov 2022, 2:23 pm

The leader is NPR and P12 pushes through to P11. Interesting turn

Turn 22 summary:
Kennington at 100 takes the heel 100s then sheds a wear on the corner 9 racing line (RM plot)
Swaine follows around the 100s at 120 dropping one wear and picking up the next line
Ales also goes wide around the heel at 120 for a wear and uses a slip to pull even for now
Burnett gets full acceleration to 140 down the short straight

Ingraham out of the Toe at 140 tucks in behind Burnett
Brandt gets the slip at 140 to move up one position
Baker can accelerate to 140 and joins the inside lane queue
Kennard maintains 100 around the outside lane then moves inside

Welage knocks off one wear around the inside of the corner
Puddifoot is comfortable taking the outside lane at 100 to clear the corner
Kubala at 100 has to hug the inside of the corner leaving one wear behind
Beckman gets tired of following and kills two wear at 140, squeezing past Puddifoot for P11

Next deadline: turn 23 due Wednesday, November 16 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 22.png
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Post 16 Nov 2022, 2:03 pm

Three aggressive moves, two planned, one (probably) not

Turn 23 summary:
Kennington pushes to 160 dropping two wear in corner 11
Swaine at 80 covers the corner 9 racing line for free
Ales goes wide around corner 9 at 100 dropping one wear
Burnett attacks the two corners at 120 throwing in two wear for each

Brandt takes line through the Heel at 100 (note: he is NOT on the corner 9 racing line)
Ingraham knocks off one wear in the Heel 80 at 100 and picks up the next line
Baker chooses the line through the Heel at 100
Kennard gets the intiative starting at 160 then brakes onto the Heel racing line

Welage apparently miscounts as he blows into the 100s at 160
Kubala does 160 hugging the inside all the way
Beckman drag races the brown race car at 160 and starts the line
Puddifoot exits the Toe also at 160 and chooses to grab the red machine's wing

Next deadline: turn 24 due Friday, November 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 23.png
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Post 18 Nov 2022, 2:00 pm

9 drivers use a total of 14 wear; one driver down to 0, half the field at 6 or less

Turn 24 summary:
Kennington takes the white flag at 160
Ales moves into P2 shedding one wear on the corner 11 line at 140
Swaine follows on the line at 120 for free
Burnett catches the pair in front of him and clears the corner at 160 dropping two wear

Brandt slows to 60 and hugs the inside of corner 9
Ingraham knocks off one wear on the racing line at 100 and picks up a position
Baker finishes the Heel racing line and then leaves two wear on the corner 9 60 at 100
Welage is one wear lighter taking the racing line at 100

Kennard tosses one wear at each corner's 80s at 100
Beckman scrubs off two wear in the corner 9 60 after taking the Heel line at 100
Kubala slams the brakes to get to 80 around the inside of the Heel
Puddifoot also brakes hard to 100 around the racing line

Next deadline: turn 25 due Monday, November 21 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 24.png
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Post 21 Nov 2022, 2:08 pm

Two position changes; the lead shrinks just slightly

Turn 25 summary:
Kennington swings around the 90 racing line at 120
Ales covers the main straight at 160 and grabs the next line
Swaine at 160 chooses to remain on the pink race car's wing
Burnett gets the slip at 160 and hugs the inside for P3

Ingraham drops one wear on the corner 11 line at 140
Baker at 160 has to take the outside lane using two wear
Brandt uses a slip and the line at 120 to move up one position
Welage gets a slip as well keeping him on the yellow machine's tail

Kennard exits corner 9 at 140 and starts the line into 11
Beckman does 120 and uses the bonus to move to the inside of Kennard
Kubala maintains his 80 around the corner 9 line
Puddifoot taps the brakes to 80 and tucks in behind Kubala

Next deadline: turn 26 due Wednesday, November 23 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 25.png
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Post 23 Nov 2022, 2:12 pm

A 3-wide into the 90 could shake up some positions

Turn 26 summary:
Kennington uses the green racing line at 140 for free
Ales sheds one wear on the 90 line at 140 and starts the next line
Swaine uses the slip to run the 90 line at 120 for free
Burnett rounds the inside of the 90 at 100 and swings out to grab Swaine's wing

Ingraham does 140 down the main straight and keeps to the inside
Brandt opens up his big engine and grabs the start of the 90 line
Baker pushes his machine to do 180 as well, slotting in in front of Ingraham
Welage exits corner 11 at 120 and keeps tight to the pit wall

Beckman takes the outside route through the corner at 160 dropping two wear
Kennard makes it 3-wide at 140 for one wear through the corner 11 racing line
Kubala takes the corner 11 line for free at 120
Puddifoot gets a slip and clears the corner on the outside

Next deadline: turn 27 due Friday, November 25 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 turn 26.png