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Post 30 Oct 2021, 9:10 am

The current standings are in. Remember your best three results count so at this point no one is completely safe. Additionally everyone has a chance at the top three positions.
Standings Saturday.png
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Post 18 Nov 2021, 8:27 am

The cars have been modified. Qualifying completed. The starting grid is ready.

All that is left is for the racers to get get some rest before the green flag drops on Saturday.

Watkins Glen Bids.png
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 2:36 pm

Turn 0.jpg

The cars are on the grid, primed and, ready.

Turn 1.jpg

Jack pushes his start speed to 120. Chris and Jason choose not too.
Jim pushes to 80. James uses one skill and rolls a 10, he missed a gear and goes 0 mph but can accelerate normally next turn.
Michael chooses to take it easy at 20.

Turn 2.jpg

Jack speeds through the second corner. Jim pulls into third.
Michael with his big engine pulls ahead while James pushes his engine successfully to keep in contact.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 3:38 pm

Turn 3.jpg

Jack heads down the back straight. Chris speeds through the corner and gives chase.
Jim tries to pull away but Jason slips behind him through the corner.
Michael and James head through the Esses with James using a slip to pull even.

Turn 4.jpg

Jack gets into the Loop. Chris, Jim and, Jason follow on the back straight. Jason getting a slip to pull even.
Michael takes to easy while James goes wide hoping for a draft next turn.

Turn 5.jpg

Jack continues in the Loop with Chris directly behind.
Jim takes the initiative and goes outside forcing Jason to late brake and head inside.
Michael and James fire up their engines and James slips into fifth ready to return the favor next turn.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 3:56 pm

Turn 6.jpg

The first two pairs get into the Chute. James and Michael take the outside path around the Loop.

Turn 7.jpg

Chris pulls even with Jack. James and Michael onto the Chute.

Turn 8.jpg

Jack zooms into the Big Bend. Chris anticipates that move and follows along at 100.
Jim grabs the arrow and Jason pulls inside.
Michael pulls even with James.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 4:13 pm

Turn 9.jpg

Jack slows to 100 and Chris follows. Jason takes the initiative at 120 goes around the outside of the Big Bend and end on the inside lane blocking Jim's arrow. Jim takes the same path and ends behind Jason.
James and Michael line up for the corner.

Turn 10.jpg

Jack and Chris slide throught the 90. Jason ends in the corner at safety speed.
Jim is forced outside. James and Michael are through the Big Bend.

Turn 11.jpg

Jack and Chris are into the corner. Jason tests his acceleration and his skill is useful.
Jim finished the corner. James zips through looking for and opening.
Michael continues conserving wear.

Wear Count
Jason 17
Michael 16
James 19
Jim 18
Chris 15
Jack 15
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 4:21 pm

Turn 12.jpg

Jack, Chris and, Jason form a line. James accelerates past Jim. Michael through the 90.

Turn 13.jpg

Jack onto the back straight with Chris and Jason slipping behind.
James and Jim through the Esses.
Michael onto lap 2.

Turn 14.jpg

Jack speeding along the back. Chris pushes his top speed and takes first. Jason takes a double slip for second.
Jim and Michael continue chasing.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 4:34 pm

Turn 15.jpg

Chris with the initiative goes to the outside. Jason goes to the inside and takes the lead. Jack follows Chris and takes a slip for one wear.
James slows to 140 and enters the inside lane with a chance roll. He rolls a 7 - 2 and makes it.
Jim continues down the back and Michael looks like he might be starting to make his move.

Turn 16.jpg

The first four driver continue at speed. Jim chooses the outside lane for one wear. Michael pushes top speed with two skill.

Turn 17.jpg

Jason and Chris head down the Chute side by side. Jack accelerates but James pulls by him with the bigger engine.
Jim and Michael get through the Loop.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 4:57 pm

Turn 18.jpg

Jason pulls to the inside and keeps the lead. Chris, James and, Jack follow close behind.
Michael pushes the big engine and it responds. Jim follows.

Turn 19.jpg

Jason gets the initiative and takes the outside lane ending on the inside lane but also on Chris's arrow. Chris takes the same path and ends next to Jason.
Jack and James takes the same path but also get a slip to get through the Big Bend.
Michael and Jim approach the corner.

Turn 20.jpg

Chris pushes ahead and grabs the lead. Jason gets through the 90 and 80.
James takes the long way around while Jack chooses the middle lane.
Michael and James get though the Big Bend.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 5:18 pm

Turn 21.jpg

Chris pulls ahead through the first corner. Jason, James and, Jack head down the front straight. Jack uses a slip to pull into second.
Michael lands in the 90 corner. Jim is forced outside for the second lap in a row.

