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Post 01 Dec 2021, 11:19 pm

The standings are in and two people are locks for the finals with three others racing for the third spot.


Good Luck to everyone!
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Post 11 Dec 2021, 1:00 pm

The builds and the bids are in and everyone is ready for the green flag.

Pacific Bids.png
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Post 11 Dec 2021, 1:03 pm

The results are in:

1st: James
2nd: Chris K
3rd: Jason
4th: Michael
5th: Jim M
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 4:24 pm


The bids are in and the starting grid is ready to go.


Jim misshifts and goes 40. James makes his roll and goes 120.


Everyone accelerates without pushing. Chris moves into second.


James gets through the second corner.
Chris, Michael, and Jim are set to enter next turn.
Jason is just getting up to speed.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 4:43 pm


James sets up for the third corner.
Chris takes the inside without an arrow. Michael takes the first arrow and ends up outside. Jim goes outside and takes the second arrow. Three cars three paths through the corner.
Jason sets up for next turn.


James takes the 40s but is going too fast and pushes a red chip in for the chance roll. A modified three makes it.
Chris and Jim head for the third corner. Michael decides he took a bad exit angle and slows a bit to get behind.
Jason is through two without the line.


James accelerates down the straight.
Jim takes James' line and chooses to roll the black dice for a friendlier snake eyes. Chris is through on the 40s.
Michael selects the first arrow. Jason gets ready for the corner.


James is into the unusual one arrow for two corners part of the track.
Jim heads down the straight. Chris with a slip pulls even.
Michael takes his second arrow in the third corner.
Jason ignores the arrows for two wear.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 4:57 pm


Chris makes a bold move for four wears. Two in each corner.
Jim uses two (one in each).
Jason pushes acceleration.


James sheds two wear in the hairpin.
Everyone else is contentto do safety speed in the 100s.


James continues at 100 and is through the last corner.
Chris and Jim battle behind him.
Michael and Jason continue up the hill.


James crosses onto lap 2.
Jim and Chris continue to trade place second place.
Michael goes 60 no arrow. Jason uses the first arrow to pull outside of him.

Wear Count
James - 17
Jim - 13
Chris - 14
Michael - 20
Jason - 19
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 5:16 pm


Everyone is onto the straight.


James heads into the second corner at 120 on the arrow.
Chris and Jim head through the first corner.
Michael pushes top speed. Jason pushes acceleration and top speed.


James completes the corner. Chris at 100 uses the inside lane.
Jim saves a wear and uses the first arrow.
Michael pushes top speed and sheds two wear in the corner.
Jason continues on at safety speed.


James is into the third corner with a chance roll. A modified 2 is good.
Chris is right on his tail. Jim completes the corner.
Michael uses the first arrow. Jason follows him.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 5:26 pm


James and Chris complete three.
Jim is into three on the first arrow.
Michael sets up and Jason completes two.


James pushes acceleration but Chris still makes contact.
Jim and Michael are through three.
Jason uses the first arrow for two wear.


James tests his brakes. Michael tests his accelerator.


Jim uses two wear in an attempt to create space. Michael uses a slip to keep pace.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 5:42 pm


James completes the hairpin. Chris on his outside wheel.
The rest head uphill.


James accelerates away. Chris completes the last corner.
Jim completes the hairpin. Michael on this outside.
Jason shed some rubber near the end of the uphill.


James pushed acceleration and top speed to keep a gap on Chris.
Jason through the hairpin.

Wear Count
James - 10
Chris - 8
Jim - 6
Michael - 11
Jason - 12


Chris uses a wear make contact with James.
Michael pushes acceleration to pull even with Jim.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 7:11 pm


James and Chris are into the second corner.
Michael pushes top speed and uses two wears in the first corner.
Jim and Jason cruise along.


James and Chris complete the second corner.
Michael slows to 140 and tries to hold the line but his tires slip and his car gets sideways.
Jim goes around him and Jason slows for the first corner looking for a line.


James speeds into the third corner at 100 and his holds the car on the line (modified 3).
Chris speeds in to the third corner in the inside lane.
Jim exits the second corner.
Michael get back under way.
Jason speeds around him.


James tests his acceleration.
Chris completes the corner.
Jim enters the third corner using the first arrow.
Jason sets up for next turn.
Michael completes the second corner.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 7:26 pm


James starts heading uphill.
Chris closes down the straight.
Jim finishes the corner.
Jason takes the inside lane at 80.
Michael gets into the third corner on the first arrow.


James continues uphill using a wear in each corner.
Chris follows saving the last of his tires.
Jim speeds up. Jason tests his acceleration and pulls even.
Michael finishes the corner.


James takes the second arrow through the hairpin.
Chris continues uphill.
Jim plots 140 and late breaks to 120 using his last two wear.
Jason late breaks with a skill and uses four wear (two each corner) to stay even.
Michael tests acceleration to catch up.


James uses the last of his tires through the last corner.
Chris speeds around the hairpin at 100.
Jason plot 140 and late breaks to 120 and uses a wear at the top of the hill.
Jim slow to 100.
Michael spends two wear starting up the hill.
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 7:38 pm


James crosses the finish line for the fourth win in the division. Congratulation James well done!
Chris gets through the last corner.
Jason goes around the hairpin.
Jim nursing his bald tires slows.
Michael get to the top of the hill.


Chris crosses in second.
Jason through the last corner.
Jim finished the hairpin.
Michael takes an aggressive line and holds it (chance roll modified 4)


Jason crosses for third.
Michael and Jim get through the last corner.


Michael pushes acceleration.
Jim uses his red chip to auto make acceleration and rolls a five on his top speed. Then a slip brings him along side Michael.


1st James
2nd Chris
3rd Jason
4th Jim
5th Michael