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Post 15 Apr 2022, 5:15 am

Turn 25 Summary

Milbourn gets the initiative and first place at 100. He runs the Sunway line for a wear. Smith goes outer rail at 80 for free and falls back.

Costa pulls up to the Sunway line at 80.

Dygert burns a wear at 140 through T12 and tucks in behind the #7. Choi, also at 140, bumps a wear. With the bonus, he has inside position.

Schipper clips a tire on the T12 line at 140. Harrington clears T12 on the line at 120.

Bernhardt runs the Kenyir Lake line at 100. Marshall goes to the dice cup with his last skill to get his engine up to 140 (modified 10). The run of bad luck on the dice continues this week as the engine sputters. He goes outer rail for a wear.

Hoyt finishes out Tioman at 80.

Turn 26 Deadline: Monday, April 18th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
SepangT25 copy.png
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Post 18 Apr 2022, 4:47 am

The dice gods continue their slash and burn campaign...

Turn 26 Summary

Milbourn pushes the engine to 160 (natural 11). The tell-tale black smoke puts a damper on Curtis' race. Smith keeps pace with the leader at 140.

Costa runs the Sunway line at 80 for free.

Choi burns a wear at 100 on the outer rail before grabbing the bumper on the #7. Dygert takes the line for free at 80.

Schipper plots 120 then late brakes to 100 (1w) and clears Sunway on the line for another wear. Harrington dives into Sunway at 100 for a wear.

Bernhardt clears T12 at 120. Marshall finishes out Kenyir Lake at 120 and set up T12 on the line. Hoyt is through Kenyir Lake at 100.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, April 20th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 20 Apr 2022, 4:43 am

Turn 27 Summary

Milbourn clears the Hairpin at 120 for 2 wear. He'll be alone as he goes into lap 3 next turn. Smith pulls up to the Hairpin on the line at 100.

Costa runs down the straight at 140.

Choi drops the hammer to 180 w/ 1s on the top (modified 4). He moves into a podium spot and looks like a contender with plenty of tire. Dygert, at 140, tucks in on the #7.

Schipper pulls into the exhaust of the #3 racer. Harrington is out of Sunway at 100.

Bernhardt pulls up on Sunway at 80, taking the line. Marshall dives to the inside at 100. Hoyt brings up the rear at 120.

Turn 28 Deadline: Friday, April 22nd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 22 Apr 2022, 8:04 am

The white flag is out with one lap to go!

Turn 28 Summary

Milbourn gives the compromised engine an extra nudge to 140 (natural 7) as he crosses into the final lap.

Smith eases through the Hairpin on the line at 80. Choi dumps two wear on the same path at 120 to clear.

Costa pulls up to the Hairpin on the line at 80 after an over-brake w/1s (modified 2). Dygert, at 100, has the inside lane.

At 120, Schipper makes it three-wide going into the Hairpin. Harrington grabs the line at 140.

Bernhardt has the initiative at 80 and runs the Sunway line for free. Marshall drops to 60 to clear the corner.

Hoyt clears Sunway at 80 on the line.

Turn 29 Deadline: Monday, April 25th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 25 Apr 2022, 4:37 am

Turn 29 Summary

Milbourn keeps the pressure on his engine at 140, tossing in his last skill chip on the roll (modified 7).

Smith heads into the final lap at 140. Choi pulls even with the #8 at 160.

Schipper has the initiative at 120 and goes outer rail. He knocks down his last wear and takes a skill chip on the chance roll (modified 6). You can't cut if finer than that!

Dygert burns a wear at 80 on the inside of the Hairpin. Costa runs the line for free at 80.

Harrington clears the Hairpin on the line at 100 for a wear. Bernhardt races down the straight at 140.

Marshall eases his way towards the Hairpin at 100. Hoyt moves up a position at 140.

Turn 30 Deadline: Wednesday, April 27th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 25 Apr 2022, 9:06 am

Dygert was 14+mph faster than the second fastest through sector 2
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Post 27 Apr 2022, 4:45 am

Turn 30 Summary

Milbourn scrubs his last two tires at 100 to clear the chicane.

Smith and Choi trade paint as they head towards the chicane at 120.

Schipper gets the initiative at 160. Dygert, at 140, tucks in behind the #1 car.

Costa, at 140 and the bonus, pulls alongside the #3. Harrington keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus.

Bernhardt is into the Hairpin on the line at 100 and burns a wear.

Hoyt sets up the line at 120. Marshall dives inside at 140.

Turn 31 Deadline: Friday, April 29th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 29 Apr 2022, 9:58 am

There's been some movement in the standings this turn...

