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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 28 Mar 2022, 5:51 am

No spins, no crashes... amazing!

Turn 44 Summary

Long pushes the engine to 140 (natural 5). Rae tries to give his engine a nudge to 160 but the puff of smoke is all he gets (natural 11). He pulls in behind the leader.

Beckman grabs the dice cup and careens around the hairpin at 60 (natural 4). He blocks the line. Fritz scrubs his last wear at 60 on the outside.

At 80, Schultz dives into the hairpin on the 20 spot with two wear and 2s on the chance roll (modified 0). He then bullies his way through the traffic with a forced pass on the #24 (natural 8). Baker also plots 80. He opts to late brake to 60 w/ 1s (modified 5) and knocks down a wear on the outside.

Peeples clears the hairpin on the line at 60 for a wear. Puddifoot plots 80 but not seeing a way through, late brakes to 60 w/ 1s (modified 1) and pulls up on the line.

Rund takes the inside lane at 100.

Turn 45 Deadline: Wednesday, March 30th @ 7 a.m. EDT
Trigger option in effect.
BelgianT44 copy.png
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 30 Mar 2022, 5:57 am

Chris does not challenge Bruce and the battle for 2nd gets interesting...

Turn 45 Summary

Long eases into the final chicane at 80 and gives a wave to the #5. Rae plots 140, late brakes with a wear, and clears the chicane for his last two wear. He'll roll across the finish line next turn barring a mis-plot (Bruce, don't mis-plot!).

Schultz mashes the gas pedal and flies down the straight at 180 (natural 9 acc / 5 top).

Fritz grabs the dice cup to hit 160 but the engine spits out some parts and refuses to comply (natural 10). He is the beneficiary of the double bonus, a bright spot for the #24. Beckman tries his luck at 140 but also suffers the same fate (natural 11).

Peeples and Baker have some better luck with the dice gods, both pushing to 140. The former gains the bonus.

Puddifoot burns a wear at 60 on the hairpin line. Rund goes outer rail at 40 for free.

Turn 46 Deadline: Friday, April 1st @ 7 a.m. EDT
Trigger option in effect.
BelgianT45 copy.png
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 Mar 2022, 1:11 pm

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

There's a shoot-out for the podium with three drivers going for 2nd place...

Turn 46 Summary

Rae brings home the trophy at 160. Congratulations!

Long is just shy of the finish line at 80. Schultz burns his last wear at 100 and goes outer rail to shake potential slipstreamers.

Fritz clears the chicane at 80. Peeples, at 140, drops his last two wear and 1s on the chance roll (modified 5). He takes the right hand lane and blows past the #24 with the forced pass (natural 4) and settles in on the bumper of the #15.

Beckman and Baker pull up to the chicane at 100.

Puddifoot slams on the gas with 1s (modified 3) to hit 160 down the straight. Rund nurses his compromised engine at 80.

Turn 47 Deadline: Friday, April 1st @ 7 a.m. EDT
Trigger option in effect.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 31 Mar 2022, 5:25 am

No drama in the battle for the podium...

Turn 47 Summary

Long successfully pushes the engine, with only a minor hiccup, to 160 (natural 9). He takes 2nd place.

Schultz opts to guarantee the podium spot at 160 and takes 3rd. Peeples gets the engine hot at 180 (natural 5) but without the bonus from Jason, the best he'll do is 4th.

Beckman grabs the dice cup for a chance roll at 100 (natural 6). He keeps it on the road and continues to fight. Baker burns his last tire at 100 through the chicane.

Puddifoot drops his last wear at 100. Can his big engine move him up at the finish line? Rund moseys on down the track at 120.

Turn 48 Deadline: Whenever you get your plots in.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 31 Mar 2022, 9:49 am

Three-wide to finish the race!

Turn 48 Summary

Baker pushes to 180 but the engine says 'NO!' (natural 10). He cedes the initiative back to Jack. Beckman pushes to 160 with the engine barely surviving the experience (Acc=9 / Top=7). He takes 6th with Tim 7th.

Puddifoot hears the roar of the crowd as he crosses the finish line at 200 mph (Acc,1s=5 / Top=9). Woot!!!

Rund clears the final chicane at 80 and will finish the race next turn at 120.

Thanks to everyone for racing and supporting the Redscape site!