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Post 01 Sep 2021, 4:14 am

More bald tires...

Turn 38 Summary

Rund creates distance from the pack at 140.

Smith finishes out C6 at 80. Dygert clips his last tire on the outer rail at 100.

Choi and Hoyt take turns at 80 through C6 on the outer rail.

Milbourn clears C6 on the outside at 80 for free.

Harrington drops his last 2 wear via the short route: C4 through C6 at 80. Harley plots 120 (?) then late brakes to 100 (natural 7) before dumping his last wear in C4.

Marshall takes an RM plot of 100 which burns his last wear in C4. His 3rd NPR of the race comes with a 2 wear penalty. With no wear left to pay the fine, he spins at the end of the plot and he takes brake damage. One more NPR will put him out of the race.

Bernhardt pulls up to 80 in the middle. Costa closes at 120.

Turn 39 Deadline: Friday, September 3rd @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 03 Sep 2021, 5:43 am

Lots of things this turn...

Turn 39 Summary

Rund is through C8 at 140. Will anyone catch him?

Smith maintains his distance from the leader at 140. Dygert eases his compromised engine up to 120.

Choi asks his engine for a little extra (140) but the only response is a cough and a sputter (natural 10). He loses both the initiative and some car parts. Hoyt steps up at 140 and grabs the line. Choi now goes 120 onto the line.

Harrington slides to the inside for position at 140 (he should be above Choi on the chart). Milbourn has a problem. With no room to put his car at 140, he defaults to using one wear on the late brake.

Harley is clear of C6 at 80.

Marshall's plot comes in after the deadline and will not be accepted by race officials. The black flag comes out and he is called into the pits with a DQ for his 4th NPR.

Bernhardt and Costa take turns at 80 through C4 on the outer rail.

Turn 40 Deadline: Monday, September 6th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 03 Sep 2021, 1:27 pm

Harley put it to the field through sector 1 for the last time
C4 summary.png
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Post 06 Sep 2021, 5:45 am

Turn 40 Summary

Rund drops to 80 then late brakes to 60 (natural 8) to clear C10. Smith pulls up to C10 on the line at 120.

Dygert rockets in at 140 on the inside lane. Hoyt is up in the traffic at 140.

Choi has initiative at 140 and takes the C8 line for free. Harrington stays inside at 120 and opts to hang onto Kelly's bumper.

Milbourn pulls even with the purple car at 140 on the line. Harley is through C8 at 140.

Bernhardt rounds C6 on the outer rail for free at 80. Costa takes an RM plot and follows the black car (NPR #1 - warning).

Turn 41 Deadline: Wednesday, September 8th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 08 Sep 2021, 4:58 am

What a mess...

Turn 41 Summary

Rund rolls off into the wild blue yonder at 100 for free.

Dygert over-brakes w/ dice to slow down to 60 (natural 7). He runs the outer rail of C10 for free and squats on the line. Smith goes outside at 60 before ducking to the inside.

Hoyt, at 100, burns 2 wear in the 60's and attempts a forced pass on the non-blocking #3 car (modified 9). Arghhh, he just can't find a hole! He must now late brake to 60 with 1 wear and 1s on the roll (modified 3).

It's Choi's turn... he plots 100 and goes into the 40 spot with 2 wear and 3s on the chance (modified 3). He also attempts a forced pass w/ 1s (modified 9) but he can't find daylight either! He passes his late brake with 1s (modified 8) but with no wear to bring him down further, he spins.

Milbourn burns his last wear at 80 on the outside of C10. Harrington pulls up to the line at 60.

Harley approaches the corner at 120. Bernhardt slows to 80 and picks up the C8 line.

Costa pushes his engine (natural 3) to 140 and dives to the inside of C8 for a wear.

Turn 42 Deadline: Friday, September 10th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
T41 copy.png
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Post 10 Sep 2021, 5:57 am

Turn 42 Summary

Rund slows to 80, conserving his last wear for the upcoming corner complex.

Smith heads out at 80 and grabs the C11 line. Dygert goes next at 80 and gets pushed to the outer rail.

Hoyt may not have considered both cars in front plotting 80. He goes 100 but has to late brake using his last wear (default). He's sitting on the line at 80. Choi recovers from his spin at 20 and graciously leaves the line open for the chasers.

Milbourn finishes out C10 at 80, opting for inside position. Harrington runs the C10 line for free at 60 with a wave to the #2 car. Harley also takes the C10 line at 60.

Costa rounds C9 at 140. Bernhardt brings up the rear at 120.

Turn 43 Deadline: Monday, September 13th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 13 Sep 2021, 4:24 am

Turn 43 Summary

Rund is through the C14/15 complex at 100. He burns his last wear and has eyes on the checkered flag.

Smith finishes C12 on the line at 80. Dygert and Hoyt also come out of C12 at 80 to line up in the next row.

Milbourn and Harrington take turns through the C11/12 complex at 80 each.

Harley has initiative at 80 and is in C11 on the inner rail. Choi revs his damaged engine up to 40 and grabs the line.

Costa burns his last wear at 80 through C10. Bernhardt tries his luck at 80 using his big chip on the chance roll (modified 8). Yikes!

Turn 44 Deadline: Wednesday, September 15th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 13 Sep 2021, 1:25 pm

As expected, the slowest pass through sector 2 for the race
C4 summary.png
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Post 15 Sep 2021, 1:34 pm

Winner! Winner!

Turn 44 Summary

Rund takes the checkered flag after pushing his engine one last time (modified 8).

Smith is into C14 on the line at 80 for free.

Dygert plots 100 then late brakes to 80 on the line (natural 4). Hoyt rolls inside at 80 and has a podium spot... for now.

Milbourn wisely pulls up at 80. Harrington joins the fun at 100.

Harley is out of the corner at 80.

Choi brings his beleaguered engine up to 60. Costa gets hung in the corner at 80.

Bernhardt recovers from his spin at 20.

Turn 45 Deadline: Friday, September 17th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 17 Sep 2021, 9:04 am

Turn 45 Summary

Smith is out of C15 at 80 and on his way to securing 2nd place.

Hoyt runs the C14 80's followed by the C15 line, all for free at 80. Dygert takes the C14 line and the C15 80's to temporarily recapture 3rd place.

Milbourn, at 80, goes outside in C14 and takes the C15 line. Harrington runs opposite, C14 line and C15 outer rail.

Harley plots 100 but not finding things to his liking, late brakes to 80 (natural 6). Wishful thinking will get you nowhere, Russ.

Choi drops the hammer to 80. Costa clears C12, also at 80.

Bernhardt drives responsibly at 40.

Turn 46 Deadline: Monday, September 20th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
T45 copy.png
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Post 20 Sep 2021, 4:53 am

Turn 46 Summary

Smith crosses in 2nd at 140.

Hoyt takes the initiative and 3rd at 160. Dygert nurses the engine to 100.

Milbourn pushes to 160 (natural 8) for 4th place. Harrington uses his big chip to hit 160 but fails to ask for the slip. He's in 5th.

Harley finishes C15 at 80. Choi clears C15, also at 80.

Costa is in C14 at 80. Bernhardt is out of C12 at 60.

Nothing can change the order of finish for the rest of the field (even with engine pushes). The results will stand.


For the purpose of Jim's data, here are the remaining turns:

Turn 47


Turn 48


T49 - 100
T50 - 120
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Post 22 Sep 2021, 9:27 am

With a tremendous sector 3 run Rund finishes with an enormous lead

(Thanks for the data Mike)
C4 summary.png