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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
Posts: 3170
Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 31 Aug 2022, 10:10 am

Here's the next track for season 9
Watkins Glen turn 0 track.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
Posts: 3170
Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 19 Sep 2022, 1:09 pm

The builds:
Kennington and Swaine have identical builds. There are 10 unique builds. Clearly no consensus on how to run this track.

Next deadline: Start bids due Wednesday, September 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 builds.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
Posts: 3170
Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 21 Sep 2022, 1:46 pm

Start bid summary:
Four contested positions for the starting grid.
The most notable is Kennard winning P6 with a roll of 5!

Next deadline: turn 1 due Friday, September 23 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Watkins Glen C2 bids.png
Watkins Glen C2 turn 0.png