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Post 22 Nov 2021, 5:23 pm

Turn 15 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

The leaders fight their way into the chicane, with Brent Retaking the lead. That does not come without loss however, as there is reporting of issues with the braking system.

Brent pushes his engine to 160, and succeeds on his roll with a 9.
Brent attempt to late break from 160 to 140, and fails his roll with a 12. He looses 1 W and Damages his brakes going from 60 to 40
Brent spends 2 Wear going 140 through the 80 Racing line in Corner 1

Justin spends 2 Wear going 140 though the 100s in Corner 1

Brad spends 2 wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line in Corner 11

Rando spends 2 wear going 100 through the 60s in Corner 11

Tony spends 1 wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line in Corner 11

John spends 1 wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line in Corner 9
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Post 24 Nov 2021, 5:47 pm

Turn 16 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern. This will be a soft deadline.

Justin drops in behind Brent as they roll out of 1-2 and head for 3-4 as the chasers rumble through the Chicane.

Chris spends 2 Wear running 140 through the 80 Racing Line in Corner 1 and 100 in Corner 2

Ross spends 2 Wear running 140 through the 80 Racing Line in Corner 1

John spend 2 Wear running 100 through the 40 Racing Line in Corner 11
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Post 29 Nov 2021, 5:52 pm

Apologies for spacecaddetting Friday!

Turn 17 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern.

Brent and Justin battle through 3-4 rolling out to setup drag race down to the next corner as reports from Chris tell of another car befallen to brake damage and Phil begins his surge as he pushes his car for all it's got.

Brent spends 1 Wear Hard Braking 140 to 80 (RM Note: Per Rules Defaults.)
Brent spends 1 Wear running 80 through the 60s of Corner 3

Justin spends 2 Wear running 100 through the 60s of Corner 3

Chris attempts to Hard Break (RM Note: Per Driver Defaults) from 140 to 80. He rolls a 10 and Fails! His Breaks are reduced to 20, and he looses 1 wear.
Chris spends 1 Wear running 80 through the 40 Racing Line of Corner 3.

Brad spends 1 Wear running 120 through the 80 Racing Line off Corner 1.

Rando spends 1 Wear running 120 through the 80 Racing Line of Corner 1

John pushes his car to a top speed of 180 using 2 skill. He succeeds with a modified 7.

Marshall pushes his car to accelerate from 60 to 120. He succeeds with a modified 8(!)
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Post 30 Nov 2021, 4:56 am

Fritz had a slim lead at the line to finish lap 1
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Post 01 Dec 2021, 5:45 pm

Turn 18 is due Friday by 6pm Eastern.

The fight at the front continues as the field falls into Tandem Bouts.

RM Note: Tony's speed was mislabeled last turn. He posted 100, which is what he moved and what is being taken into account in his move this turn.

Ross spends 2 Wear going 100 though the 40 Racing Line of Corner 3.

Brad spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing Line off Corner 3

John spends 1 Wear going 120 though the 80 Racing Line of Corner 1 into the 100 Lane of Corner 2.

Marshal spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 80 Racing Line of Corner 1.
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Post 03 Dec 2021, 5:27 pm

Turn 19 is due Monday by 6pm Eastern

Justin drops back as Brent squeezes him to the outside through Corner 5, before closing the back back to neck and neck as they clear the corner. Chris and Ross also line side by side as they close on the corner itself with the tandems still going.

Rando spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing line of Corner 3

Tony spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing line of Corner 3
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Post 06 Dec 2021, 9:21 pm

Turn 20 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern

Justin out powers down to Corner 6 and retakes the lead!

Ross Spends 2 Wear going 140 through the 100s of Corner 5

Chris Spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 100s of Corner 5

Rando gets a slip off Brad.

Marshall spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing Line of Corner 3.
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Post 08 Dec 2021, 5:55 pm

Turn 21 is due Friday by 6pm Eastern

The lead pack has a third contender as Ross catches up to the tail of Brent, as Rando and Brad battle coming out of Corner 5.

Justin spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s in Corner 6

Brent spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s in Corner 6

Ross spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s in Corner 6

Brad spend 1 Wear going 100 through the 80s in Corner 5

Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s in Corner 5

Tony spends 2 Wear going 140 through the 100s in Corner 5
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Post 10 Dec 2021, 6:18 pm

Turn 22 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

The lead fight heats up as Ross uses his slip to attack Brent to the inside. Back at Corner 6, the crowd cheers as Brad and Rando wheel it through the corner.

Ross gets a slip off Brent

Brad spends 2 Wear and rolls a chance with 3 skill, entering the 60 of Corner 6 at 120. He Succeeds with a Modified 4.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 into the 80 of Corner 6

Marshall spends 2 Wear going 120 into the 80 of Corner 5
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Post 11 Dec 2021, 9:32 am

Kubala covered the field handily the second time through sector 1
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Post 13 Dec 2021, 5:39 pm

Turn 23 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Brent retakes second with the help of Justin's slipstream as the field divides into three groups.

Justin spends 1 wear going 160 through the 120 Racing Line of Corners 7 and 8.

Brent gets a slip off Justin

Chris rolls to push from 80 to 160. He succeeds with an 8.

Tony spends 1 wear going 80 through the 60 of Corner 6.

Marshall rolles to exceed his Top speed to 160, spending 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 6.
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Post 15 Dec 2021, 5:45 pm

Turn 24 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Justin dives into the corner as Ross and Brent continue to battle behind them. Back at the fast chicane, a puff of smoke is seen from Rando's car.

Justin spends 2 wear going 120 through the 60 Racing line of Corner 9

Brent gets a slip off Justin

Brad spends 1 wear going 160 through the 120 Racing line of Corners 7+8

Rando attempts to Red Line to a top speed of 160 using 2 skill. He fails with a Modified 10, plotting 140 and reducing his top speed to 120.

Marshall spends 2 wear going 120 through the 80 lane of Corner 6

RM Note: Default is inside. There is no condition for if a driver would give a slip.
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Post 17 Dec 2021, 6:34 pm

Turn 25 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Justin sprints away from the Battle as Ross completes the pass through Corner 9.

Ross spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of Corner 9

Chris spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 60 Racing Line of Corner 9

Brad gets a slip off Chris
Brad spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80s of Corner 9
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Post 18 Dec 2021, 7:27 am

As expected, faster the second time through sector 2
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Post 20 Dec 2021, 6:01 pm

Turn 26 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

The field holds firm as Justin works out off the final corners and approaches the line for the last lap.

Justin spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line of Corner 11

Ross spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line of Corner 11

Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 60 Racing Line of Corner 9

John spends 2 Wear going 160 through the 120s of Corner 7 and 8.