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Post 06 Aug 2021, 3:39 pm

Turn 29 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris works through 14-15-16 as the pack tries to continue to chase him down. Back at the front of the complex, Marshall challenges Brent for second as they setup for the corners.
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Post 09 Aug 2021, 5:04 pm

Turn 30 is due Wednesday at 6pm Eastern

Chris sees the White Flag and begins the Final Lap!

Back at the 14-15-16-17 complex, Brent burns tires as he aggressively powers through the esses and takes back his 2nd position from Marshall, with Brad swiftly pulling in behind him.

At 11-12 Aggression is seen as John burns some of his well kept ties to roll though the pair of corners and cuts inside of Tim for 7th.

Further back, Tony show some flair for the cloud as he wheels it through 10.

RM Notes:

Tim: you didn't give me anything for that posted speed so I just went with fastest line.
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Post 11 Aug 2021, 5:03 pm

RM: So in doing a recont and hearing from Chris. We went 1 too far in the correction. So, the previous turn was 28, this turn is 29. Sorry all!

Turn 30 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

The field works their way through the bottom half of the course, as Chris sets up with C1. Back at the complex, Marshall and Brad roll out of it side by side, leading to a drag race to the corner.

Entering the complex, Phil, Rando and Tim burn wear to keep speed, while Tim decides its better to pull up.

Jeff and Tony ease it with a little tire through 11-12 as Ross keeps on the gas as he powers through 9.
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Post 13 Aug 2021, 7:20 pm

Turn 31 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris eases through Turn 1, with Brent behind him burning rubber to be able to accelerate next turn.

The mid pack blazed towards the first corner, as Rando blasts though the line at first speed and slides up behind Phil.

In the back pack, Tony tucks inside Jeff and challenges for 10th as Ross eases through 11-12
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Post 16 Aug 2021, 5:34 pm

Turn 32 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Chris and Brent rumble down the long straight with Marshall and Brent rolling out of C1 behind them.

At the corner, Rando wheels it like a madman and powers up to the outside of Phil, ready to blast full speed again.

Back at the 15-16-17-18 Complex Jeff complete the cross-over on Tony and pulls back ahead as Ross storms into it working to gain back ground on the tail of the field.

RM Note:

Just a brief reminder, there is no rule in this league against ending in front of another car and giving away a slip, and the default space is inside.
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Post 18 Aug 2021, 5:06 pm

Turn 33 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

The Leaders hold station as they blaze down the straight towards C3.

Behind them Marshall find himself having company as Brad dekes out beside with a slip, and Rando rumbles down the straight on the redline to catch them and send it 3 wide toward the corner!

As Rando blasts off, Phil doesn't have as good of luck, with a puff and a pop his engine sputters and he finds himself gapped back from the pack.

Tim and John wheel their way through the C1-2 hairpin as Jeff begins the final lap with Tony keeping to his tail AND Ross keeping tight behind them.
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Post 20 Aug 2021, 3:24 pm

Turn 34 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

The Lead pack closes as Chris navigates C3 and the chasers barrel down the straightaway at full speed, some of them possibly recklessly. At the head of them is Rando who's powerful engine pulls him ahead of the rest of the back as he closes on the front 2.

Phil tags up with the rear of the pack while John and Tim try to catch up.

Back at the 1-2 Hairpin, Jeff wheels it through the turn, as Ross grabs the line behind Tony

RM Note:

A Gentle Reminder that the default to "Do I take a slip" is "NO"
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Post 21 Aug 2021, 5:17 am

Overall the second lap was just slightly faster than the first
C3 summary.png
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Post 23 Aug 2021, 4:47 pm

Turn 35 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

As Chris pulls away from the crowd, squealing tires are heard in the corner as drivers lay on their breaks to ease up and work they way though. Rando and Phil do best coming out of the snarl, as they setup for the straight.

Behind them the chasers barrel down the 2nd straight, pushing their engines as they close on C3.

Farther back at the hairpin, Tony's plan goes awry as he misjudges and spins in, causing Ross to swing wide to avoid him!
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Post 25 Aug 2021, 4:35 pm

Turn 36 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Chris weaves into the 4-5-6 complex as the chase pack bunches up on the approach, with the rear of the field having got struck out behind them.
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Post 27 Aug 2021, 3:24 pm

Turn 37 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris clears the complex as the field works through it, with Phil burning tires to keep up with the Podium. The rear pack does it's best to keep up as it work up and through C
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Post 30 Aug 2021, 4:55 pm

Turn 38 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Chris rolls into C8 as the chase back rolls out of the Complex.

As part of that, Phil uses whats left on his tires to wheel it out of C6 and Vaults ahead of Brent and Rando.

Behind them, Smoke bellows and tires squeal as Brad fails to get that little extra he needs out of his tires and spins out to the inside of the corner, with John dodging him to the outside.

Back at C3, the Purple car is seen pulling off, reports from Jeff's crew of a failed gear box, becoming a second driver out of the race.

RM Notes:

So this came up and wanted to make sure stuff was clear. There is a difference between Hard Brake(aka Excessive Decel) and Late Braking

Hard Braking/Excessive Decel: Posting a Decel greater than your cars ability.
Late Braking: Attempting to brake after moving at least 1 space.

Now it's not a huge difference but it's good to keep in mind that one is applied based on your posted speed, and then other is applied based on wanting to slow down as your turn is occuring.
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Post 01 Sep 2021, 4:27 pm

Turn 39 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Chris works down towards C10, gapping the field as Phil tries to follow, and drivers pile into C8 behind him.

Coming out of C6, John shoots past the recovering Brad, and stays out wide.

Tim Navigates through the Complex as Ross pulls up and Tony works C3.

RM Note:

For reference for later. In the case of a spin, a driver must post a speed for their next turn of their Acc, Start, or the Speed Limit of the corner, whichever is the lowest, no faster or slower. This does also mean they cannot push start.
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Post 03 Sep 2021, 3:30 pm

Turn 40 is Due Monday at 6pm Eastern. As this is Labor Day for thoes in the US, this deadline will be soft.

Chris eases it through C10 as he continues to roll with his healthy lead.

Back at C8, the Podium chases continue to fight tooth and nail as Rando stays to Brent's outside, blocking Marshall from taking full advantage of the corner in the process.

John clears the corner as Brad continues to try to recover, taking the line for, and finding Tim challenging him to the inside.

RM Note:

So this is a minor request more than anything, but if drivers are sending their move as a separate email, if you could post that turn #. It would be helpful in finding it later when processing.
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Post 07 Sep 2021, 4:25 pm

Turn 41 is due Thursday at 6pm Eastern. Please note adjusted times due to the turn.

Chris rolls through 11-12 as Phil naviates C10 to try to keep up.

John finds himself driving into a busy C10 as drivers try to navigate the slow corner with nothing left to burn ahead of him.

Tim and Brad roll neck and neck as they navigate C8.

Ross and Tony burn rubber as they work through the 4-5-6 complex.