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Post 23 May 2022, 4:19 pm

Justin rolls down towards the hairpin as the chase pack works through Sunway Lagoon.

Turn 41 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern. Minor notice: Due to I will be at the Baltimore Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, there will be no turn on Friday.

Marshall attempts to Late Brake from 100 to 80. He succeeds with a 6.

RM Note: This was done as driver was entering at faster than safely available, and per defaults Late Brake before Chance unless otherwise stated.

John spends 1 Wear going 100 into the 80 Lane of Sunway Lagoon.
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Post 26 May 2022, 7:58 am

Justin and Chris setup for the Final ruin through the Hairpin as the pack behind them runs 3 Wide. The crowd also gasps as Rando looses it in the corner.

Turn 42 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris attempts to push his accel from 80 to 160. He succeedes with a modified 8.

Rando attempts to Save tire by chancing Sunway Lagoon going 120 into the 80 Lane using only 1 wear. He fails with a 7 and spins out in the first space. He will start next turn at 20.

Tony attempt to Save Tire by chancing Sunway Lagoon going 120 into the 60 Racing Line using only 1 wear and burning 3 skill. He succeeds with a modified 2.
Tony attempts to late brake from 120 to 100. He succeeds with a 5.

RM Note: This was the safest move available due to Rando's spin as Late Braking as easier than a force pass.

Brent spends 1 Wear going 120 onto the 80 Racing Line of Kenyir Lake.
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Post 30 May 2022, 4:33 pm

Justin completes the Hairpin and has a clean run for the line, with Chris Navigating the corner for second. Behind him, a mass of cars run down to the hairpin with John's engine giving him the ability to edge out to what may be the final podium spot.

RM Note: So we are going to see where stuff is Wendesday. If it looks like everything is settled, we will close the books. If not, final turn will be Friday.

Chris spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 60 Lane of the Hairpin.

Tony gets a slip off Marshall.
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Post 01 Jun 2022, 3:45 pm

Well stuff isn't done it seems, Turn 44 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern. If Tony, Marshall and Ross can submit me two turns that would be awesome!

Justin crosses the line to Win with Chris soon behind him to win the C3 Championship. Back at the Hairpin drivers work through without much trouble, with the exception of Marshall as he spins as he tries to run wide.

John spends 1 Wear going 80 through the Inside 60 Lane of the Hairpin.

Marshall attempts to chance the Hairpin, going 100 through the 80 Lane. He fails at a 7 and spins! He will start next turn at 60.

Ross slams his breaks as he reaches the corner, decelerating from 100 to 80 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with modified 3.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 80 through the Inside 60 Lane of the Hairpin.

Brent spends 2 Wear going 120 on the 60 Racing Line of Sunway Lagoon.
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Post 03 Jun 2022, 5:25 pm

Here's the closing moves for the Race

Turn 44

Chris and John cross the line to complete the Podium as the mid pack clears the corner, with Marshall recovering from his spin.

Brent attempts to push his top to 200 with no skill. He succeeds with a 6.

Turn 45

Drivers push their engines but the positions do not budge as Tony, Ross and Marshall finish 4th, 5th and 6th. Brent wheels it through the Hairpin in hopes of catching Rando, but with Rando having tires left he deftly clears the corner and will cross the line before Brent can catch him.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 60 Racing Line of the Hairpin.

Brent attempts to Hard Break from 200 to 100 with no skill. He Succeeds with a 3.
Brent chances the 80 Lane of the hairpin at 100 with no skill. He Succeeds with a 5.

From there, Rando will finish Turn 46 and Brent Turn 47, completing the Race.

Thanks everyone for running with me. It was an excellent run! Congrats to Chris on Winning the Championship and Congrats to Chris, Justin, Ross and John on the promotion, and good luck in C2!

For thoes still in C3, I should have the emails I need soon and have stuff ready to go probably Monday. Build deadline should be around the 13th I believe.
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Post 04 Jun 2022, 5:21 am

Fritz made up some time through sector 3 but it wasn't enough
C3 summary.png