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Post 08 Sep 2021, 3:38 am

Rando has the fastest sector 1 of the race on lap 3
C3 summary.png
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Post 09 Sep 2021, 3:57 pm

Turn 42 is due Saturday at 6pm Eastern. Turn 43 will return to normal deadlines.

RM Note: Gotta roll out quick tonight so just gonna lay out the quick and dirty

John spends 2 Wear though C10 and Passes Rando

Tim spends 1 Wear through C10

Brad attempts to Late Brake in front of C10 from 80 to 60, and FAILS, spinning due to no wear. He will start at 40(Accel) next turn.

Tony chances C6 in attempt to save a wear. He SUCCEEDS using 2 skill.
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Post 11 Sep 2021, 8:43 pm

Turn 43 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern. This deadline is soft since I am so late with it. Sorry!

Chris works through the final complex as the finish line comes up on the horizon.

Phil rolls towards the complex as the rest of the group chases him. Rando uses a bit of braking skill to keep Marshall back behind him and hold his position.
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Post 13 Sep 2021, 4:11 pm

Turn 44 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern. I am expecting the final posted turn may be Friday, being we should have any final battles for position settled by then.

Chris drives out of the twisty complex and races to the line, crossing with the chekered flag, winner of Race 1 for the Season 8 Circuit!

Back at the start of the 14-15-16-17-18 Complex, John pounces with whats left on his tires and drives into the corner hard, challenging Brent for 3rd in the closing moments.

Burning tires out of 12, Tim ducks past Marshall in 13 and pulls ahead for 6th.
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Post 15 Sep 2021, 5:10 pm

Turn 45 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern. It is now looking like there will be a need to post a turn Monday as there are still positions in contention at the back.

Phil rolls out of the Complex and crosses the line to finish Second.

John pulls out ahead of Brent as the fight for the final spot on the podium leads to a staggered clearance of the Complex.

Back at 11-12, Ross rolls through the corners and pulls within striking distance of Brad.

At C10, smoke is seen as Tony slams on it as he closes on the corner.
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Post 16 Sep 2021, 5:02 am

Quite a spread of average speeds for the last run through sector 2
C3 summary.png
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Post 17 Sep 2021, 4:30 pm

Since I said there will be, will stick to it. Turn 46 and final running turn for the race will be due Monday 6pm Eastern.

John crosses to complete the podium as smoke billows out of engines as they cross the line to the finish as Brent and Rando have engine troubles, leading Brent to loose places at the line to Rando and Tim.

Marshall eases it out of the chicane as Ross burns what's left of his tires as he attempt to fight Brad for position.
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Post 20 Sep 2021, 4:52 pm

Since I said there will be, will stick to it. Turn 46 and final running turn for the race will be due Monday 6pm Eastern.

John crosses to complete the podium as smoke billows out of engines as they cross the line to the finish as Brent and Rando have engine troubles, leading Brent to loose places at the line to Rando and Tim.

Marshall eases it out of the chicane as Ross burns what's left of his tires as he attempt to fight Brad for position.
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Post 22 Sep 2021, 4:23 pm

Marshall rolls out of the complex and crosses the finish line to finish in 7th.

Meanwhile back in it, Ross sizes up Brad and makes a Dive through 17 pulling ahead to what will be an undeniable 8th, with Brad taking 9th and Tony finishing behind them in 10th.

And thats the race. Thanks all for running with me, and look out for announcements coming in the next week or so, as there is talk of trying to get stuff rolling for Race 2 by Mid October.