Turn 31 Summary

Milbourn heads towards Langkawi at 120.

Smith runs the chicane 80's at 120, using his remaining wear to do so. Choi takes the more efficient route through the 60's and pulls ahead of the #8. He spends two wear and has two left.

Schipper goes outer rail at 120 for free. Dygert rams his car into the chicane 80's at 120. Two wear come off and he adds on the bonus square (personal defaults) to move up the leaderboard.

Costa pulls up to the chicane at 100. Harrington heads towards the chicane at 120 and the bonus puts him into the 80's for two wear.

Bernhardt finishes the Hairpin at 100.

Hoyt clips a tire on the Hairpin line at 100. Marshall rubs off a wear at 80 on the inside and maintains position.

Turn 32 Deadline: Monday, May 2nd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 02 May 2022, 4:24 am

...and then there were nine.

Turn 32 Summary

Milbourn clears Langkawi on the outer rail at 120.

Choi drops the hammer to 180 with his last skill (modified 7). Smith runs to the outside with the double bonus at 160.

Dygert slows to 100 through the chicane with already paid wear. Schipper slows to 80 then uses 1s on the chance roll when he hits the 60's (modified 10). Crash!

Harrington slows to 80 and clears via the 40's. To get through, he had to roll for crash avoidance with -3 on the modifiers. Per house rules, and with no personal defaults in place, max skill goes into the roll as well (modified 5).

Costa takes the 80's at 80 for free with no avoidance roll necessary. He watches Skip get away from the flaming wreck.

Bernhardt is into lap 3 at 160.

Hoyt keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus. Marshall brings up the rear at 120.

Turn 33 Deadline: Wednesday, May 4th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 02 May 2022, 4:59 am

Choi one-ups Costa's lap record from sector 1
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Post 04 May 2022, 4:55 am

A quiet turn...

Turn 33 Summary

Milbourn eases his way towards Klia at 120.

Choi and Smith take turns on the Langkawi outer rail at 120 each and maintain relative position.

Dygert grabs the Langkawi line at 140. Harrington ducks to the inside at 140 and the bonus.

Costa is out of the chicane at 80.

Bernhardt and Hoyt pull into the chicane at 100 for a wear each. Marshall pulls up at 120.

Turn 34 Deadline: Friday, May 6th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 05 May 2022, 2:33 pm

Current RROC standings as of 5/5/22

Circuit Leaders
C1: S. Peeples, 47
C2: G. Incorpora, 48
C3: C. Kennington, 55
C4: L. Dygert, 43

Wild Cards
M. Polcen, 47
D. Blizzard, 47

F. Haskell, 46
T. Mossman, 45
C. Long, 44
J. Swaine, 43
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Post 06 May 2022, 7:31 am

The cars are really spread out...

Turn 34 Summary

Milbourn starts Klia on the line at 120.

Choi, at 160, grabs the line and puts some pressure on the leader. Smith eases up at 140 and has the inside.

Harrington sheds a tire at 140 on the outer rail. Dygert runs the Langkawi line for free at 80.

Costa closes in on Langkawi at 120.

Bernhardt is out of the chicane at 100 with wear already paid. Hoyt follows the black car at 100 to clear.

Marshall dumps a wear at 80 and clears the chicane via the 60's.

Turn 35 Deadline: Monday, May 9th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 09 May 2022, 4:20 am

The lack of wear in the lead pack is starting to show...

Turn 35 Summary

Milbourn slows to 100 as he readies for Tioman. Choi pulls up on the numbers of the M&M's car at 120. Smith slows to 100 through Klia, also thinking about the tight corner ahead.

Harrington and Dygert pull closer to the lead pack at 140 each.

Costa clears Langkawi on the outer rail at 120.

Bernhardt grabs the Langkawi line at 160.

Hoyt keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus. Marshall takes an RM plot of 120 (NPR #1: Warning).

Turn 36 Deadline: Wednesday, May 11th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 11 May 2022, 6:54 am

A new leader!

Turn 36 Summary

Choi has the initiative at 100. He sheds his last two tires on the Tioman line and has the race lead! Milbourn clears Tioman at 60.

Smith sets up Tioman on the line at 60.

Harrington runs the Klia line for free at 120. Dygert pulls even at 120 and the bonus.

Costa guns the engine to 160.

Bernhardt burns two wear on the Langkawi line at 120. Hoyt clips a tire at 100 and keeps the pace with the bonus.

Marshall clears Langkawi at 100 for a wear.

Turn 37 Deadline: Friday, May 13th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)