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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 22 Jan 2022, 11:28 am

Considerably slower the final time through sector 2 as tires wear out
C3 summary.png
C3 summary.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 24 Jan 2022, 4:45 pm

Turn 39 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

The lead pack stays mostly stable as John wheels it through the back chicane at high speed!

Chris tests his damaged breaks going from 120 to 80. He succeeds with a 6

Rando spends 1 wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Corner 9

John tests his Top speed going for 180, using 1 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 4.
John spends 2 Wear going 180 through the 120 Racing Line of Corners 7 and 8
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Post 26 Jan 2022, 6:30 pm

Turn 40 is due Friday by 6pm Eastern

Ross rolls out of the final corner and readies to sprint to the flag as the battle for the last podium position gets messy as ties squeal.

Rando pushes his damaged top to 140 with 1 skill, and succeeds with a modified 1.
Rando pushes his brakes to prevent from running into the back of Brad going from 140 to 120, and succeeds with a 3.

John spends 1 wear slowing from 180 to 100.
John spends 1 wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line in Corner 8

Tony spends 1 wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line in Corner 8
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Post 28 Jan 2022, 5:56 pm

Turn 41 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Ross crosses the finish line to win, with Justin charging in behind him to reach 2nd! Back at Corners 11+12(well really 14+15), Rando makes a dive against Chris to challenge for the final podium spot as with the sound of Screeching tires, Brent is seen spinning out into the escape road!

Rando spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40s of Corner 11.

Brent attempt to slow from 120 to 100, and fails with a 10! Due to that is his second Brake failure he is out of the race!

RM Note: For clarity purposes, while the driver requested a chance roll, he does not have the adequate wear to complete the move. Had he gone 120 into the corner, he would of crashed off course. Thus, Late brake attempt was done instead, as a player may do in F2F.
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Post 31 Jan 2022, 5:15 pm

The Podium finishes with Justin in 2nd and Chris in third. Brad and Rando finish 4th and 5th in a last minute tight battle to the line. The rear group work through the final corners to finish.

Chris pushes his engine from 60 to 140, succeeding with a 3.

Brad pushes his engine from 60 to 140, succeeding with a 6
Brad gets a slip off Chris

John spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing line of corner 11

Tony spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing line of corner 11

Due to at this point, what left of the field to finish does not have any conflict, I am calling it closed here.

With that, Builds for Race 3 will be due on Valentines Day, February 14th, 2022 at 6pm Eastern.
Bids will be due on the 16th at the same deadline,
and Turn 1 will begin on Feburary 18!

Also to note, in the current situation with people who have left, we are looking at 4 Promotions and 1 Demotion at the end of the Season.

Congrats to the winners, I hope you enjoyed and good luck with the rest of the season!
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Post 05 Feb 2022, 4:19 pm

Kubala turned in the fastest lap on lap 2 while Puddifoot clobbered the field through the final sector
C3 summary.png
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Post 07 Feb 2022, 2:31 pm

The full field results
Race 2 full field.png