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Post 09 Oct 2021, 12:36 pm

The builds and the bids are in. Everyone is getting ready to race.
Bids Corrected.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 10 Oct 2021, 2:01 pm

Turn 0.jpg

The tires are warmed and the engines are revved.
Turn 1.jpg

The cars are underway Jason, Jim and Michael all successfully pushing start speed.
Turn 2.jpg

Jason goes through the second corner.
James late breaks to end in the second corner.
Chris goes outside.
Jim plotted 140 and needs to late brake. He announces he will spend a skill and promptly rolls an 11. Then it is realized he has placed 2 skill on the board. His breaks hold out!
Michael gets ready for turn one.
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Post 10 Oct 2021, 2:21 pm

Turn 3.jpg

No wears spent. No dice rolled.
Turn 4.jpg

Jason into turn four.
James, Chris, and Jim approach the corner.
Michael continues playing catch up.
Turn 5.jpg

Jason and James finish the fourth corner.
Chris and Jim get stacked up behind him.
Michael conserve his wear.
Turn 6.jpg

Jason and James set up for corner five.
Chris and Jim complete the fifth corner.
Michael enters turn four.
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Post 10 Oct 2021, 2:45 pm

Turn 7.jpg

Jason, James, and Chris into corner five.
Jim approaches.
Michael gets through corner four.
Turn 8.jpg

Jason accelerates.
James, Chris and Jim finish the fifth corner.
Michael approaches five.
Turn 9.jpg

Jason, James, Chris, and Jim head down the straight.
Michael gets through five.
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Post 10 Oct 2021, 3:11 pm

Turn 10.jpg

Jason gets into turn seven.
James keeps the petal down.
Chris pushes his engine and he squeezes a but more out of top gear.
Jim follows along in the slipstream.
Micheal tests his acceleration and top speed. Both hold.
Turn 11.jpg

Jason finishes the corner.
James follows in the same lane.
Chris takes the middle lane at 120. leaving no room for Jim, so he heads inside with a slip.
Michael speeds towards the pack.
Turn 12.jpg

Jason enters the second lap.
James, Jim, and Chris continue in the corner.
Michael dives to the inside.

Lap 2 Wear count
Jason - 14
James - 14
Jim - 17
Chris - 14
Michael - 17
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 6:40 pm

Turn 13.jpg

Jim pushes uses two wear to stay ahead of Chris.
The rest of the field goes safety speed.

Turn 14.jpg

Jim declines the slip. Chris uses two wear to pull inside of Jim.

Turn 15.jpg

Jim pulls back ahead of Chris.
No wear or skill is spent.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 7:02 pm

Turn 16.jpg

Jason into corner four.
Chris pulls even with Jim based on a slip.

Turn 17.jpg

Jason and James finish the corner.
Jim beats Chris to the corner and Chris follows.
Michael is still hanging in there.

Turn 18.jpg

James makes contact with Jason.
Jim and Chris continue in corner four.
Micheal dives into the fourth corner.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 7:13 pm

Turn 19.jpg

Jason, James, and Jim get into corner five.
Chris approaches it.
Michael finishes four.

Turn 20.jpg

Jason accelerates.
James finishes the corner.
Jim takes the outside.
Chris moves to his inside.
Michael enters the fifth corner.

Turn 21.jpg

Chris attempts to push his top speed and loses fifth gear.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 7:36 pm

Turn 22.jpg

Jason into corner seven.
James approaches it.
Jim makes the pass and spends a wear in the corner.
Michael tests top speed and it holds.

Turn 23.jpg

Jason continues in the corner.
James, Jim, and Chris spend two wear in corner seven.
Michael spends two in corner six.

Turn 24.jpg

Jason, James, Jim, and Chris continue in the corner.
Michael heads into the middle lane for two wear.

Lap 3 wear count
Jason - 7
James - 7
Jim - 8
Chris - 7
Michael -7
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 7:40 pm

Turn 25.jpg

Jason spends a wear in turn one.
Everyone else continues along.

Turn 26.jpg

Jason and James go throught corner two.
Jim and Michael use two in corner one, while Chris uses one.

Turn 27.jpg

Jason through corner three.
James approaches it.
Jim, Chris and Michael though corner two.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 8:21 pm

Turn 28.jpg

Jason gets into the fourth corner.
James and Jim get through the third corner.
Chris red lines his engine in fourth gear through the third corner.
Michael approaches.

Turn 29.jpg

Jason and James through the fourth corner.
Jim and Chris get into the fourth.
Michael takes it easy though the third corner.

Turn 30.jpg

Jason gets to the entrance to corner five.
James tests acceleration, makes it. Then uses a skill for top speed and makes it.
Jim and Chris continue in the corner.
Michael takes the outside for two wears.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 8:29 pm

Turn 31.jpg

Jason rolls a chance with two skill and rolls a seven.
James does the same with a red skill and rolls a seven.
Chris tests his top speed and fourth gear continues to hold.

Turn 32.jpg

Jason and James head down the straight side by side.
Jim finishes the corner in last space.
Chris save the wear and goes th long way.
Michael gets into the corner.

Turn 33.jpg

Jason and James continue side by side.
Jim speeds away.
Chris and Michael finish the corner.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 8:40 pm

Turn 34.jpg

Jason and James both post 140. Jason has the initiative. He heads to the middle and late breaks. They fail, and he goes to the outside at safety speed.
James takes to lead in the middle lane.
Chris and Michael both push top speed and pass.

Turn 35.jpg

James and James continue in the corner.
Jim spends his last wear in the middle lane.
Michael pulls even with a slip.

Turn 36.jpg

James a well run race with the victory.
Jason comes around trying to figure out how to stop his car.
Chris goes inside for two wear.
Michael rolls a naked chance in the middle lane and gets a six for a pass.
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Post 11 Oct 2021, 8:46 pm

Turn 37.jpg

Jason scrubs a bit a speed out of his car before the corner with the last threads of brake cable breaking.
Jim finishes in fine form.
Chris and Michael continue through the last corner and head for the finish line.

Turn 38.jpg

Chris finishes fourth.
Michael in fifth.


Final standings
1st James
2nd Jason
3rd Jim
4th Chris
5th Michael