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Post 19 Feb 2022, 12:43 pm

The builds and bids were done live.

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Post 20 Feb 2022, 4:28 pm


Starting Grid


A lot of pushes and everyone makes it. The field is spreads out..


Brent is through Elf. Doug sees the dreaded double sixes. He earns a broken accelerator.


The turn marker got out of sync.
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Post 20 Feb 2022, 4:53 pm


The leaders are through Repsol.


Brent and Russ get through the third corner.
Doug plots 140 and late brakes without any skill. This time the dice are friendly.
Don sits on the arrow after Pepsol. Kevin reacts by late braking. Will heads outside rail. Chris closes the gap.


Brent and Russ both use one wear headed for Campsa.

Doug goes outside for free. This allows Don to pull alongside on the inside. Kevin goes inside. Will heads outside. Chris needs to late brake and head inside.


Russ speeds up as the corner speeds up.

Doug tests his acceleration without skill, makes it and grabs the initiative. Don finds his desired path blocked so he eschews the arrow. Kevin finds room. Chris head outside. Will needs to late brake.
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Post 20 Feb 2022, 5:31 pm


Brent slows as much as his brakes allow and uses four wear! Russ with the slip keeps pace for two wear.

Doug chooses to go middle lane. Kevin speeds up with the corner.
NOTE: Chris could have gone 160 for wear already spent but chose not to.


Brent spends two to get through New Holland. Russ spends four wear to pull alongside the Ferrari.

Doug gets the initiative at 120 and chooses not the late brake in Banc Sabadell. Don clears La Caixa and late brakes to save a wear. Kevin plots 120 and late brakes, a crunch and a groan, then he grabs the arrow. Chris pulls inside. Will happily gets on the arrow.

Jason continues to trail.


Russ gets the jump and the lead on Brent.

Wear Count Lap 2
Will - 14
Don - 12
Jason - 23
Chris - 15
Brent - 12
Russ - 7
Kevin - 13
Doug - 10


Russ pushes top. Brent with a slip keeps pace.

Don has the initiative. Doug tests acceleration and makes it.

The wear on Will's speed card was spent in the Europcar corner.
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Post 20 Feb 2022, 5:51 pm


Chris tests top speed, he split his -3 chip.. Will tests acceleration. Brent, Doug, and Will all take a slip.


Chris pushes top speed. Jason rolls on acceleration and is glad to have used two skill.


A quiet turn. Will lap two be more peaceful?


Another quiet turn.
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Post 20 Feb 2022, 7:09 pm


Don's car is not spun its just backwards.


Will chooses the outside lane and Chris moves inside.


Brent gets the initiative at 100 and goes outside. Russ late brakes and follows the same line.


Doug and Don repeat their strategies last lap with the same results.

Jason makes contact with Kevin.
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Post 20 Feb 2022, 8:05 pm


Chris gets the initiative at 100 and sits in Banc Sabadell. Will is forced outside.


Russ and Doug pick up slips.

Wear Count Lap 3
Will - 6
Don - 8
Jason - 14
Chris - 8
Brent - 5
Russ - 2
Kevin - 6
Doug - 1


Doug gets a slip. Kevin lines up behind Will for next turn.


Brent and Russ are through Elf for the last time. Russ uses his last wear. Doug save his wear a roll a chance with no modifier: success!

Chris pushes top speed and misses allowing Will to pass. Jason pushes top speed with two skill and passes.
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Post 21 Feb 2022, 6:12 pm


Russ with the iniatiive grabs the line. Brent takes the inside lane. Doug pulls next to Brent.

Don is through Elf for free.

Will goes first and takes the outside lane. Jason takes the middle lane with a chance roll, and makes it. Chris pushes his damaged top speed, with a slip gets into the corner. Kevin chooses to stay out of the corner.


Russ drives safely through Repsol. Doug at 120 takes the arrow and rolls a chance, the two skill prove very useful to reduce an 8 to a 6. Brent follows safely. Don closes the gap.
Jason tests his top speed and comes up one skill short. Chris tests his top speed and it holds.


Doug moves into the lead with 100, spending his last wear around the outside. Russ is right behind him. Brent drops two tires on the inside and pulls into second place. Don continues to give chase at 120. Jason at 120 keeps pace. Will thanks Jason for the slip to enter Repsol. Chris and Kevin continue to nurse damaged cars.


Doug plots 120 and late brakes, blocking the arrow. Brent spends his last wear to stay even. Russ keeps pace. Don around the outside. Jason goes inside to catch his bumper. Will dives inside to get in line. Chris and Kevin play it safe.
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Post 21 Feb 2022, 7:04 pm


Doug and Brent stay even down the straight. Rus speeds up with the corner and goes three wide. Don ends in the corner. Jason is right behind him. Will goes outside.


Doug, Brent, and Will all plot 100. Doug spends a skill and late brakes to go outside. Brent attempts to follow but the dice are not as kind, and without a wear to pay he spins in front of the corner. Russ is successful on his late brake and pull inside Doug for the lead. Don pulls outside Brent. Jason speeds up with the corner and is right behind. Will cannot speed up.


Russ has the initiative and does not block the arrow. Doug thanks him and goes through for the pass. Don moves to a familiar space in Banc Sabadell. Brent chooses to go inside and avoid traffic. Jason continues to keep pace. Will spends his last wear to get through La Caixa. Chris and Kevin continue.


Doug is through New Holland safely. Russ plays it safe though Europcar. Don makes his move on the line through Europcar, then breaking the line rolls a chance with one skill. He tries to make the turn around Russ but he gets some air and his cars flips. This one is going to make the highlight reels! Jason seeking to avoid the crash goes the long way through Europcar. Will plays it safe. Chris drops his last three wear to move into fourth. Brent speeds as much as he can but that transmission is not cooperating. Kevin is hanging in the there.
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Post 21 Feb 2022, 7:35 pm


Doug plays it safe with his damaged accelerator. Russ doesn't take any risks here. Jason uses his last resources and pulls even with Russ. Will plots 100 and late brakes successfully to get through Europcar. Chris enters the corner without the arrow, rolling a chance. H\s car gets loose and he spins into the wall. He is done for the day. Brent tries to coax a bit more out of the transmission and he hears something snap. He is going to have trouble shifting. Kevin is right behind him.


Doug keeps his steady acceleration across the line for the win. Jason pushes top speed and makes it, pulling even with Doug for second. Russ pushes acceleration and crosses in third. Will continues safely. Brent jams the transmission into third gear. Kevin drops his last two wear to pull even.

At this point the race was called as no positions were in question.


Congratulations to the winner! Doug drove a great race after damaging his engine on turn two! Jason in second and Russ holding on for third. Will and Kevin rounding out the top five.