Wear Count
Jason 12
Michael 12
James 12
Jim 15
Chris 7
Jack 11

Turn 22.jpg

The front four are through the Esses. Jack uses a wear to keep ahead of Jason.
Michael's engine roars to life.

Turn 23.jpg

Chris is building a lead. Jack uses a wear to gain a space. Jason, James and, Michael are content to conserve their wear.
Jim pulls through the first corner.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 5:28 pm

Turn 24.jpg

Chris gets into the Loop. Jack pushes his top speed and Jason pulls even with a slip.
James chases at 180. Michael and Jim get onto the back straight.

Turn 25.jpg

Chris maintains. Jack with the initiative to the outside. Jason late breaks and goes inside.
James slows and heads outside. Micheal pushes top speed.
Jim pushes top speed with one skill and rolls the dreaded box cars.

Turn 26.jpg

The front four are onto the Chute. Michael takes the outside lane through the Loop.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 5:50 pm

Turn 27.jpg

The front five head down the Chute.
Jim does into the Loop for two wear.

Turn 28
Sorry, no picture.
Chris goes into the Big Bend for one wear.
Jack takes the inside lane. Jason the arrow. James lines up behind Jason.
Michael and Jim cruise along.

Turn 29.jpg

Chris continues. Jack uses a move Jason used the last two laps. Jason pulls to his outside wheel.
James slows and saves his tires. Michael and Jim continue bidding their time.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 6:04 pm

Turn 30.jpg

Chris speeds through the 90. Jack gets the initiative and goes 100. Jason late brakes to 80.
James makes it through the corner at 80.
Michael through the Big Bend and Jim into it.

Turn 31.jpg

Chris accelerates to open a gap. Jack gets into the corner.
James and Jason are side by side.
Michael slows and ends in the corner.
Jim is one space behind, at least he did not get forced outside.

Wear Count
Jason 7
Michael 7
James 9
Jim 10
Chris 1
Jack 3

Turn 32.jpg

The front four are through the Esses. James goes wide to set up a slip next turn.
Michael smashes the gas and Jim zips through the 90.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 6:32 pm

Turn 33.jpg

Chris pushes top speed and opens a five space lead.
Jack goes through onto the back straight. Jason follows and pulls even with a slip.
James uses his slip to pull behind Jason. Will he get a double next turn?
Jim uses a wear to so he can safely get though to the back straight next turn.

Turn 34.jpg

Chris slows before the Loop due to worn tires.
Jack, Jason and, James go three wide. This looks like trouble next turn.
Jim is burning wear like its the last lap.

Turn 35.jpg

Chris uses his last wear in the Loop. Then the excitement begins.
Jason has the initiative at 160, he late brakes but hear a grinding sound.
James is next at 160, he elects to late brake by 40 mph using a wear and rolling. He succeeds.
Jack seeing the path blocked decides to stay on the gas at 140. He heads into the corner and pays two of his three wear and rolls a chance with his last two skill. He makes it. Now he needs to forced pass a blocking James. A pair of fives indicates a failure. He nears to slow by 40 mph. with one wear and a roll of 5 + 3 he avoids the spin.
Michael quietly pushes his top speed, his Ferrari is fast!
Jim nurses his car along at 140.
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Post 21 Nov 2021, 6:53 pm

Turn 36.jpg

The front four drivers continue through the Loop.
A note on Jack's ability to accelerate. He has paid for 60 mph over the 80 of the corner. Therefore he is allowed to go 140 in the current corner, even though he was forced to slow down due to James's car.
Michael speeds around the outside of the Loop.

NOTE: After rereading my rule book I realized Jack was NOT allowed to accelerate in this case. Quoted from page 13 of the rules.
If a car late breaks after entering a corner they may lose some or all of the advantage they may have bought with wear or chance earlier in the corner. To determine how fast the car can go in the same corner next turn, pretend that the car entered the corner at its new speed, after the late brake.

Therefore Jack should have been restricted to 100 mph on this turn.

Turn 37.jpg

Chris goes 140. Jason and James go 160 to be three wide. Jack tests top speed and passes only to have to late brake due to no room. He passes.
Michael is onto the Chute and Jim into the Loop.

Turn 38.jpg

Jason get the initiative at 160 uses a wear and late brakes (pass) taking the inside lane. Taking the lead.
James going 160 also uses a wear and late breaks on the arrow. There is a strange grinding sound.
Chris also needs to late break as there is no room. He passes.
Jack sensing trouble slows to 120 and with a slip pulls to the inside of Chris.
Michael and Jim speed along.

Turn 39.jpg

Jason at 120 makes virtually the same move he has all four laps at the Big Bend.
James goes with him on his outside wheel.
Jack goes to the outside and with the slip gets through the corner.
Chris uses the arrow to pull into third.
Michael and Jim close the gap.