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Post 04 Jun 2021, 7:49 pm

Turn 1 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern. Apologies for the late start, I was running out to (Successfully) reserve myself a 3070.

With a time in the 1 min 37s, Brent beats the field, taking the pole from Chris by a little less than half a second! Marshall and Tim fill up the second line, with Jeff and John on the third row haven been beaten by hundreths of seconds!

And so the drivers pull up to the grid, the light come on, and the go off and there they go!

RM Note: For the sake of simplicity, until you cross the line, the inside is the same as the it is at the start finish line, it does not change.
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Post 07 Jun 2021, 5:04 pm

Turn 2 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern

As the lights go out, Brent and Marshall blast off the line and run side by side as they power down towards the 1-2 Hairpin.

Behind them drivers work and fight their way into two lines, with some pushing their start more than others. One among them is John, who uses the jump to help push ahead and defend his position from drivers encroaching, leading to a three wide run to the line.

Justin and Rando roll off the line in the corner as the prepare to power twoards the group.

RM Notes:

Hey all, excellent start! A couple quick things as we get rolling.

1. As per my usual policies, point standings will begin to be posted as of Turn 3.
2. The C3 Default form is now open. If anyone wishes to fill it out, I will take it into account over default rules in the case of missing instructions. You may fill it out here: ... w/viewform

Please note these are not used in the case of a NPR situation. The only way to avoid that is to either post on time, or "forecast ahead" and post 2-3 turns at a time.
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Post 09 Jun 2021, 6:08 pm

Turn 3 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern.

Chris saves tires and lets Brent pull ahead as the transverse the hairpin setting up in slip for the long straight. Marshall follows closely behind them as he runs the Hairpin's apex.

Behind that, it is chaos as 6 drivers pack as they approach the hairpin, with Phil, Justin and Rando cranking their engines and closing from behind.
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Post 13 Jun 2021, 9:55 am

Chris closes back the gap on Brent as the two again run side by side down the straightaway as they charge towards Corner 3. Marshall does his best to keep pace as he accelerates out of the corner.

Jack and Tim slice the tight way through the 1-2 hairpin and line up on the straight, with a charging Brad right behind them, as the rest of the feild squeezes their way through the Hairpin 2 abreast.

RM Note:

I forgot to negate the skill for Justin's Acc push, so with the ship to the LB test, he's out of skill.
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Post 14 Jun 2021, 4:40 pm

Turn 5 is Due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Putting all the faith he can in his engine, Chris pushes it again, and gets a good answer as he pulls ahead of Brent and lines up for the next line. Brent takes it a little easier, and slides in behind him for the next corner. Chris quickly follows the pair, preferring to stay inside.

Further back, the field stretches down the back stretch, with 2 3 wide duels forming as they work towards Corner 3.
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Post 16 Jun 2021, 4:40 pm

Turn 6 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

The Leaders burn rubber as they run the line hard through Corner 3, staying ahead of the mass of cars on the approach.

Tim and Brad race down to the corner, putting faith in their cars braking systems as Jeff gives up the position to have the perferred line.

Behind them cars are 3-wide and 2 deep with Rando having used his powerful engine to squeeze his way up to 7th. Justin had hoped to carry off of his slip, but he finds no room.
Attachments area
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Post 18 Jun 2021, 5:37 pm

urn 7 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris leads the front out of Turn 3, with Marshall making the extra push out of the corner to pull alongside Brent.

Coming through the corner, Tim pulls the undercut on Brad, as the swath of cars behind them work their way though the corner with not much more than a bit of tire smoke.

RM Notes:

For clarification purposes:

Brad's move was 3 Wear: 1 Wear to "Hard Brake" from 160 to 100(as he only has 40 Dec) and then 2 as he ran through the 60s(as he was off line)

Justin's move was -40 Late Break as he approaches the corner on the line, spending 1 wear and a naked LB roll which he succeeded with a 3.

Also on Tim's ending position: If no position is requested and no default is on the book, ending position is inside. This default does not take into account if there is a driver in the space behind him, and to note there is no rule in RRL against ending in such a space.
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Post 21 Jun 2021, 5:36 pm

Turn 8 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

The leaders snake though the twin corners of 4 and 5, as the chaos continues in the back as yet again the feild is three wide and two deep!

RM Note:

A reminder, unless you give me a default that says differently, if you don't ask for a slip you won't get one.
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Post 23 Jun 2021, 5:17 pm

Turn 9 is Due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Chris powers through Corner 7, pulling a short gap away from the field as he cruises towards Corner 8. Brent and Marshall clear Corner 6 and try to keep up.

Back in the 4-5-6 complex, drivers squeeze they way though, with squealing tires and brakes. At the far back, there is smoke from a lockup, as radio reports from Justin's team are reporting issues with his brakes.

RM Note:
NPR #1(Warning) for Ross. I will attempt to do reminders from here.
To explain the NPR Movement:
1. Speed is 80, based on ability to clear the corner without taking other drivers in lane into account.
2. By the time he moves, no 80 movement is available, so late brakes for 1 wear and enters the 60s for free.
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Post 25 Jun 2021, 4:59 pm

Turn 10 is Due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Chris maintains his lead as he rolls through C8 and C9 and down to the treacherous part of the course. Brent follows maintaining the gap.

Back at C7, tire smoke is seen as Brad finds no room for full speed as Marshall has to hold up due to his car's limits. Tim takes advantage of this and cuts to Marshall's inside, challenging for 3rd.

Further back, Phil makes a gap on the others working through the 4-5-6 complex as drivers pile into C6, working two abreast.
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Post 27 Jun 2021, 4:29 am

The top 3 starters are also the 3 fastest through sector 1
C3 summary.png
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Post 28 Jun 2021, 3:58 pm

Turn 11 is Due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Chris wheels through C10 as Brent takes C9 and preps for it. He is followed close behind by the front chase pack, with Marshall retaking Tim for 3rd.

Phil leads the mid pack through the 7-8 Chicane as the main group stays two by two entering the corner.

Ross and John work out of C6 and lines up for the upcoming fast moving chicane.
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Post 01 Jul 2021, 7:52 pm

Turn 12 is due Saturday at 6pm Eastern

The field strings out as they approach C10, as Chris maintains his lead as he snakes though the 11-12 Complex.

Back at C8, a push goes wrong, as Tony attempts to drift his way through the inside of the corner, he overcorrects and finds himself spinning to the inside! Drivers dodge past him to the outside as he tries to right himself.

RM Notes:

Tony's speed next turn will be 60.
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Post 03 Jul 2021, 4:55 pm

Turn 13 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

The field rolls through the 11-12 complex with burned tires and fair ease, as Chris rolls down towards the final combination of corners.

Back at C10, the rear field piles up a bit as drivers ease through the corner, with Justin padding the brakes and sliding inside of Jeff.

RM Notes

A reminder to people that moves will only not occur if I notify. This as noted was not the case. I will do my best to send out reminders though.

NPR #1 Warnings: Tony, Rando, Jeff
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Post 07 Jul 2021, 4:40 pm

Turn 15 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Chris leads the field past the line and begins the second lap. Brent is quickly on his tail as battles begin forming further back as Brad and Jeff burn tires and challenge Justin and Marshall for position!